Friday, June 30, 2006

Kelly Drive

Kelly Drive
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Friday other sis up from Baltimore to visit Mom for a few days so I went out. Exhale Beauty Salon.
Around town. Finally got to see river drive. Back at home, we stopped in clubhouse for
Mug Night. Mug+$1=a beer.

Mug Night

Mug Night
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

"Schuylkill Navy of Philadelphia"

Fwd: "Schuylkill Navy of Philadelphia"
Originally uploaded by ujima.

My friend, Reggie, came by the library at the end of class and wanted to go
out to see some river damage esp Kelly Drive (named after Grace Kelly's father,
a rower) and boathouse row. He had been to Manayunk to look at the
destruction there.

Luckily, the drive was closed. After teaching for two hours, I was in no mood
for muck and mud and so, we went to Argento's for a few slices, looked at the
boathouse mural and laughed and told stories about our friend Ed "Bonnie"
Bolden who was found dead in New Hampshire last week.

Boathouse Row is the home of Philadelphia's Navy ;)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sorta Sunny

Sorta Sunny
Originally uploaded by ujima.

The deluge was over and the sun was shining on and off when I
woke up @ 11:30. Mom called to say they're releasing her as
soon as she has a session with the therapist.
I'm out walking, enjoying this clearing because I know the rain will
return. We've had 2" in the last 24 hours. The rivers will overflow
by nightfall. Manayunk is already flooded.
Reading "On Beauty" by Zadie Smith. Listening to Johnny Cash.
"How high's the water Papa? Three feet high and risin'."

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Pop Pop

Originally uploaded by ujima.

Mom had asked me if remember her father. Pop-Pop we called him--Louis
Grant Robinson. He lived with us some time during his last year. I was
about 6 or 7. He always came to dinner in a neatly pressed brown suit, white shirt
with stiff collar, tie, and, of course, the ever-present pocket watch. White
hair and mustache. He was so clean! Mom said that when he worked on
the railroad, her mother would press his overalls and put a crease in them!
Sometimes he'd play the fiddle. I don't remember his voice well but remember
him saying my mom's name: Katherine...Katherine.

She's still in the hospital and is experiencing pain. She had another
CAT scan and had just finished a drip when we got there. "Electric
Lights" she said of the liquids that will restore her electrolyte levels.
The nurses call her Sassafrass because she's so little (4'8) and sassy.

Still having heavy downpours. A neighbor had to go home to Wilkes-Barre to
help his family move furniture to the second floor as they are expecting major
flooding about 2 pm tomorrow.

Listening to Irma Thomas "After the Rain".

Monday, June 26, 2006

And then.......

And then.......
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Still raining so hard as I reached the bus stop AND THEN I
realized I'd dropped my bus pass (Seniors ride free thanks to
lottery $$). Quickly (Don't miss the bus!) retraced my steps
back toward home. Saw my black leather pass holder lying
in a puddle of water on the tar-black street...Did all my errands
successfully AND THEN Sis called to say we had to take
Mom to the ER...We had only a short wait until they took
her back. AND THEN I spilled cappucino on my new linen
pants. AND THEN they said she'd had a small stroke. I
should have known because yesterday she'd asked me
whether I remembered her father and I told her my memories
of him. And today she said I hadn't put out her medicines but
they were all sitting there in the usual place... In the
waiting room, watching World Cup: Ukraine vs Switzerland, talking with a
guy from Columbia.AND THEN they said they were going to keep her
for a few days.She'll get some rest and they'll take away
her pain. I'll get some rest and prepare to take care of her
on a new level. Pray in your way for Katherine,
my sweet mom.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Rain, Rain, Go Away
Originally uploaded by ujima.

No jazz and arts fest for me. It rained so hard I
could not see past the leaves on our trees turned away
by the rough breeze. Sis came over to visit Mother
laid low by neuralgia and lying under warm cover. We
watched Bruce do Seeger then Neil Young's DVD with my
favorite song "When God Made Me".

Reading the Sunday Inquirer and New York Times.
Praying for sunshine to brighten my mind stuck in

And I wonder who'll stop the rain.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Rainy Saturday
Originally uploaded by ujima.

We had planned to go to the West Oak Lane Jazz and Art Festival
today. But I am waaaay too tired and it's raining with a vengence.
Really wanted to see the Sun Ra Arkestra. Last time I went to
see them, it rained and I got soaked.)WAR will be there tomorrow.
Never seen them in person so we'll aim for that.

Relay for Life

Originally uploaded by ujima.

Finally today, Friday june 23, the Relay for Life! I'd begged by
email, snail mail and in person for funds for the American
Cancer Society. This is a neighborhood affair. I'm walking with
Coyle's Café in memory of their mom Mickey, an old friend.
Checked in with the gang and got a team shirt.


