People coming over to play cards and nosh at 8.
Lots of laughter and reminising.
Champagne, Dick Clark and the ball drop at midnight.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Resolutions for 2007
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Bye Bye Bren
So my sister is going back to Baltimore after
being here since Tuesday. Little sis came by
this morning and we all hung out with Mom.
Sis's car was hit by an old man who
didn't remember what he was doing but
luckily has great insurance. So we paid for her to
come over and back in a vcab,
I walked Bren up to the bus stop. The bus will let
her off at the door of the train station in
25 minutes.
Such a sunny day! I did errands and
went home to lie very still and to rest
my aching back.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Back for celebrating my 67th among the
sheltering slot machines of the casinos
in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Will post some pictures at
by tomorrow evening.
The weather was *excellent*, our
comped hotel room beautiful, the
people so friendly, the payouts
generous if not extravagant.
Gotta go now and visit with
Baltimore Sis who has been here
staying with Mom.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Hardest Working Man in Show Biz
I'll be in Atlantic City celebrating my birthday so won't post
again until Thursday. The last time I saw
James Brown was @ The House of
Blues in AC. He was older and slower
but still so far above other performers.
Rest in Peace, Soul Brother #1.
Monday, December 25, 2006
We had a fun day at Sis listening to some Christmas Oldies:
Jingle Bells--Wilson Pickett
Run,Run Rudolph--Chuck Berry
Boogie Woogie Santa--Mabel Scott
and the like.
As we reminisced and laughed, there was only one thing
on our minds--the football game @ 5 PM. Eagles vs Cowboys.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
The Peace Wreath
In November, Lisa Jensen of Pagosa
Springs, Colo., was told by her
homeowners' association she had to
remove a peace wreath from her front
door. Jensen refused. After the story
garnered national attention,
the association eventually relented.
When I read that story, I knew I had
to put up a peace wreath. I got this
balsa beauty online from a company
in Oregon. (Wasn't Jesus the Prince of Peace?)
Just decorating a little today. Went to an
afternoon church service because Mom
wanted to. Sis can't come out. She had
chemo on Thursday. We'll go over there
tomorrow. The Baltimore/Virginia crew'll
come on Tuesday. I'll be in Atlantic City
celebrating my birthday.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Philadelphia Skyline
I love these Christmas cards with the skyline of Philadelphia
represented! Clinton drew this one.
Out to errands today then off to rehab for the last time. I'll
work out at the gym in the clubhouse and pay Heather to
further train me.
The one of the best parts of us giving $$ to charity instead
of exchanging presents, keeps me out of the stores and malls.
But I *have* to go tomorrow to visit with Santa.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Holly Tree
I'd never noticed a holly tree before. Bushes
yes. This one was on the grounds of the Ramada
where we stayed while in Baltimore.
Today, on the way to the doctor's, I saw
one on Bell's Mills and then two on
Germantown Avenue. See one then
notice what's always been there.
The doctor said my mammogram had
shown no malignancies so I left there
smiling after promising to teach her
mother to use her computer.
I was surprised at the library when my
students presented me with a box of
chocolates as a holiday thank you.
Off to the hairdresser's where *her*
Christmas present was a package of
homemade chocolates!
Arriving home from marketing and
getting other things at the drugstore, I
discovered that the laundry man had
left a *basket* of chocolates!
I'm *definitely* going to have a chocolate
party next week to get people to help
me devour these treats.
So proud of my level of energy today!
I left the house @ 10 and returned @ 4:45.
My back was very sore, but I had lots of
energy in going from place to place.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Couch Plan
So here's today's plan for a tired person.
1.Go to therapy to get loosened up.
2.Lie on the couch and read newspapers.
Eat pizzels. Nap. Repeat all.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Ready for Action
Back from Baltimore. So proud to watch Mike graduate
Cum Laude with his BA in Computer Information Systems.
Good to see all the relatives. Great food in great amounts
was eaten. I'm tired but so happy. An uplifting 2-1/2 days.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
He's my favorite of the nieces and nephews, Quiet, funny, very
bright,sports lover. He's getting his degree on Monday. Mom, Sis
and I are going ro Baltimore today for the open house my sister's
having. The graduation is on Monday. We're back on Tuesday.
Check with me then.
@ a picnic @Aunt Nettie's. Parkesburg, PA 1969
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Swim, Rudolph, swim!
Washing more Christmas and Peace on Earth socks. Gotta wear a different pair each day.
Mom and Sis went out into the beautiful sunshiny 60º day.
Guess they'll eat and shop for who-knows-what.
It'll be easier for me to get organized
when there is no one here to take care of.
