When I arrived at the Franklin Institute Museum for the Educators' Night Out program, there
were *hundreds* of people in line four abreast down the steps, down the block, around
the corner and down the street. So I looked for a kind-looking security guard, one who
looked like he was raised by his grandmother, and asked him if I could go into the
handicapped entrance as I had to use the rest room. I had taken my hat off beforehand
so he could see my white hair.
After entering through the entrance and checking my coat, i walked to where they were
registering people and saw hundreds waiting inside too. So I sidled up to the desk,
complimented the young lady on her earrings, gave her my name and was handed
my card, ticket for free dinner and one for the Tut exhibit.
It was even more magnificent than I had remembered! I stayed and enjoyed it until my
back said it was time to go home. Never found my friends. The crowd was just too large
and there was no signal on my cell. I'll go back on Monday at noon with the tickets I
ordered two months ago and will enjoy the splendor with my BIL.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tut Steps
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Tut Tut
Spent 30 minutes fighting 436,285,904 dust mites to find my teacher's ID. They're having
Educators' Night Out @ the Franklin Institute to give teachers a preview of the King Tut
exhibit. I had signed up on-line and will meet my friends there tomorrow. But I needed my
ID!! Being retired for 9 years, I had to look through a *lot* of cards and papers I should have
thrown out long ago.
I also have reserved tickets for Monday at noon. My BIL from Baltimore is coming up to
enjoy the exhibit. The sights and sounds are still clear in my mind when I saw the show
years ago (20?) when it was here in Washington.
Spent today reading about Tut and the exhibit.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Kitchen Kaper
The snow and ice had disappeared by noon when I got up. Baltimore Sis finished doing
laundry and other chores for Sis and Amtraked home.
Spent most of the day working on a computer project for my friend's school. The man
who came in for a maintenance call was very displeased by the pictures on the door
of my kitchen closet but refused to discuss them.
Guess I should have talked with him about Barbaro. Everyone obsessing over him and
his death. I think it cruel to have kept him alive this long and to have continuingly
subjected him to torture. But the worth of his sperm potential was so great that they
kept him alive. The ASPCA was unjusually quiet on this one!?
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Krishna Temple
Mom & I cabbed over to visit with Sis and B
Sis. Friends neighbors stopping by to
bring food and to visit. Sis holding court.
I set out walking to get relief from the
chatter. This temple is around the corner
from Sis' place. There's a dorm where
people live in the building next door
on the property. (When you sit in Sis'
yard, you can hear the chanting.) On
Sundays, there is free food and
chanting at 6pm.
Stopped in WaWa for some Kona coffee
and stuff. Snow squalls began so
DeeDee drove us home. Not much
accumulation is expected in the city.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Kimmel roof
Yesterday's program @ the Kimmel Center
was splendid! 75 seniors from four states.
Sis had never been in this building before
so she was quite amazed by everything.
We had a tour of the building, a lecture
about the concert we were to see from
a cellist from the orchestra, a *primo*
meal at Cadence, and then the concert.
Sent Bsis starry-eyed on her way in a
cab. I bussed home. Stopped at the club
for a few lagers and then turned in.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Discovery Day
Out in below freezing temperatures to meet Baltimore Sis in town to enjoy
this wonderful program. That there will be music of two of our favorite
composers is a bonus.
Beautiful neighbors and friends will attend to Sis. The nurse was there today
to change dressings, etc.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
coming to the shopping center. They're trying to help me
(health me?).
Had three excellent ladies for computer lessons today. The new
one has major skills but is so insecure that it holds her back.
Sis is home from the hospital and in the care of Baltimore Sis
who has come to help.
Light snow today. Much more and high winds expected tonight.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Take a Break
At the hospital visiting Sis who is doing well. Went to sit in the lounge so Mom and Sis
could visit privately. Taking pictures of pictures on the walls.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Waiting to Exhale
Six of us waiting for Sis to be brought up to her room after
breast cancer surgery. We all clapped when they wheeled
her up the hall and she smiled and laughed.
They gave her cranberry juice and she asked for some vodka
to add to it. Then she put her elephant hat to warm her
bald head.
