Really wanted to go to this opening tonight,
but Mom is so sick (cartodid artery) and Sis
couldn't fill in. I'll go to see it in the next few days.
Google Yanga to learn about the era.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Ben does signs
Did marketing and other buzzing around. Went to Spoons for a cappuccino,
a talk and rest on their beautiful comfy couches. Didn't go to the big event
@ the Clubhouse because Mom is very sick.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Winning the war on plastic
Sis brought me this great insulated bag fromTrader Joe's. It'll hold *lots* of cold & frozen items on my bus trips home from
shopping. only costs *$2*!!
I got the small one from the $ store to give to her. It'll hold her water and something else while she's paddling on the river
with her Dragon Boat team, Hope Afloat.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
No more 100º days. It was in the 70s and Mom was sunning outside when I got up. She loved today's new blooms.
Sitting poolside reading NYTimes Magazine when I was joined by Danielle and her dad. They were going to the Phillies' game with tickets she got him for Father's Day.
Monday, June 16, 2008
King votes O
Would that he had lived to see what is happening today!
Lying low on Saturday and today. Cough cough hack hack.
Sis came by and brought me some Robutussin.
Lying low reading and writing.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Freaky Friday the 13th
I FORGOT MY SENIOR PASS!!! So I had to PAY to ride the bus!! Once in Center City, I stopped at the SEPTA office and bought a one day pass.
Thinks he's Elvis
A guy in our neighborhood (about 5'7") thinks he's Elvis. On the bus ride to Center City, he was talking *very* loudly on the phone. He was calling all the local TV stations to notify them he'd be passing out stickers for Genos Steaks (Order in ENGLISH.) from noon-12:30 and that they should send cameras.
I went to 7th & Walnut for a Juneteenth celebration: drumming, song, spoken word that was leld in Congo Square Park, called Washington Square Park. It was where the free Africans and enslaved people met on Sundays. It is also the home their cementary.
The grave of the Unknown Soldier of the Revolutionary War and the Eternal Fame are also in this park.
Joe Becton
He is with the National Park Service. He spoke about the history of Juneteenth and also the history of Congo Square Park.
Parkway West HS poets
Members of the senior class gave a thought-provoking spoken word presentation.
State Proclamation
A representative from the PA state legislature read a proclamation naming the third Saturday in June 2008 an official holiday.
One of our aims is to have June 19th , no matter what day it occurs, an official holiday as it is in 26 states.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
kid letter
A friend had her class write letters to our mutual friend, a reservist, who was called to service in Iraq @ age 42. She asked me to scan them and email them to him.
Boy is my neck stiff! Luckily I'm working out with Sue this evening.
People ask where I learned the habit of doing volunteer work. I learned it from my mom. She began volunteering during WWII as an air raid warden in our neighborhood and continued through Girl Scout leader and so much more. Here she is on some walk we did. Guess it was from the Regan era (check my tee).
Me, friend Tina (now deceased), Sis, Mom
How I Roll
Went to Exhale Beauty Salon wearing one of my Barack tees. Did errands on the Ridge. Loved the beautiful weather now in the 80s after 4 days of 100s so I just kept walking instead of standing and waiting for the bus. It caught up with me after 8 blocks.
Do 8 or 10 blocks = a mile?
Pat the potter
On the pool deck drinking a lager and doing a crossword. Pat was repotting the plants.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
100º again
100º Day 4
The airconditioning went out
then the electricity went out
then I went out
and sat on the balcony and read the paper
in the breezes that forecast the storm that
was on the way
Monday, June 09, 2008
Green Earth
a great company with great workers who keep our complex neat and beautiful
These pictures were taken on Friday before it go so blazing hot.
The heat factor is 100+º, day2. I've been staying in the house. Walked out to the gym to work with Sue. Sweated more on the walk than I did in the workout. Relief won't come til Wednesday.
Nurse Helen
Mom's sister Helen was an RN. She received her degree @ Mercy Douglas, an African American hospital in Philadelphia. She later got her Master's Degree from and was a nurse anesthetist @ the University of PA.
At some time in the 40s she was a public health nurse at this facility somewhere in NJ. The men were migrant workers. I remember visiting her there when I was
a child.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Relay flyer
My team in the Relay for Life of Roxborough had a fundraiser on Friday. I was busy at the door and later talking with so many friends old and new, that I neglected to take photos. Duh!
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Pigeon Run Farm
Ozella worked as cook for the Bodine family in Malvern, PA. She lived in West Chester, PA with her husband Nelson Williams.
w child on farm
The child is *probably* the child of one of the others who worked on the farm Aunt Ozella never had any children so she was incredibly generous with nieces and nephews. We were angry because she always gave us books as Christmas presents. As we grew smarter, we appreciated the books.
She often took us to concerts of the Philadelphia Orchestra. We'd count on the program to see how many pieces were left before it was time to go to lunch. As we grew in intelligence, we learned to love the music.