Originally uploaded by ujima.

After leaving our tent, I turned in the last of my
money, collected another t-shirt and went to help out
at the registration desk for survivors. I got another
t-shirt, an I Am A Survivor shirt with the relay logo.
Also got a pin and a keychain.
One thing I like about volunteering is chatting up
people. There were 58 survivors registered and they
were diverse and fun group. Just like the
Baptist--glad to be here. (an old saying from childhood)

Survivors' Walk

Survivors' Walk
Originally uploaded by ujima.

The Survivors' Walk ceremonies began at 7 pm. After a
welcoming message and remarks from a representative of
a local pol, each survivor came to the mike and gave
name and number of years surviving cancer. At 25
years, I was the longest survivor so I went first and
then went over to help with the banner.
The walk around the track was arduous in that muggy
weather, but the guy next to me kept everyone's
spirits up by singing and those with sufficient breath
sang along. Myself, I was thinking of the delcious
spread the ladies were putting out for us to eat and
so, my back didn't hurt as much.
And delish it was! Gigantic meatballs, homemade red
gravy and ziti, fresh rolls, brownies and, best of
all, *cream puffs*!!
I went home proud of the money I had raised ($1525),
happy to have seen old friends and to have made new
ones and savoring the fantastic meal.
Now to get close to a lager :)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Summer Bonus

Summer Bonus
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Man Legs

Man Legs
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Walking home from volunteering at the library and
errands, dragging along in the 90º heat, I spot three
of my favorite guys. Man legs. Niiiice.
At home resting and reading. I'll walk in the Relay
for Life. Thunderstorms are predicted. Where did I put
my plastic poncho?


Originally uploaded by ujima.

Let's see the list: Hair? Done. Manicure? Yes.
Pedicure? Check. Now on to the best stuff. Over to
Chestnut Hill neighborhood to 3000bc Spa. They were
having a 35% off sale: Red Tea Infusion Swedish
Massage, Red Tea Infusion Essential Facial and 2 oz.
Hathor Red Tea for $128. Perfect!

My lower back and upper left arm were giving me a
little trouble. Dorothy massaged away the problem.
Needed to get my face really cleaned up for the summer
sun season. Anna Marie steamed and slathered, picked
and sprayed endlessly. I was so in a comfort zone. I
wanted to stay there, lie there, spend the day there.
Don't know how I made it home.
My list is complete. Next month, I'll start again at
the top of the list .


Originally uploaded by ujima.

Between the massage and the facial, I went to the Serenity Room and drank some
Red Tea.Red Tea or roobois is an herbal tea from South
Africa. It is richer in anti-oxidents than green tea,
caffiene-free and incredibly calming and soothing for
the skin.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Good-bye My Lady

Good-bye My Lady
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Wrestling with crosswords
drinking pina colada.
Then he sat down with
heart-breaking news of her loss.
Lady Bug, sweet dog.
Tell me stories now
of your childhood dachshund
It will help you smile.

Monday, June 19, 2006

The Ujima Principle

The Ujima Principle
Originally uploaded by ujima.

It pleases me to see ujima (collective work and
responsibility) being practiced every day. Our relay
team was so strong at pitching in and setting up
everything for our recent fundraiser. Those who had
finished their assigned task, automatically turned to
help another with his/her task.

Got up at 8:45 ayem today. Confusing for me because I
usually rise about noon. But it was going to be 90º
with high humidity so I wanted to get out and back
before it was too hot to walk, carry packages. At Best
Nails, the manager was late ariving to open up. Thr
nail technichians and myself were sitting on the
sidewalk trying to converse in English with each other
and with the young Mexican men who were doing
landscaping around the shop.

When the manager finally came, everyone hurried into
the shop and worked so beautifully setting up, helping
each other to get ready. Ujima.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Clef Club

The Clef Club
Originally uploaded by ujima.

INC. (PCC) was founded in 1966 by members of
Musicians' Protective Union Local #274, American
Federation of Musicians (A F of M). Local #274 was
chartered in 1935 as a separate Black local because
Black musicians were denied membership in the racially
segregated Local #77. Local #274 enjoyed its autonomy
for more than 36 years. It was the longest surviving
independent Black Musicians' Union in the United
States, of the more than fifty chartered in major cities.

