Thursday, October 30, 2008


whentheywon, originally uploaded by ujima.


We had a great crowd and great fun @ the clubhouse.


we're#1_1, originally uploaded by ujima.


peeinhead, originally uploaded by ujima.


mmt&goodie, originally uploaded by ujima.


mm&t, originally uploaded by ujima.


guys, originally uploaded by ujima.

Goodie & Penny (who is wearing a NY hat :>p......).


goodiekeepsthebeat, originally uploaded by ujima.

He beat on the tin pail to lead the clapping excitement.


devilwearspeehat, originally uploaded by ujima.

He's from Pittsburgh butmanned up and wore a Phillies cap. Good guy.


birthdaygirltam, originally uploaded by ujima.

t was the Tamster's birthday. She was sure the Phillies won as a present for her!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


philspumpkin, originally uploaded by ujima.

Volunteered at the local Obama headquarters and then went to hair salon. Going out to watch Barack's speech and then the PHILLIES' series win. GO PHILS!!!

(Cheerio carved this pumpkin without a pattern!! There's an EAGLES logo on the reverse side.)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Too cold for the old

Too cold for the old, originally uploaded by ujima.

Endless heavy rains and winds today;even some snow flurries around noon. The Phillies game, which was called because of the weather yesterday will not be finished again today because of the weather.

Barack held a rally in the freezing rain before 9000 enthusiasts in Chester,PA today. McClain canceled his outdoor rally in Quakertown,PA. Too cold for the old.


obamadeck, originally uploaded by ujima.

A friend brought me this deck from a trip to Chicago. They sell them here @ Borders.


obamaplayingcards, originally uploaded by ujima.

pictured in the deck are senators, governors, even Oprah


obamaphilliespin, originally uploaded by ujima.

bought in town for $1

Monday, October 27, 2008


clothespiles10.27, originally uploaded by ujima.

The more I work, the less I accomplish. When the day comes to leave, I'll fly away to Budapest and worry about this mess after I get back and rested.

Going out tonight to watch the Phillies wrap up the World Series win! GO PHILS!!


greenparty08, originally uploaded by ujima.

Do you ever see her & her running mate on TV or in the newspapers? Is *anyone* reporting this story? any blog you know of?

Sunday, October 26, 2008


2championships, originally uploaded by ujima.

Great time @ Sudoku event @ Convention Center even if I did have to get up @ the crack of dawn (8:45) for me. Met and talked to the Godfather of Sudoku, Maki Kaji. I dropped my camera (again) the other day so I had to take photos with a disposible. Pictures later.
No, I didn't win, but our PHILLIES did!!!! Out until 2 a.m. watching the game.


sudoku2, originally uploaded by ujima.

There were 728 contestants, down from 857 last year. The people were from ages 7 to 88 and came from 28 states, Canada and Europe.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Phanatic & me

Phanatic & me, originally uploaded by ujima.

When I saw the Phanatic @ the rally on Wednesday, I remembered that I used to date him:) Luckily, I found a picture.

Spent the day trying to organize clothes, papers for the trip. Went to the library to help a guy with an email problem.

It's very chilly today. Gotta get the fall/winter clothes sorted and cleaned.

Called my BIL cause it's his birthday (76). He LOVED the Obama/Phillies tee I sent him.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Phillies Phever

Phillies Phever, originally uploaded by ujima.

Sis & I went to the rally @ City hall @ noon on Wednesday. Everybody's got the phever. A very large, orderly, LOUD crowd. A sea of red.

Whiz Kidz Band

Whiz Kidz Band, originally uploaded by ujima.

They played "When You're Smiling" & Take Me Out to the Ballgame. Repeatedly. We were lucky to be on the first row. But my ears are still ringing today because of being so close to the speakers.

Mayor & ball girls

Mayor & ball girls, originally uploaded by ujima.

Mayor Nutter is a big phan of everything Philadelphia. He announced a raffle for tickets to the game. You had to email Victorino's favorite food ingredient....SPAM!! Maybe I'll win!!!