Monday, January 22, 2007
James Brown sang,"I don't want nobody to
give me nothin'. Open the door, I'll get it
So much made of first time two African-
American coaches being in the Super
Bowl.What's to be
so proud of? If Black coaches had been
given equal opportunity, it would have
happened a loong time ago!
Since 1920, over 400 head coaches have
been hired, but only 6 were African-
Americans (five since 1989)
although they were many qualified
men who were never given a
chance because they were Black.
The Black coaches outperformed their
white counterparts, but were often the
first fired by the team owners.
Teams led by white coaches made it to
the playoffs 39% of the time, while the
African-American coaches made it to
the playoffs 67% of the time.
The Rooney Rule which forces teams to
interview minority candidates when
hiring a new coach is a step the NFL has
passed in recent years. Open the door,
I'll get it myself!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Thanks 2 u it's working
Feeling somewhat better. I'll stop looking away when that ugly
little character's commercial comes on now that I know he's a
helpful guy...Reading newspapers, watching football and resting.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Art invite
Sorry to miss this stellar event, but I'm still
barking like a dog. Oh, the friends and food
and music!
Going to the doctor tomorrow. Then the
coughing and sneezing will cease. I'll go
to see this exhibit soon.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The Greatest
Chill factor about zero with the low temps and winds. Did not float
like a butterfly. Did not sting like a bee. Set out to walk all
bundled up. Only made it one block before coughing
Turned and struggled home. Called the doctor's office. She'll see
me on Friday. Not a championship day.
Happy 65th, Mohammed Ali!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Sunshine on a cloudy day
It was 63ยบ when I went to bed and 37 when I got up 8 hours later.
Guess winter is *finally* here. I *love* the $3 flower bouquets I
can get from the supermarket! They add to the positive vibrations.
Sis came by and finally told Mom that she'll be operated on
Tuesday morning. I think Mom had already sussed this out
by some whispering that had been going on lately.
The amaryllis flowers are opening. Mom brought one plant into the living
room so she could see it wherever she sat. Uh huh.
Monday, January 15, 2007
A Day of Service
A day on, not a day off. Since so many people have this as a
holiday from their jobs, they are encouraged to spend it
volunteering. We are up to about 60,00 from 6000 volunteers
since we began 12 years ago.
I had signed up to help rehab computers at Martin Luther King
High School, but this cough still prevents my going out. The
computers will be given to needy families.
The number and scope of projects being done is amazing!
Maybe you'll look at the website and see them.
Get up. Get out and do something.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Less than five minutes to go and we were behind and so, I got
out the voodoo doll I'd bought at Marie Leveaux's House of Voodoo
in New Orleans. Cut the Saints name and helmet out of the
sports section, put it on the doll and stabbed the doll through
the heart with a needle.
They fumbled the ball and we recovered!! WHY didn't Andy go for it
on 4th and 15? Well, we lost. But they're my team, and I love them.
The last seven games were a joy. Can't wait til next year.
I'm still coughing and tearing so I'll stay in bed and nap and
read all day.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
All Eagles all the time
Lying very still. Coughing and sniffing. No temperature. Just sick. So I'll watch the game
from the couch and not go out. Hack hack hack.
Sis took Mom to Kohl's this morning. They said *everyone* was wearing and buying
Eagles gear, that everyone was cheerful and friendly.
2:45 to go. E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!!!
Friday, January 12, 2007
They still deliver!
Right to the door. Every Friday. Dairy products from a wonderful dairy. I remember the
milk deliveries from my childhood. Especially in the winter when it was so cold outside
when the fat in the milk froze and rose up out of the glass bottle! Now it's skim milk and
plastic containers. (They used glass until a year ago.)
Rested some today and then went out with Sis to do errands. The we stopped at
Applebee's for appetizers, lagers and talk about Mom.
Counting the hours until the GAME!!!!!!
You can get
milk products, juices, eggs, butter, bacon, green tea, egg nog---the list
goes on and on.
Open the door on arising and there are the newspapers and dairy products.
