I'm trying, but it's hard. Can't work out with the trainer because of hip pain. Getting adjusted by Dr. Lenny. Had an MRI (yikes!!!) on hip which showed no problem. Had to go to endrocronologist (another first) because of CAT scan results. Have to go to hospital on Thursday for aspiration=needle in neck to get cells from thyroid.
Tell me a funny joke please.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Keep your sunnyside up
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The other day was my first ever visit to a chiropractor. Today I receive my first ever welcome from a doctor---said chiropractor.
Did errands, stopped at the library,etc. Went out at 8 and watched Patriots/Jaguars. Well played.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Never before
in my 68years have I ever gone to a chiropractor. But beginning next week, I'll go on Tuesdays and Thursdays for three weeks. The office is wide open with three tables for patients and an old dog wandering around. I hope these treatments will help my various aches.
(xxxx fingers crossed)
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Mayor to Mingle
New mayor of Philadelphia, Michael Nutter, opened City Hall Philadelphia yesterday
from 4-8 PM to greet citizens. There was also a food tent and live entertainment. I got
there at 3:30 after a stop at the farmers' market. The line was already hundreds long.
Fnding the handicapped entrance and using the regular tactics produced nothing.
The fact that I had a carryall further prohibited my entrance.
So I walked among the crowd taking pictures and talking to people I did and did not know.
The Kucinich tee I was wearing also drew a lot of attention.
After an hour, I gave up and crossed the street to catch the bus for home.
Monday, January 07, 2008
It's A New Day in Philadelphia
Our new mayor, Michael Nutter will be sworn in today. I wish him luck. He'll need it.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
@ the supermarket where we leave our plastic bags so more benches like this one can be produced
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
awake sober great 08
Have a happy. healthy;wealthy new year!
I was too tired and coughing too much to go to the Mummers Parade. Sis & her friends went so I'll try to get pictures from them.