80º sunny and very high winds. Took a 1987 savings bond I
found while sorting papers to the bank and got 4x its face value.
Worked so diligently with Sue on the machines. Feeling poorly
though from all the pollen in the air so I took a liedown. Fell
asleep. I could hear myself snoring but couldn't wake up.
When I did awake, I discovered that Mom had cooked the
chicken wingettes I'd picked up for her. Beautiful!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Ends well
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Walking in the sunshine. Stopped to talk with Squirrel Nutkin
about the puzzling choice the Eagles made in drafting that
quarterback. No one out and about.
It began raining on my way home from CVS so I consolidated
my purchases and made a rain hat. Looked in a car window to
take this picture.No one out and about.
Going out later to play pinochle again.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Out walking the roads sniffing and sneezing, eyes watering. So
many buds blooming. Guess it'd be much worse if I wasn't taking
meds. Noticed new plantings everywhere.
Decided not to go out tonight. I'll just stay home and cough.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Chief Poking Fire 1967
Cleaning and sorting papers and came across so many great
pictures/memories. This one was from 1967 when we'd gone
to Montreal for the Expo. I don't remember much about the expo
part but do remember the visit to this village and the *excellent*
cuisine we experienced.
Teaching the computer class and doing errands today. Stopped
into the bank to inquire about a savings 1979 bond I'd found among
the papers. Instant riches 8>D Maybe I'll go back to Montreal.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Now a new tree
Up and into the pool at LAFitness. Stopped at the $ store. I had
had an idea to buy some artifical flowers to cover the little Xmas
tree I'd put out on the balcony in January. It looks great!!
Frank from maintenance came by with two new screens. Then he
returned and installed a new sink and vanity in the bathroom.
Today was a good day.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Waited for the doctor from 11:30-12:40. Couldn't read anything
because my pupils had been dialated by lots of drops. She came,
she looked, she said to come back in four months.
lights lights lights
So my eyes were soooo sensitive to lights until about 5 pm.
Luckily I had Howard to drive me home. At home sitting on the
balcony listening to The Neville Brothers, then Big Maybelle.
I love when she barks on "Houndog".
Monday, April 23, 2007
Huey Earth Day
A former colleague emailed me this "Remember this?" picture.
At school, on Earth Day, we'd have all 1000 kids out to clean up
around the neighborhood: in the streets, park and on sidewalks.
We'd sell penny things that children had donated, have games
and races and lots of good food. The logo on green t-shirts were made
by a kid in my class. We donated the money raised to Phila Green.
I'm wearing an Earth Day hat made from an old styro lunch tray.
Good times.
Today 80º again and sunny. I walked out for errands and then
worked out with the trainer at the gym. I'm trying to get Mom to
agree to work with her. We live in hope.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Earth Day 1993
The science teacher and I used to take my class to City Hall every
year to help plant the flower beds under the sponsorship of
Philadelphia Green/Philadelphia Horticultural Society. During
this year, the mayor (now governor) had a talk with the children
in his office and then appeared with them on the noon news.
We are having such *glorious* weather today! 80s and very
sunny. I had stayed in town last night so today we ate outside
and then sat in the park watching the passing parade and smiling.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Cane do
When you think you can't, think of my neighbor Tooey because
she's always on the move. You'll see her walking *everywhere*!
I walked out today doing errands. Such beautiful weather! People
out sunning with their shirts off. People playing volleyball on the
outdoor court at the clubhouse. Kids playing baseball.
Going in town tonight to a show so I'm resting up in order to hang.
Friday, April 20, 2007
A change in the weather
72 beautiful degrees today. Got up late because I was out late last
night. Started the day by teaching my computer class. Did errands.
Rested. Went to a meeting with George @ the clubhouse. Teresa,
the captain of our team Coyle's Cafe in the Relay for Life of
Roxborough, and her sister Colleen presented our ideas for a
fundraiser at the club. He was so generous in his offerings so it'll
be a great event on June 8.
Stayed for the $5 all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet and talked with
people I hadn't seen in a while. Then talked with more and had
some lagers and suddenly, it was 1:30 am! It always happens
that way.
Out walking today. Enjoying the sunshine. Spring is here I fear.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
@ the doctor's
I love the old buildings in Roxborough: their size and design, the
stones, the attic apartments. Visited the family doctor this morning.
She says I'm stressed and need to get away for a week or two. *I*
knew *that*. But i did promise to work on finding coverage.
Continued to Exhale Beauty Salon which is only two blocks away.
Today's topic was the shootings @ Virginia Tech.
Stopped @ Kohl's on the way home to get a pair of sneakers
that were on sale. Today seniors also get 15% off also. None
left in my size except a brown pair with violet trim. No sale.