Braden's Space
Braden, a young neighbor, came by. He wanted me to take his
picture to put on his My Space page. I tried not to laugh at him
trying to look tough! He's such a braniac. Goes to a "nerd"
technology charter school. Perception. Holla! :)
Friday, December 15, 2006
Round Two
Masked and ready to fight the mites again. In my room sorting
and organizing old pictures, books, collages, notes.
Two guys in the heater closet pulling up a cable from downstairs
and then up into the attic. We're getting intercoms.
Guy from supermarket delivering groceries. Chris in to take out
the trash. Tarafromnextdoor in to say she'll collect my
newspapers and mail while I'm away Sunday-Tuesday.
Organizing,organizing,organizing but my bedroom's still a cluttered
dumping ground.
Family $?
They say it's called Family Dollar because everyone in your
family must put in a dollar to buy most of their items :)
I only paid $1 for the eye shield and $1 for 10 masks. But then
bought Sis a pink sweatsuit that said HOPE. $15.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Squirrel Nutkin
Sunny and 62 degrees. Walking toward the library, I saw
Squirrel Nutkin in the tree. He froze, thinking he'd not be
visible to me. Silly squirrel.
birdie bath
The birdies were taking a bath in a puddle. They, too, waited
for me to take their (not clear) picture.
Mani was the only student who came for computer class so I
was back out in the sunshine within an hour.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I know about reticulated giraffes, and the buses that run through
our neighborhood are called reticulated; but I didn't know why
*I* was feeling all reticulated until I looked up the word. Hmmm.
Resembling a net. Yeah. A fine one. Like a spider web.
Then I went to therapy and worked really hard and joked with
everyone. Positive endorphins made me feel so very good
and accepting. So I accepted the reticulation as
necessary and worked on a more positive feeling.
Caught in a net. Can't get out. Cause I love you too much,
Baby. Didn't Elvis sing something like that?
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Pity Party
Awoke determined to be miserable all day: the rash, the 3 hour
wait, the doctor's office not able to see me because Dr. H is
still out from knee op which necessitated me going to the ER,
my back stiff and store from sitting in the waiting room and
from missing my therapy session.GRRRRR. Mad at the world.
Then the repairwoman came from Sears and fixed my aging
washer, I got a Billy Joel concert DVD from Netflix in the mail,
all plans for our weekend trip to see my nephew graduate
firmed up AND the sun was shining. I couldn't sulk.
So I put Billy Joel on and sang and danced around, which
helped my back a lot and felt so proud when I remembered
all the words to "We Didn't Start the Fire". The poor me
whining couldn't last. Brother Bob said when music hits, you
feel OK and he was sooooo right!!
Monday, December 11, 2006
My New Bracelet
It's white and shiny. I got it in the Emergency Room at the
hospital where I sat for three hours this afternoon/evening
before a nurse looked at me. He said something bit me,
gave me a three page narative about insect bites and sent
me home.
So I have these seven red bumps on my stomach. They don't
itch or ache. They're just there. Waiting?
Sis says I should get a spider bomb and set it off in my room.
I put aloe gel on the little visitors and called out for Chinese.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Serene Saturday
Mom left at 9 ayem (I'm told) to spend the day with Sis.
I got up about noon. On the couch for an hour or so just thinking.
No TV, radio or music. Later watched EastEnders tape which
arrived in the mail from the tape train.
Lovely day.
Friday, December 08, 2006
The Annotated Tom
When I heard that Dr. Gates' book had
been published, I *knew* I had to get one.
Since yesterday, I have spent most of my
time looking through the vintage illustrations
and reading the commentary.
Most people are unaware that Stowe's
Uncle Tom was in reality Josiah Henson
whose biography she had read. He was
an inspiration for her book and the story
is based on true events in his life.
Uncle Tom's Canadian Cabin
On a tour of Underground Railroad sites in
Ontario, Canada we visited the home, church
and school of Josiah Henson where he lived
after he, his wife and four children fled
after they had escaped slavery in America.
Josiah traveled Europe to speak against
slavery and met with Queen Victoria.
He is the first person of African
descent to be featured on a Canadian
African-American History: Lost, strayed
or stolen?
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Pearl Harbor Day known as "a day that will live in infamy". When I was in
Hawaii years ago, I visited the Pearl Harbor Museum and its monuments.
We first went into an auditorium and saw a film about the attack on
Pearl Harbor. I noticed a Japanese couple intently watching and
Later, after the boat ride out to the place where the sailors' bones still lie and a
visit to the stone monument, I noticed the Japanese couple in the
bookstore. I just *had* to ask what they were thinking. The thanked me
for doing so and informed me that they were Americans, third generation,
whose parents along with over 100,000+ Japanese-Americans were
interred, many of whose businesses, land and possessions were
sold at below cost at a moment's notice.
