Had to get up early
doing great things. After I'd dressed and showered she even stopped
working and gave me a ride to the library!
Mani and I were working @ go.philly.com to plan activities for his
grandkids who are coming for a week during the Christmas holidays.
Ruth just wanted to read her favorite author's website.
Went up to Spoons Coffeehouse to meet an old friend. We talked and
laughed for two hours about the past and present. She always brings
a list of topics because she's 74 and doesn't want to forget what she
wants to talk about. We sat on comfortable couches and were not
The coffee, food, and ambiance at Spoons are great! They have WiFi
so people can do work there.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Beware of Mites!!
Foggy. No sun.
Decided to stay in and do something constructive. Dejunking. Sorting
books and pictures. Covered up to fight the dust mites.
Now,after three hours, I'm going to sit in the big chair and
cough for a while.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Because of Eric
of Paris Daily Photo, I noticed this red gown and went into this shop.
(No, I didn't buy anything :)
Monday, November 27, 2006
Went there. Did that.
At therapy. They've upped my time on the treadmill,
upped rotations on exercises. They're trying to get rid of
me :) I'll miss them.
People couldn't understand my wearing an Eagles shirt
today after so many losses. I told them to look up fan in
the dictonary. Fair-weather bandwagoners. Grrrr
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Sunshine and Sadness
Awoke to another bright sunshiny day! Since the
E-A-G-L-E-S weren't on util 8 pm, I set out for the
pool. Did walks and exercises in pool and then relaxed
in hot tub.
Awaiting the game, I read the Philadelphia and New
York Sunday papers and watched the movie DVD "68".
I didn't expect us to win. I expected Westbrook to do
well. I hoped the defense would improve. We didn't
win. Westbrook excelled. The defense totally
collapsed. We lost 45-21.
Wait'll next week. Keep hope alive.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Saturday Serenity
Out last night til 3 ayem. Enjoying the regae band
Steppin' Razor. When I awoke, the house was so quiet!
Mom had gone to Sis's house to visit with cousins up
from Virginia.
Got right on the couch and lay very still for hours:
no radio, TV, CDs. Turned off the phone so it couldn't
That was almost as good as a vacation.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Black Friday
They call it Black Friday because it is the day retail
stores begin to come out of the red, and, with
Christmas shoppers, begin to make money--go into the
black. There were sales everywhere! (Hope people read
the fine print on the ads.) Some stores opened at 5,
even 3 ayem! And people were lined up to get to
In my family, we don't give Christmas presents to
anyone over 21 yo. We donate the money we *would have*
spent on gifts to a charity, and that organization
sends a card to the person/family you designate. That
way, on Christmas Day, we're not burned out and can
spend the day talking, laughing and singing. (During
the year, when you see something a person would like,
you buy it and give it to them.)
On the way home from therapy, I stopped in the
shopping center to pick up Mom's meds. The lot was
*jammed* with people there to shop at Kohl's which had
opened at 5 ayem.
Happy Holidays 8>D
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Started this blog because I wanted to talk about myself a little.
I'm a good listener and spend a lot of time listening to people.
But I never get to talk about myself. Not that I'm doing anything
big at this time, but I did want to tell someone what I did today.
Then I found that I like looking for something to take a picture of.
And even though I don't get to Center City much so you can see
what Philadelphia looks like, I do like to show you what it looks
like in my present circumstances.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Running Around
That's what we call doing errands. Had to get up early
and be ready at noon because Sis was coming over. I'm
bring the wine for dinner on Thursday and wanted her
to approve what I finally picked.
We got stuff at the supermarket for making a gigantic
pumpkin pie and lots of veggies.
I took her to get a skull cap to wear under her hats.
Now that it's cold and she's bald, her head gets very
cold. Her hair's coming in *blond*!
(The little wooden wombat is a gift I received on an Australian trip.)
Monday, November 20, 2006
Hold Up
Running late for therapy and this car carrier backs up
into the road. I didn't get my camera out in time to
snap it backing up. It looked like some metal monster
with its mouth open!