We had a great time at the Clef Club today because of the masterful
musicians, multigenerational and multicultural crowd, and the dynamic
downhome dinner! It was a perfect gift for all the fathers and their
pleasure shone on their faces.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Relay for Life Fundraiser

Relay for Life Fundraiser
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Spent Thursday and Friday on the pool deck preparing
for, decorating for, soliciting money for our
fundraiser for The Relay for Life, the walk for cancer
research. Our team, Coyle's Café, had invited lots of
people. We had also put up flyers in the apartments
but didn't get the crowd expected. With beer, wine and
refreshments for only $5, we should have gotten a
larger crowd; but people here don't get home from
work, begin to party until 9 or 10 and our event was
6-9 pm.
But we had a respectful number and did realize some
money. I,personally, collected $550 over the two days
which put me over my goal of $1000. The "kids" who
live here were generous with anything from $1-$50.
I was called to pick the number for the 50/50 and
everyone cheered and clapped. When I picked *my own
number* everyone booed 8>D Then I mentioned that I
was contributing the $100 to the relay fund and
everyone cheered again.
Today I'm resting and reading and feeling grateful to
generous friends who support me.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Waiting for the Bus

Waiting for the Bus
Originally uploaded by ujima.

(When going to Exhale Beauty Salon)
Standing on the corner watching all the cars go by.
Counting cars, not cars (SUVs,trucks, station wagons,
etc.). Counting vehicles that have only driver, not
one other passenger.
Something to do while waiting for #35.
Today it was 6 cars, 19 not cars, 10 one passenger vehicles

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Exhale Beauty Salon

Exhale Beauty Salon
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Debbie and Gail spent many years working in others' salons
waiting to exhale. Six years ago, they were finally able to breathe
free in their own place. People who talked about, made plays and
movies about the conversations in barbershops, finally recognized
the beauty shop as a neighborhood center.


Originally uploaded by ujima.

Today we talked about W and his trip to Iraq and news conference today,
the rumor that Urkel had committed suiside, Ben Rothlisberger's riding
without a helmet, the local woman who won a Tony Award,
death of Mike Quarry, the day Joe Frazier visited the salon, the music of
"The Lion King" which is playing at the Academy of Music. A guy came in selling
selling Fantastik Animated Lightshow Fan. Of course I bought one.

Sis's Flowers

Sis's Flowers
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Everyone keeps sending me pictures of their gardens,
their flowers. They know my hobby is procrastination,
know I haven't even *started* yet! I will get out to
Ott's Exotic Plants in Schwenksville in the next week and will get plants that will
make everyone's garden look mundane.
My sister spends a lot of time in her yard. It's always lovely.
We like to play croquet there.

Mo's Flowers

Mo's Flowers
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Mo lives in Northern England. She started early and has a
beautiful array and placement already.
What to get? Definitely hibiscus, gloxinia and morning star.
We'll see when I get there. Whenever I get there.......

Monday, June 12, 2006

In Manayunk

Originally uploaded by ujima.

We went shopping today in Manayunk (about 20 minutes from home).
During the Civil War, Manayunk was the world's textile center
because of the many mills there. The composition of the buildings
was Wissahickon mica shist. The nearby canals of theSchuylkill River
provided the water power. There were also amny paper mills in Manayunk
in the past.
Manayunk means "our place for drinking" in the Lenape language.
It is an apt name today because Main Street is where many
popular upscale bars and clubs are located.
It is fitting that Banana Republic and other clothing stores are housed in
these former textile mills.We looked, touched in many stores but didn't
buy anything except lunch at The Couch Tomato Café.

Bike Race

Bike Race
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Didn't go to the race today. I've been to 16 of the 22 years
the race has been run here. Even saw Lance the year he raced .
Just couldn't think of any new experience going would bring
so I watched it on TV after watching Mexico v. Iran in World Cup.
It's *realy* the world participating, not like the American World
Series.The recent World Series of Baseball held recently had
representatives from continents other than North America
and was very well done. Pitching and defense,
not sluggers hitting home runs. Very enjoyable! I'm rambling.
I am out!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Down the Wall

Down the Wall
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Went down to Manayunk tonight before the big bike race
tomorrow. Apparently,at midnight the tradition is a reverse
bike race. Go down The Wall on anything that will roll:
wheel chair, couch on a bed frame, wagon, shopping cart,
big wheel, keg tub duct taped to a skate board,
and a few I don't remember.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I'm Responsible!

I'm Responsible!
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Been putting off sorting the mess---putting away winter,
taking out summer clothes, what to keep and wear, what to
donate to Whosoever Gospel Home & Rescue Mission.
Two days and I'm DONE!!! Just gotta call the laundry,
WeWashIt, and have them pick up,wash and fold.
Took off some time last evening and rewarded myself with
an evening on the pool deck. Fun Beat the Clock team
games, free beers, free food,free hats, free mugs.
My fave price---free! A great thing about this time of year is
that you get to see so many neighbors you haven't seen
all winter."Everybody's laughing. Everybody's happy. Here
comes the Sun King".

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Well, I Love A Rainy Day

Well, I Love A Rainy Day
Originally uploaded by ujima.

