Sunday, August 19, 2007
Yesterday was Mom's 94th birthday. We hadthe celebration in Sis's backyard:
kids, grandkids, other family and firends old and new. Mom says she knows she's
old because all her kids are receiving Social Security checks!
Today we went to the club and had the $5 all-u-can-eat brunch before they
returned to MD, VA and NJ.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Wedding piccy
Saturday, August 18, 2007
The Major
Friday 17 August
My cousin, the Major (AF ret.), flew in from Las Vegas
to visit with Mom on her birthday. I went to the
gym to workout with Sue so they could visit.
Later, we went to Manayunk Brew Pub for dinner.
After he left, I went to the club to watch the Eagles
WIN. Tomorrow's the big party.
Uploaded by ujima
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Hello, Dad?
Walking up Lyceum on my way to the doctor's,
I see the ladies from the office (just back from
lunch) working on a car. Sherie (left) is calling
her dad for advice. He tells her to put water in
the radiator. Got a good report from the doc but
must take another blood test to check my
cholesterol & thyroid.
Going to movies tonight to see Marc Anthony
in "El Cantante". I *love* his voice!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Resting place
I'd planned to be out today: manicure/pedicure,
sitting at the pool reading, playing Scrabble,
talking and laughing with neighbors. But I hit
my leg really hard on the edge of the bed; so
instead I spent my time with ice on/ice off.
The big ole lump is much smaller now
because of RICE.
Shade trees
They planted these fast-growing trees about three
or four years ago. They're so helpful to me as I'm
walking home carrying too many bags. I can walk
from shade to shade instead of the long walk home
in the sun that used to be or walking on the other
side of the road which is unpaved and shady but
dangerous because of the speeders who don't expect
there to be anyone walking.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
At the Zoo
At the gym today, I was so proud to tell Sue
that I had walked around America's Oldest
Zoo for four hours without tiring or having pain.
These months of therapy and training are
having a spectacular effect on my health.
When I taught for 37 years, I took the pupils
to the zoo each year. I hadn't been back in
the nine years I've been retired. Such wonderful
changes for the animals. More open spaces. No
bars and cages. Open green spaces. Wooden
limbs and plastic toys for recreation. The plantings
on the zoo grounds have increased tenfold or more.
Lots of bamboo, beautiful flowers, thick bushes of
plants in so many areas. A beautiful, enjoyable area
even though I know the zoo is not the perfect place
for many animals.
I think I'll renew the membership I
bought on retirement but never used.
Monday, August 13, 2007
The country's oldest zoo
Went to the zoo today with my nabes: mother (taking picture),
father, two great girls. We were there 9:30-2 pm and saw so
*many* fascinations. I'm *really* tired now. Many more
pictures later. Watching the E-A-G-L-E-S game.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I'm Baaaaack!
Didja miss me? Finally got my computer back
after 11 days. Luckily I do many other things or
Ida gone *mad* without the computer to help me
communicate. Hope everything's well with you.