Asked Shaun about Donovan's accident, and he explained
all things ACL to me. Tragic.
Bored and acting silly on treadmill: tried to walk
backwards but didn't know I had to turn the speed down
first. Nearly flung myself out of the room! Such a
dumb thing to do :( I apologized for the rest of the session.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Down Down Down
From the high of Dylan's lively grooving last night to the despair
of an injured Donovan being driven off the field, to the Eagles"
loss, this has not been the best day.
It's going to be a long winter with Garcia at QB and the team
executing so poorly.
Negadelphia. not a place I often go.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Club IDs
Well, to be served at our clubhouse, you have to wear a bracelet
to show you're a member. I refuse to do
this. I have a club ID card and that
should be enough.While I was away
talking to someone, the bartender put
these bracelets on my glass.
When I came back to the bar, I used my
fingernails to curl up the papers. You can't
get me! Oh yes. I did sing "Ring of Fire" and
"Baby Got Back" with some girls.
Gonna rest up all day. Going to see
Bob Dylan tonight at the Wachovia. "I was so
much older then. I'm younger than that
Friday, November 17, 2006
Not Goodies
Psst.Psst.Psst.Psst.Psst. That 's the sound they make when I
walk by on my way to the front door on my way out from the
therapy area. And then Priscilla says, "Ma'am! It's getting late!
I'll give you 2-4-1 so they don't go to waste." So here I am
again eating an almond crossiant yet again.
Got up soooo early and prepared a lesson for Imhotep kids
about World AIDS Day, December 1st.
Going out to the clubhouse for a few lagers about 8,
8 pm not 8 lagers. There's Karaoke tonight. No, I *won't*
sing "Ring of Fire " again. Don't ask me and don't fill out a
slip in my name like you did last time.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Another old ID
Today I volunteered at the library helping Mani and Ruth
learn new computer skills. Made it home one drop ahead of
the fierce rainstorm that is traveling the eastern coast.
ID of Me
I never smie when I have an ID photo taken. Dunno why. I end
up looking like a convict. In the late 60s/early 70s when we wore
Afros, we were always stopped while traveling abroad because
of our passport photos, our hair or the fact that they were
looking for Eldredge Cleaver or someone else
who was being sought by our government.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Caribou Café
At PennDot early to get picture taken for new ID. They were on
# 121 and I held #140. Got nervous because I didn't want to be
late meeting friends for lunch so I traded numbers with a kid,
giving him $10.
Lunch at the Caribou on Walnut Street was excellent! I had
onion soup and L'assiette de fromage. (Paris Daily Photo was
about cheese today so I just *had* to have some!)
Unfortunately, I had my teeth inspected and cleaned at the
dentist's two hours later and lost the taste in my mouth but
not in my mind.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Black children?
I sponsor an 8 yo African American boy who lives down in
Mississippi. He sent me this drawing of himself and his family.
What motivated him to leave their skin white? Any idea? The agency
said they didn't have a clue ;)
Monday, November 13, 2006
Martin Luther King Memorial
The groundbreaking for the memorial was dedicated today.
Here's my invitation. Unfortunately I don't yet have endurance
for attending an event like this.
(They probably would have made me stand next to W.)
The Rev. Dr. King will be the first Afrcan American to be
honored on the National Mall.
Arc (pcture therapy room)
There are many pictures of this type and era on the walls of the
room where I take my therapy. I think about the trips I've taken to
Paris and how I'll be there again soon if I continue to work hard.
Lunch (picture therapy room)
While doing a stretch or other exercise 30 times, I imagine the
conversations that were taking place.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Weather Woman
My attempt to copy a graphic I saw by David Suter. Pouring
rain now, but sunshiny Friday and Saturday.I so enjoyed the
premier of "Le Bal Noir" at the Wilma on Friday especially
"Looking Back" danced to music of the 40s and 50s.
Stayed in town overnight Friday and Saturday. Everyone
excitedly anticipating the Tut exhibit. We have tickets for
February 5th at noon. I still remember with awe this exhibit
which I saw in Washington many years ago.