Very convenient for a person who doesn't drive.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
On guard
30ยบ CF and wonderful again today. I love cold weather---have
more energy, more stamina, breathe better. Tracy here hoovering etc.
so I had to get up :(
Out to library. Had two smart,sassy seventyers as students. As
they had no trouble using the mouse, we progressed nicely.
Off to the mall at one using two buses. Didn't mind waiting on
the corners for the buses. Wearing my Eagles hat and gloves.
Got that Garcia t-shirt I wanted and some black cord pants, ate
a Chick- fila, drank some lemonade and bussed home.
At home resting and reading Smithsonian and counting the hours
til game time :)
Relay Kickoff Cards (Wednesday)
@ Coyle's Cafรฉ (my team) for the kickoff event for the Relay for
Life, the cancer walk. One of the games we played was
Concentration and I was surprised and thrilled that I was one
of the matches! Jamie the Luv Bug pulled the names for the
prizes and iIwon a relay sweatshirt. (I'll give it to Sis.)
Last year we raised $67K. Our goal this year is $80,0000! We'll do it!
1.Ujima Today (Really yesterday)
(Flickr wouldn't let me blog on Tuesday.)
Out early to the podiatrist. A lovely foot
soak in warm swirling water.
2.Waiting for the doctor
The doctor did not want his picture taken.
He cut my very thick tonails and applied
medicine and then massaged my feet with
lotion. Brilliant! Now I'm walking on sunshine.
3.@ The Gallery
Off the bus and walked over to The Gallery
Mall. I can walk through there to the farmers'
market. Won't buy anything. Just like to look,
like the crowds.
6.Through to the market
Walked through to the Reading Terminal
Farmers' Market where the family's been
shopping over 50 years. The Amish aren't
there on Tuesdays. I'll het you a picture
another time.
8.Through to bus stop
Walking up to bus stop. This building was
City Hall Annex and is now Courtyard
Marriot. I love how the old buildings are
used as hotels, apartments and condos.
They're so beautiful!!
9.William Penn
Waiting for the bus home looking up at
City Hall and other tall buildings.
Enjoying the cloud formations.
11.Got em all!
Working on the puzzle from the Metro on
the bus ride home. Sun shining in the bus
window makes the picture faint.
Tired but happy Accomplished a lot in 4 hours.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Thanks, Shaun
t began raining during last night's win over the Giants and
continued to rain very hard all night and through the morning.
But the sun was out by the time I got up at noon.
The temperature was in the 50s. It was quite breezy.
I did 25 minutes on the treadmill at LAFitness and then did
errands in the shopping center. Everyone was in a sunny mood.
Most people were wearing EAGLES gear.
Met Anthony and his singer friend on the walk home. He has
arranged with George to have live jazz on the next wine & cheese
night at the club. Good plan!
At home working on a collage for Shaun to thank him for his
help in my rehab.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Mummers Parade
71ยบ sunny and breezy. The parade was delayed for two hours
because of early morning rain. We got to town about 12:30 and
found a great spot for viewing the parade.
The guy in this picture is having a problem controling his costume
because of the winds. That happened to many of the marchers.
I'm very tired. Didn't come home from the club until 3ayem.
After the parade, we hung in town for some time. I'll post
more parade pictures some time tomorrow on
Friday, January 05, 2007
Exercise Videos
Hard hard rain all day long so the E-A-G-L-E-S rally @ Love
Park was cancelled. Raining too hard to walk to LAFit so I
searched my videos and did these two. Gotta keep on pushin'.
Watched Bob Marley videos while reading newspapers. Hit
me with music.
Went to club @ 7:30 and registered for Biggest loser. So much
fat when measured!!
Stayed *forever* with conversations and lagers. Gotta get up
early to go to parade with Sis and her friends.
Must sleep fast.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
At the library
Up and out to teaching seniors to use computer.
At Exhale beauty Salon getting hair washed and set.
Meeting with friends for coffee @ Crossroads.
Same coffee, different shop
I like Spoons because of the comfy couches.
Crossroads has better pasteries and also live
acoustical music nights and afternoons.