Tuesday, September 30, 2008


reading@borders, originally uploaded by ujima.

Went for yearly checkup @ Womens' Center. All systems are clear. YAY!!
Had to wait *45* minutes to see the doctor!! Bored reading magazines, I looked around the room and made these findings: 8Black 8White women. Wearing sneakers 11, shoes 2, flipflops 1, gold flats 1, high-heeled boots 2, skirt 1, pants 11, dreads 4.
Walked up to Borders for celebratory Americano and carrot cake. Got Al Franken's book, "The Truth (with jokes)" for *$1.97*!!!!!! It's *hysterical*!!!!


awaiting#27, originally uploaded by ujima.

Waited *40 minutes* in Barren Hill for the bus. Traffic is tied up in Center City because of the traffic from the funeral of a slain police officer.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

looking down Parkwayway

looking down Parkwayway, originally uploaded by ujima.

After you run up the steps of the Philadelphia
Museum of Art, you do the Rocky thing and then
look down Philadelphia's Champs Elysee
toward City Hall.


tastefulsign, originally uploaded by ujima.

@ the Philadelphia Museum of Art early on Saturday morning for the Members Tasteful Talk & Tour.

Gee's Bend entrance

Gee's Bend entrance, originally uploaded by ujima.

After a talk by Linda Day Clark who showed her photographs of Gee's Bend and the quilters and told of the history of Gee's Bend, we had an excellent lunch.

I was surprised and delighted to see Charlie Fuller (won Pulitzer for "A Soldier's Play")with whom I grew up and whom I hadn't seen for decades. We'll do better at keeping in touch.

Linda & I

Linda & I, originally uploaded by ujima.


(My chin exercises aren't working yet:(


background&map, originally uploaded by ujima.

Gee's Bend is a rural community located in Wilcox, Ala., an all but inaccessible patch of land created by a loop in the Alabama River. Prior to the Civil War, two families, the Gees and the Pettways, took advantage of the area's rich soil to grow cotton, using slave labor in the harvesting of crops.

After the war, and with emancipation, the Pettway slaves remained in Gee's Bend as tenant farmers. Though touched by world events-Gee's Bend was a beneficiary of the New Deal and a stop on Martin Luther King's 1965 march to Selma-the residents lived in relative isolation for five generations, developing their own patois, religion and music. It is with their quilt-making that the inhabitants of Gee's Bend-the women, really-have made an incomparable contribution to our common culture.
------from the New York Observer


gbendmap, originally uploaded by ujima.


Linda explains quilts

Linda explains quilts, originally uploaded by ujima.

She was a fountain of information about the quilts and their quilters.

(My pictures are awful because we weren't allowed to use flash.)


3quilts, originally uploaded by ujima.



black&red, originally uploaded by ujima.

New York magazine said "These strikingly beautiful quilts from an isolated Alabama town might just deserve a place among the great works of 20th-century abstract art."


black&white, originally uploaded by ujima.

During the cold winters families needed layers of quilts to keep warm at night.


black&white2, originally uploaded by ujima.

Quiltmaking came out of need but was also a community activity.


blackwhitered, originally uploaded by ujima.



quiltblue, originally uploaded by ujima.

Pieces of old clothing were used to make some quilts. The stitching fascinated me!


quiltred, originally uploaded by ujima.

The construction of the quilts are so innovative,creative. Please go to see this show!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

see center city

see center city, originally uploaded by ujima.

seeing the buildings on the horizon as we near center city from my NW neighborhood

cityhall mkt

cityhall mkt, originally uploaded by ujima.

Mayor Nutter wanted to make City Hall more
user-friendly. There is a farmers' market on
the NE corner of Dilworth (former mayor) Plaza on Wednesdays.


mkt.apples, originally uploaded by ujima.


mktpastries, originally uploaded by ujima.

bought 2 sticky buns with raisins--$3


its.playtime, originally uploaded by ujima.

Practice my solving skills----ha! I can't get it right no matter how hard I try.
Figured to get help from last year's winner.


sudokufromabove, originally uploaded by ujima.


sudokusign, originally uploaded by ujima.


lori@work, originally uploaded by ujima.


lori.tries2help, originally uploaded by ujima.