Returned home today in time to watch the E-A-G-L-E-S win
over Washington.Their choreography will never reach the
splendor of Donald Byrd's "Le Bal Noir", but their bold
movements give great pleasure too.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Summer's Return
Grueling workout at therapy. Almond croissant in bag for
reward when I get home. Gonna lay low and rest. Going
out to see Le Bal Noir at the Wilma Theater tonight.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
The Road Home
A bright sunshiny day!! 70Âş
Out very early to do errands and then off to the library. They wanted to
read about the election and about Rummy. So we did Google News
and then ran all the Google categories for Rummy.
Sis phoned with good news! She had another chemo session today.
The tumor has shrunk to 2.5 cm from 9cm.
I heard the news of Ed Bradley's . He was two years behind me
in college. I remember him as a very bright and humorous guy. Our
school had honored him this year. At least he smelled those flowers
before he died. RIP Ed.
a quick stop
to put down my bags and to wipe my brow. I always buy
more than I should carry. But with Sis not able to drive, it was necessary
today. I'll go sit with her after a rest and some green tea iced .
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Plans Derailed
We were going walking in the park today and then get in
the hot tub at the gym. But it rained floods.
In a cloud of blue
euphoria, we went to the coffeehouse and read aloud
to each other all of the election results from as many
papers as possible and shared as many sugary pasteries
as possible. Silly, giggling seniors on a sugar and vote
count high.
(Mom & Sis had driven into town for an eye appointment,
a trip that took 2 hours today instead of the usual 25 minutes.)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Election Day
When I was in elementary school in the 1940s, we sang a lot
of patriotic songs. I remember some of the words of this one:
Election Day, Election Day the best day of the year.
We prize it in the USA where freedom is so dear..........
Though Smith may win and Brown may lose
Still, when we've had our say
We're loyal to the one we choose
Til next Election Day
The turnout at our local polls has been high today. I'm going
back 7-8 PM to give out leaflets. Did you vote?
Monday, November 06, 2006
Blue Balloon
I have a blue balloon, a happy tune
Love enough to last me all through the afternoon
I have the New York Times and 14 dimes and
Expectations of the most profound rhymes
Before the rivers run dry
Before the last say good-bye
Let's be kind to one another
We can try (Unkekannt)
A bright sunshiny day! Great workout
@ therapy. Made some phonecalls @
the PFT union office reminding people
to vote tomorrow.
Going out later for Monday Night Football
and some lagers to reward myself (and to
remind these kids around here to vote tomorrow).
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Fall Task
One trunk almost done, three to go.
Putting away summer clothes, bringing out fall/winter ones.
So many piles to make: those to keep. those to donate to
Whosoever Gospel Home & Rescue Mission Thrift Shop,
ones to send to cleaners, some to send to We Wash It Laundry,
one pile of clothes I'm not sure about.
With therapy. I've gone down another size so there are more
to give away. Hoo-ray!
I'll be done by Election Day (Tuesday) and then the *real*
sorting will be done---those to keep & those to throw away.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Impression of Mani
Banging the jamcam around and finally got
it to turn on. Extracted this picture of Mani
at the computer during yesterday's class.
Well, *I *like it so I'll say I did this on purpose
for artistic reasons:)
Sweating it out at therapy then drinking
double espresso. Going out tonight to
see the new picture with Derek Luke.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
My good camera's in the shop. I dropped it and so, it didn't work.
So I've been using an old jamcam. Not bad pics but not sharp or
anything. Today, after I'd taken a picture of one of my computer
students, I DROPPED THAT CAMERA! Now *it* won't work.
I have go to town on Saturday. I''ll stop and pick up my camera
from the shop. Pick up. Appropriate.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The Solution
Awoke stiff and sore all over. I had walked for an hour
in Flourtown yesterday without stopping to rest. All of my
muscles were screaming.
Stumbled forward for 15 minutes to LAFitness.Sat in the
whirlpool spa for 10 minutes to warm up muscles
then did exercises in the pool for 30. Blessed relief.
(I had to sneak around to get the picture because photography
is not allowed on the premisis. Don't tell anyone about
this photo. Shh.)