Looking forward to rewatching "The Last King of Scotland" tonight.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Go fly a kite
Well, the Lone Ranger and Tonto
They are ridin' down the line
Fixin' ev'rybody's troubles
Ev'rybody's 'cept mine
Somebody musta tol' 'em
That I was doin' fine
Feelin' great today. Good workout yesterday. Slept well.
Well, the wind keeps a-blowin' me
Up and down the street
With my hat in my hand
And my boots on my feet
Watch out so you don't step on me
Walked up to Schuylkill Valley Nature Center. Blown around
by winds gusting over 40 mph. Go carry a kite.
Home by 3pm. Wanted to watch tape and view today's Oprah.
Ordinarily never watch her show but they were talking about
Hip Hop's denigration of Black women. India Irie and the young
women from Spellman College were excellent. Russell Simmons
was blowing a lot of smoke. Sure he's doing some good things,
but he didn't address rappers (poets he called them) messages.
It was a start to talking about an *enormous* problem.
Lyrics above by Bob Dylan, a poet
Monday, April 16, 2007
The north wind doth blow,
And we shall have snow,
And what will the robin do then?
Poor thing!
He will sit in a barn,
And to keep himself warm,
Will hide his head under this wing.
Poor thing!
Mom reciting poetry again. Mother Goose this time. I marvel
at her memory @ 93; but those poems are so imbedded in her
memory and she also taught them all to us. The kindergarden
teachers would always marvel that the Moore Girls already
knew the poems she wanted to teach us.
Faced the storm and walked to the gym. With my giant golf
umbrella, with thegusty winds, it felt like being in a sailboat!
Because we're at the highest point in Philadelphia, we got
1.5" of snow so the poor guys were out shoveling again.
Great workout and great stretching. Luckily, Sue had to go on
an errand and drove me home. Can't imagine what it would
have been like walking *uphill* with that wind at my back!
Gusts to 40mph and they'll hang on for 2 more days *and* it's
been raining since Friday night!
Anybody got Noah's cell #?
Sunday, April 15, 2007
<3 Mother Earth
I was on Independence Mall before noon on Saturday to do a turn I'd volunteered for.
Step It Up, Congress! Cut Carbon Emissions 80% by 2050. Many groups were involved
in the rally. I walked around the crowd carrying this sign and handing out leaflets.By the
time I left about one, the crowd had begun to grow large.
Stopped at the farmers' market before gong home to get some fresh veg. Rewarded
myself with a walnut brownie and a large cappuccino. Talking with the tourists about
places they should visit.
Rested at home and read newspapers. Had to meet neighbors at the club because our fav
band (and neighbors) Smash'd were playing. Home @ 1:30 am very tired but very happy.
Friday, April 13, 2007
The guys were still playing when we got to the clubhouse about
11:30 last night. And they played my favorites: Neil Young, John
Fogerty, Rolling Stones. I sang with them on "Ring of Fire", Johnny
"La Vie en Rose" was so great. Marion Cotillard, who played Piaf
was *sensational*!
Just lying low today resting up for the earth march tomorrow.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
A statue outside the Prince Theater where we're going shortly to
see "La Vie en Rose". Gonna stop at the club on the way home.
They're going to have an acoustical guitarist, a pleasant change
from the electrics.
It's supposed to rain today but hasn't yet. 60º and overcast when
I walked out to do my volunteer turn at the library. They *loved*
dumpr.net and allowed me to photo them so I could do the
museum one, email it to them so they can email it to their kids &
grankids. Dumpr's so much fun!!
Supposed to rain but hasn't yet.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Created with dumpr.net - fun with your photos
I am *totally* in love with this site!! After I came home from my walk and ate
my salad, I made lots of pictures from this site and emailed them all around
so everyone would know about this site.
Walking day. Walked to gym and got some written instructions from Sue.
Walked up to Saladworks and had them build me one with lots of veg.
Walked up the hill to Cathedral Road and then along the road past IMH,
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church. Walked through property and down
their hill. Looking in the woods for deer. Saw none.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Healthy eating
Trying to eat more fruit and generally eat healthier. But minature
peeps were on sale--8 bags for 50 cents @ the $ Store so I *had*
to buy some. Mailed a bag to Sis. I'm mailing her something fun
every day. Gotta keep her spirits up.
Met my people in center city (or Downtown as we call it) at the
Prince Music Theater. The Philadelphia Film Festival is here
until the 16th. We saw the Irish film "Once". Terrific music! It had
won a prize at Sundance. See it if you get a chance.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Time to Rise
A BIRDIE with a yellow bill
Hopped upon the window sill,
Cocked his shining eye and said:
“Ain’t you ’shamed, you sleepy-head!