I'm hopeless! And a photog from the Inquirer
kept taking our picture. maybe I'll be in the
newspaper tomorrow!!
I'm a WHIZ @ crosswords, but the logical
thinking it takes to do Sudoku escapes me!
I even have trouble saying the name correctly:suduko,soduku. I dunno.


lori.tries2help, originally uploaded by ujima.

I'm hopeless! And a photog from the Inquirer
kept taking our picture. maybe I'll be in the
newspaper tomorrow!!
I'm a WHIZ @ crosswords, but the logical
thinking it takes to do Sudoku escapes me!
I even have trouble saying the name correctly:suduko,soduku. I dunno.


ch6photog, originally uploaded by ujima.


awaitingbus, originally uploaded by ujima.


last.scene, originally uploaded by ujima.

Last scene? Was he an actor like Lassie???
Out doing errands. Stopped in $ store & got a Sudoku book. Going to a demo/minitournament tomorrow so I'd better learn to do it.


suzuki2, originally uploaded by ujima.

Lovely last day of summer. Walking to the gym to train with Sue, I spied this great cycle! Gotta meet the person who owns *this*!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


andrewmedaniellecordell, originally uploaded by ujima.

@ the Clubhouse watching our Eagles play the cowboys. We lost.


mecordell, originally uploaded by ujima.


they'rebaaack!!!, originally uploaded by ujima.

Benefit for Haiti

Benefit for Haiti, originally uploaded by ujima.

The Temple Dental students go to Haiti every year to treat peple. Saturday night they had a benefit @ the Clubhouse.

raffle for Haiti

raffle for Haiti, originally uploaded by ujima.

No, I didn't win *anything*!

dance for Haiti

dance for Haiti, originally uploaded by ujima.

There was lots of good music from DJ Kylie & DJ Craig.


PreparingforMonday, originally uploaded by ujima.

Friday@ supermarket yesterday doing monthly marketing when I noticed these E-A-G-L-E-S cookies. Had to buy some to take on Monday when we play the stinkin' cowboys. If the weather's nice, there'll be a movie screen on the pool deck! Kewl!!

Going out tonight to a benefit for Haiti given by Temple Dental students.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


R.I.P., originally uploaded by ujima.

my uncle
Earl Joseph Moore Scott
2/21/21 to 09/01/08

(That's my late father bottom left.)


school.supplies, originally uploaded by ujima.

n Baltimore last week, Sis's church distributed 200 schoolsupplyfilled back packs to needy children.

(My BIL drew the pictures and designed the tee.)


mandelamlkobama, originally uploaded by ujima.

can't stop buying them!


cheyneyscousin, originally uploaded by ujima.

can't stop buying tees!


earlymorningtraffic, originally uploaded by ujima.

7:30 ayem Schuylkill Expressway to center city tieup


criminaljusticenter, originally uploaded by ujima.

where I was held prisoner for 6 hours and then released with a $9 payment


doinmyduty, originally uploaded by ujima.

And it almost did me in!!
Sitting for almost 6 hours on hard benches and chairs in three different rooms.
Waiting............until they finally sent me home.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

The perfect day

The perfect day, originally uploaded by ujima.

Home alone.
Homemade BLT with extra T.
No distractions/questions during the E-A-G-L-E-S game.
E-A-G-L-E-S win 38-3.
Donovan is Donovan again!
All praises!!


awaitinghanna, originally uploaded by ujima.

Saturday:Turned over chairs and moved back plants. Lots of rain, lots, but very minimal winds. Good for me because I had to catch up on yesterday's newspapers and read today's as I was out all day yesterday.
Thank you Hanna for being a bust.


perfectangels, originally uploaded by ujima.

Up waaaay to early on Friday for doctor's appointment. Up waaaay to early *and* fasting because I had to get blood work done.
After my appointment and then Mom's, we all went to the mall for breakfast. You know I can't pass up a photo booth! Forced Mom & Sis to come in too. Scary angels!!


@themall, originally uploaded by ujima.

Before leaving mall, I took a picture of myself in Boscov's window.

Friday, September 05, 2008


twosidedtee, originally uploaded by ujima.

Got this 2-sided tee from the street vendor today. He only charged me $10 because I send him so many customers.


2sidedtee, originally uploaded by ujima.

Got this 2-sided tee from the street vendor today. He only charged me $10 because I send him so many customers.