That's what Debbie says it's called. Curling irons and a stove. At
Exhale Beauty Salon enjoying the head massage and hair wash.
Today the conversation was about the 60 yo woman who gave birth
to twins. We all felt that she is selfish and feel sympathy for the
babies who are being cared for by two nannies. The mother, a
psychologist, is going back to work at the end of the month.
It's *very* hot and humid today! Yesterday the weatherperson
advised that seniors not go out today. But there I was walking
and doing errands. Can't live by temperatures. But I didn't see
the usual oldsters out; but there were four of us in the salon.
All-u-can-eat Chinese @ the clubhouse @ 7. Better get the
newspapers read so I'll be ready to go and enjoy the fresh veg
and shrimp.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
A Cathedral
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Sunny munchin'
In the cold pool water for a short time. Then sitting poolside
crunchin' and munchin', finishin' the crosswords.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
No There There
11:42 the bus was due
waiting against the wall
for a trip to the mall
but when i got there
i had a scare
some things that *were* there
were nowhere
to be found
Mall Additions
what lightened my puzzled mood
was that we're getting a whole foods
a store of fantastic veg and fruit
and all kids of organic things
that will suit
my diet
so i shopped macy's, the $ store
fye and more
ate a subway salad
bought a new billy j ballad
and returned home
feeling sunny
because of the sales i'd spent
very little money
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Hawaiian Goodness
My neighbors came by yesterday and *did* bring the goodies I
was hoping for. I had a cup of delicious Kona as soon as they left.
Master T
The pool opening and pig roast was *yesterday* and not Monday!
When I stopped there yesterday about 5, the pork was gone and so
was the pig's head.
The captain of my team in the cancer walk received her master's
last Sunday. Her family gave her a surprise party so I went over
to the café.Good food and friends I hadn't seen in some time.
There was a torrid rainstorm with continuous sheets of flashing
lightning. We stood at the large front windows and marveled
at the continuous brightness.
Friday, May 25, 2007
he pool will open formally on Monday--roasted pig, music,etc.
Everything's cleaned up and lined up nicely
Walked out to gym for training. Stopped at the mailbox and noticed
pool gates were open so I decided to enter that way. People, mostly
kids in that *freezing* cold water! People rubbing each other with oil,
lying out working on their tans. Glad I have a beautiful permanent one.
88º and hot sun. Guess I'll have to start wearing a hat (which I hate to
do). I don't have a hat face.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Another sunny day. No humidity (yuck!!!) yet. Ran into Clinton while
walking. His MIL was here from Hawaii. He said he has something
for me. Do you smell Kona Coffee? I hope so!
Doing errands and then met Mom & Sis in Kohl's where I helped
Mom pick out two pair of white pants. Sis sensibly went right to the
80% off rack where she got some great shirts.
I love to take pictures of cameras that are taking pictures of me.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
New Plantings
Noticed so many new plantings as I did a 30 minute walk around
the nabe this afternoon. Some are so beautiful. Of course my eyes
are watering, I'm sneezing and barking like a dog from the pollen, etc;
but I do enjoy the beautiful flowers!
Stopped in Kohl's to get some exercise shorts. They're on sale
*and* we seniors get out 15% discount today. Nice one.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
African American History is American History
On the balcony readng. Previously, I'd read the now highly popular, "Jamestown the Buried
Truth" byWilliam M. Kelso in which Africans were not mentioned at all. Guess they were a
part of the buried truth.
Cold Pool
BSis went with Mom to opthamologist. I went to gym later to work
out with Sue. Love the stretching at the end!
Later BSis & I went to Eckerd to get Mom's meds. Then we went
to sit on the pool deck to have some beers and some convo. 6:30
pm and 65º and some people were in the pool!! The water had
to be *really* cold but they were swimming and playing volleyball!
They got out before I got their picture.
The pool doesn't even open until May 30th but people
are in that freezing cold water anyway!
I don't go in until after July 4th when it is finally warm enough.
Different strokes..
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Porch Sitter
Sisters visiting again. BSis came up on train after church in Baltimore.
Sis came over with some really fresh stringbeans to be cooked for
dinner. They sat out on the porch and talked to Mom. I stayed inside
and read the newspapers.
Waiting on lemon crunch pie...
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Gorgas Park
est. 1895
There was a flea market today to raise $$
to send bedding and other necessities to
the troops.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Little Fox
Some boys were sitting on the step of the hair salon. One was
holding a little fox he had brought up out of the park where they
had been fishing. Luckily a man came by who knew the boys and
their families. He made them get in his car and drove them back
to the park so they could return it to its home. The boys were not
happy, but all of us were and I'm sure the little fox will be.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Primary Day
I *was* going to vote for Jesus White, the homeless guy, but when
I got in the booth, I remembered the import of who our next mayor would be and
voted for whom I think will be best for Philadelphia.
We went to Roxburger ( for some *delicious* *fresh*
stuffed burgers. To reward ourselves for voting, we had brownies
with vanilla icecream and whipped cream. Good citizen's reward :)
Monday, May 14, 2007
Saw a brown rabbit on the parking lot when I came out of the gym.
We stared at each other for a while and then he hopped away.
As i was talking with Sue, he hopped back and then hopped away
again. Wonder what he wanted. Hope he'll be careful
Bought this lovely freesia at the market. Bought some 41ç stamps.
BSis had left for Baltimore by the time i returned home.
Sis began her daily radiation treatments today. I wish she had
seen that bunny.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Church on Mother's Day
Mom's church, Roxborough Presbyterian, is
just up the hill, two blocks from home.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Spending hours today on the balcony writing 45 personal notes
to those who don't have email asking for donations for my walk
in the Relay for Life. My goal is $1000. I'm presently @ $377.
Last year I raised $1500+. Why didn't I mail them out before
the rate went up to forty-one cents? Procrastination, thy name
is Ujima!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Road flowers
Walking the road on the way home from the gym so I could pick
these wild flowers. I know the picture's blurry. I'm tired. It's 85º
and the humidity has returned. Summer is not my favorite season.
The heat and humidity sap my strength. As I don't drive, I'm always
walking. Not complaining. Glad I can get around to everywhere
so well. I feel a trip coming on.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Cat Nap
Wednesday went out to Ott's Exotic Plants
in Schwenksville to get some things for the
newly-cleaned porch. Got the hibiscus, my
favorite, and some other plants. Going to a
yard sale on Saturday hoping to find some
plant stands.
Later went to clubhouse for Italian buffet
and a talk by a chiropractor poolside. Mom
liked his style and says she'll go see him.
Here's hoping...