Robert Louis Stevenson "A Child's Garden of Verses"
I was surprised when Mom recited this the other day when she
saw a bird while walking. I suppose that's where *I* learned it.
Went to bed about 5 ayem so I was sleeping quite peacefully
until I remembered I was due in the gym shortly. Passed this
birdie on my walk to the clubhouse gym where we tried out a
new flip program. Sue, my trainer, and her partners own
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Easter 1948
Mom always made our Sunday dreses and hats. The oldest wore
her dress for one season. The second oldest wore her dress for one
season and then the older sister's dress for one season. I, being
#3 had to wear mine, the second's and then the oldest's. *Three*
seasons wearing that same pattern. After I finished with a dress,
having climbed fences and ran and jumped all over the place, the
dresses were too messy to pass down to the youngest so she
wore the pattern for only one season.
I notice that my two older sister s are wearing dark shoes and that
Sis and I are wearing white. Wonder at what age we got to wear dark
shoes? Luckily we didn't have shoes passed down. We're wearing dark
hats and they're wearing light. That Mom was some designer.
Mom and Sis aren't home from Baltimore yet so it's still vacation time.
Not a turn in AC, Vegas or Nassau, but very satisfying to me.
No responsibility. People called to invite me again to their
family's dinner, but I declined with thanks. They don't accept
believe my need for a rest.
I'll call Argento's afterwhile and order a hoagie to be delivered.
Ham. It *is* Easter after all.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Egg Wreath
Mom & Sis are in Baltimore to celebrate Easter with Sis,grans and
greatgrans. I'm enjoying the silence. And, it's snowing!!
Friday, April 06, 2007
Good bad awful
Awoke so very tired in body and mind. But after a workout and
lots of stretching with Sue, I felt on top of the world (Ma).
Sis picked me up at the gym and we went to the farmers' market
for fresh veg. It was difficult for her to drive as her arm is so swollen
from the lymphadema and is wrapped painfully tightly. Then she told
me that she has to have radiation treatments five days a week for
*five weeks*!! She's so upset and can't bare to tell Mom so I'll
have to do it. Poor Sis. Poor Mom. Poor me.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Going Home
Today was a 55 and over day except for the weather which was
44º with high winds and some light flurries. Bundled up and went
out to teach computer class at library (median age 69 today).
Students wanted to send Passover and Easter greetings to kids
and grandkids so I scratched what I had planned to do today.
Diane was so tickled about being able to send a message in
French (using freetranslation.com) to her sister who speaks
French and would never think Diane had any facility in it :)
Out on bus to Exhale Beauty Salon where the median age was
very high because two women in their 80s were brought there
by their daughters to get an Easter 'do. No one topic discussed
but lots of laughs.
Picture shows where I had to walk down and then uphill to reach
home at the very end of this road. I was carrying a *heavy* shopping
bag with things purchased @ 7-11 and Family $ until a teenage
neighbor came from behind and took the bag and carried it
to my door and then upstairs. She's from the Phillipines,here
about 7 months with her mom who is working as a nurse @
Temple U. Hospital. I much appreciated her help and silently
regretted that my American teenage neighbors would have just
said hi and kept on walking.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Finishing up
Taxes all done. Now I'm grinding receipts not needed and filing new
receipts in the 2007 folder. It's raining so the weather fits the theme.
Listing to T Monk albums makes the work
less arduous and boring.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Mr. Liberty
Many different people are hired by the company to stand and
wave at passersby. They have coupons for $25 off price of the
tax service.
Refund Bay-bee!!
Walking on sunshine from the podiatrist's office to Liberty. Had my
figures ready and was hoping to come out even or ahead. I *am*
getting a refund for the first time in almost ten years! Whoa!!
It is *rumored* that one of the guys who wears the liberty costume
(not *this* one) is often seen smoking a doobie in the alley beside
the shop. Now that's liberty!!
Monday, April 02, 2007
Tennis Time
75º and sunny so, of course, people are on the tennis court.
Walked to the mailing store, supermarket and then to the gym
where I worked out with Sue.
Sis can't drive over tonight to watch the basketball game at the
club with us because her arm is very tightly wrapped. It's going
to help move the fluid in her arm. Won't get anyone here to drive
over to get her because I don't want anyone who has been drinking
to drive her home. Best thing about going to the clubhouse is
that you can walk home.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Palm Sunday 2000
I'm not a churchgoer. but my sister in Baltimore is.
She is a layreader @ St. James Episcopal Church,
a church which her husband's father helped build.
On Palm Sunday, the congregation parades around
the block carrying palms mimmicking Jesus's entry
into Jerusalem.
We all went down in 2000 to share the
service with Sis and her family. That's her in the white
vestment walking with her grandaughter.