I thought of them today as I have often. I wonder if America had
a chance to again commit this crime against humanity if they would inter
Arab-Americans. What do you think?
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Welcome to Moe's!
"WELCOME TO MOE'S!" all the employees would shout each
time a customer entered the restaurant. It was
especially annoying when you were sitting there eating
your lunch or dinner to hear this repeated time and
I would go in there and they'd shout "Welcome to
Moe's!". Then I'd go into the Ladies' and use the
facilities. When I came out and started toward the
front door, they'd all boo in unison. But whenever
they saw me enter, they'd shout their welcome anyway.
Now the restaurant is shuttered after having been open
less than two years. The food was good and the prices
right, but they didn't have a liquor license. What
good is imitation Mexican food without a beer or a
Marguerita? Apparently not good enough for the people
who frequent our shopping center.
I'll have to start using the facilities at Applebee's.
I hear it's very clean in there!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Women's Center
All went well at the hospital today. If I don't get a
call in a day or two before I go to see the doctor,
I'll know I'm safe for another year.
Went home, after doing a few errands, and rested. I
had been out late last night watching the E-A-G-L-E-S
game which they *WON*!! We had a good crowd that
cheered and didn't lose faith and sang our song after
each touchdown.
Unfortunately, I tripped on a rug while digging in my
pocket for keys and *fell*. My glasses cut the bridge
of my nose and I have a scrape on my forehead so I
look like I had been in a fight! I got some *strange*
looks at the hospital today from the other women who
were waiting for mammograms; but since no one asked, I
didn't explain. Wonder what stories they told themselves?
Monday, December 04, 2006
Think Pink
Haven't been sleeping well since I made tomorrow's
appointment for my yearly mammogram. The one last year
was hinky so I had to have a biopsy. I've been as
nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking
chairs at the Senior Center.
At therapy they asked why I was so quiet today and so,
I told them. I got sympathy and promises of prayers
but, more important, was the reminder that I *am* a
survivor and that early detection, if necessary, is
*so* important. So I went back to acting silly and
getting my exercises done.
Going out to the Clubhouse later for the E-A-G-L-E-S
game and some lagers. Fun Fun Fun
Sunday, December 03, 2006
I see the moon
and the moon sees me. I love walking uphill toward
home and seeing the moon shining down on me.
The Eagles didn't play today so I went to center city
to meet some ladies (whose husbands were watching
football at home).
We went to the Arden Theatre to see a performance of
"Crime and Punishment".
After the play, some drinks and conversations, I rode
the bus home unfortunately arriving in time to see the
Cowboys win. (blech)
Saturday, December 02, 2006
@ the Union League
So sunny and breezy today so I decided to go out to do
errands. Stopped at the library to give the staff the
McDonald's coupons that were in the newspaper.I helped
Angelo work on his new blog. (That's why I have two
entries today,) Two hours later I was still there
helping people. And the sun was going down. And I
hadn't done my errands yet.
I had gotten a message yesterday, an offer of a ride
in town to join the candlelight protest at the Union
League. They were giving Rumsfeld The Union League
Gold Medal. Eighty protesters stood quietly as the 700
league members in their gowns and tuxedoes entered to
partake in the dinner and medal ceremony. I was there
in spirit.
My 50th high school reunion (Philadelphia High School
for Girls) had put down a deposit at the league
because we were going to have our celebration there.
But, after the news of them honoring Rummy, the emails
flew fast and thick and we have decided to have our
meeting elsewhere. Good job!
I've always enjoyed taking pictures. Nothing artistic. I'm not a *photographer*. I'm now sorting the *thousands* I've taken at home, on trips, at school, during holidays.
I've always collected patches as evidenced by this picture from the early 60s when we wore patches on our jackets and pants. Now it's pins, mostly political, that I wear on my bags.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Expecting Barbaro
Into the 17th of 20 minutes on the treadmill in Room 2 of the
therapy suite. Alone and hallucinating somewhat. A therapist
came in and opened the door to this room I'd never seen
before. My first thought was of Barbaro and his treatments.
Poor horse. If his sperm weren't so valuable, they would
have put him down right there on the racetrack
where he fell; but instead, they have tourtured him for
months with operations.
It's World AIDS Day. I stopped at the clinic on the way home
and donated some children's books. There is a supplement
in today's NYTimes with 25 ways you can make a difference
in the fight against HIV/AIDS.