Signs, originally uploaded by ujima.

Guess the economy is so bad that there weren't the usual free shirts and rally towels thrown to the crowd.All we got were the signs.


fanswsigns, originally uploaded by ujima.

Ya gotta believe!!


cutekid, originally uploaded by ujima.

He was with Dad, Grandmom & Grandpop. Way to raise a phan!


fanwsign, originally uploaded by ujima.

Go Phils!!

phanatic kid

phanatic kid, originally uploaded by ujima.

The Phanatc came over and kissed him. He kissed the mayor and Sis too.

Phanatic leads cheers

Phanatic leads cheers, originally uploaded by ujima.

He has such great energy!


yagottabelieve, originally uploaded by ujima.

This guy was in a motorized wheelchair. He said he was going to rest after the rally and then watch the game @ Chickies & Pete's tonight. Ya gotta believe in yourself and get out there.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Phillies Phever

Phillies Phever, originally uploaded by ujima.

Everybody's got the fever. Sis found a guy selling this shirt from a truck when she went to a coffeeshop in Mt. Airy. Perfect to wear to the rally @ City Hall tomorrow.
We went to the Clubhouse for one or two and discovered it was Steak Night so we stayed and ate and talked baseball with everyone.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Senior Game Day

Senior Game Day, originally uploaded by ujima.

Mom, Sis and I went to Dave & Busters for this game day. What fun! What a bargain!


welcomesign, originally uploaded by ujima.

We received slips for free lunch, tickets for raffles and chips for game play.
I LOVE Sis's shirt: Homeland Security: Fighting Terrorists since 1492!!
She got it on her trip to New Mexico.


blackjack, originally uploaded by ujima.

Sis and Mom played Blackjack. They wanted to stop and go to lunch but kept winning. They finally walked away and gave the chips to the others at the table.
Mom was filmed and was on Action News last night!!


blackjack2, originally uploaded by ujima.


blackjack3, originally uploaded by ujima.


roulette&blackjack, originally uploaded by ujima.


ch6photosladies, originally uploaded by ujima.

The ladies were wearing their Eagles gear but did a Phillies cheer for the Action News photog.


birdsrafflebox, originally uploaded by ujima.

We put 75% of our tickets in this box.


withharold, originally uploaded by ujima.

The PCA photog chose us to pose with Eagles great Harold Carmichael. You know I asked if he knew the famous joke about him and the baby in the burning building. He did :)


rafflisten, originally uploaded by ujima.

Mom was tired and ready to go home, but we waited and listened for the raffle winners' name. We'd put all of our tickets into the $50 gas card and Eagles tickets boxes.


gottawinnah, originally uploaded by ujima.

We didn't win :( But where else could you have 4 hours of fun for $5??

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


workmasks, originally uploaded by ujima.

Wearing masks to guard against dust and whateverelse as I work to clean up the mess in my room. Basocally putting away summer, bringing out winter clothes.Already coughing from allergies and the guys cutting the grass all day.

Going into center city in a few moments to watch debate/Phillies. GO PHILS! GO BARRY!


clothespile1, originally uploaded by ujima.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Obama Rally

Obama Rally, originally uploaded by ujima.

Barack Obama was in Philadelphia in 4 locations today. Got a ride over to Gorgas Park with T. So many people (20,000?) So much joy! No pushing or shoving. Not a discouraging word. Positive Vibrations.

Mumia people

mumiapeople2, originally uploaded by ujima.

They're at every rally everywhere.

Republicans 4 O

Republicans 4 O, originally uploaded by ujima.

Saw the sign but not anyone wearing this t-shirt.


me@rally, originally uploaded by ujima.


Obama line

Obama line, originally uploaded by ujima.

You had to wear a Germantown for Obama sticker to get in line to enter the park.


obamaline2, originally uploaded by ujima.


obamaline3, originally uploaded by ujima.