The sun was shining brightly while it poured rain. The devil is
beating his wife is what we'd say for this phenomenon.I had
paper work to do and the rain would keep me inside.
I'm going to do a cancer walk and had emailed everyone in
my address book to ask for donations to my walk web site.
Now I have to write to those who don't have email and ask
for donations to be sent by snail mail. Write,fold,stuff,stamp,
address label,repeat.
Listening to the Soul Queen of New Orleans,Irma Thomas'
new CD, "After the Rain". Songs of resilience. Survivors.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Memory of Eric

2 fans
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Eric Gregg 1951-2006
A charming, fun-loving Philadelphian. After he lost his position as umpire with Major League Baseball because his colleagues quit and ran during a strike leaving Eric and others hanging, he went to work at Chickie's & Pete. People would come to any of the restaurants to see him and get their picture taken with him.

I had gotten two free Phillies tickets for volunteering at The X Games when they were held here. As the game was extremely boring, my sister and I decided to go down to Chickie's & Pete as they had a place in Citizens Bank Park. Of course Eric was there as bartender and host. When we walked up, he posted as he knew we wanted his picture. But we said, "Mister, can you take our picture?". He *roared* with laughter!

Every time I saw him after that, he'd remember and say. "Want my picture yet?"

Where's John?

Where's John?
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Mom, Sis and I were out for the usual errands: bank, drugstore, supermarket, library, postal store. We stopped up Ridge Pike, Lafayette Hills, PA, about 10 minutes from home, to eat at Panera. Their breads are so fresh, their Cream of Broccoli soup so hot, their horseradish so creamy!! Sadly, they were out of the French Toast bagels we'd planned to take home.
Traffic was at a crawl on the way home. Exelon Individual Golf Tournament was being held at Ace Club on the pike and we inched forward.Wish I coulda seen John Daly. He's a hoot!!
Sis worried because it looked like rain and she wanted to get home. But Mom said "As long as there's enough blue in the sky to make a Dutchman a pair of pants, it won't rain." We giggled the rest of the way home. She had never told us *that* one before.

Searching for Taj

Searching for Taj
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

awakened by the smell of bacon
sister here visiting with mom
stayed for breakfast
such a weird and wandering dream last night
lost and didn't know it so didn't have fright
walked through casinos and out back doors
looking for the Taj Mahal but finding other shores
then busy small town streets with slow-moving cars
but no phallic building rose
before me in the throes
of my confidence which was becoming confusion
when there was an infusion of a familiar Sunday scent
awakened by the smell of bacon

Saturday, June 03, 2006

And I wonder who'll stop the rain

Originally uploaded by ujima.

Kirk the cowboy

Originally uploaded by ujima.

././It's a turndown day. Nothing on my mind.
It's a turndown day and I dig it.__
Heavy rains all night and into today. So, of course, I'm not going to sort and put away winter clothes as I had planned. Got up about 11 and watched a good western on AMC: Kirk Douglas in "Man Without A Star". Watching French Open and reading the New York Times and the Philadelphia Inquirer. Watching the rainfall from different windows for different views. Reading emails and looking @ pictures of Andy's trip to Spain. Going out tonight to Trocadero. Kids from The School of Rock having a fundraiser. Not listening to any music until then. Maybe I'll make a bologna sandwich.....

Friday, June 02, 2006

Everybody Rides

Everybody Rides
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Hades hot again today. It's acceptable in August, but is hard to bear in May/June. I need May, June and July to get ready for the heat and humidity of August.

Everyone's riding. I'm walking. Cars and trucks and SUVs, scooters and motorcycles and bicycles. I don't drive. Can't. I was such a bad driver that I was afraid to ride with *myself*! All the kids in the family would run and hide when I jingled my keys. (Mom said her father was such a poor driver that people would hide in the ditch when they even *thought* they heard his Model-T coming :) I'd be driving along and everything'd be going OK so my mind would drift. Then I'd see a sign that said "Resume Speed". Ouch!

One day I sideswiped cars five times. So I turned in my license and told then to never give me another one. Forty five years later, I'm still using public transit and still walking. No problem. At least I'm helping to keep the world safe for pedestrians and other drivers.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Deer Jesus!

Originally uploaded by ujima.

Today the city daily photo bloggers are doing parking or things associated with. I'm not much of a photographer and haven't posted any city pictures yet. I do live in the city of Philadelphia but in the Andorra neighborhood which is less urban-looking.

Trudging home carrying too many heavy bags, I saw a very young deer across the road standing next to the Jesus statue. I silently asked him to continue standing still and wait until I fond my camera which, since I was wearing cargo shorts, was not easy. He waited patiently, but suddenly turned and ran as a large black SUV roared by. Drat! Guess he didn't believe that Jesus saves.