Haven't been out much since I've been home except for working with Dr. Lenny to rehabilitate my ankle.
Haven't even unpacked yet. Such a chore. But I *have* finished uploading all the vacation pictures to
ujimahereandthere.blogspot.com. Enjoy!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Welcome Sofitel
Back from vacation. Had a grand time!! Will post many pictures on ujimahereandthere.blogspot.com when I get organized.
Twisted my ankle the first day out and had to get around on a cane for the rest of the time.
Going to thre chiropractor yesterday, today and Friday. He's working on it.
Serbian kids
Budapest. In Fisherman's Bastion looking at buildings when I was approached by these excited teenagers screaming "OBAMA!" They were on a school trip from Serbia and were excited seeing my Obama tee and the Obama buttons on my backpack. They insisted on posing for lots of pictures.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
Smiley day
In Andorra Shopping Center doing errands in preparation for my trip. People smiley and laughy, congratulating one another, high fives and hugs. Good vibrations.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Take the bitter with the sweet
Picked this shirt to wear today. On the bus to the podiatrist, two older (70s/80) white women boarded,looked at me and shuddered and rode to their stop staring at the floor never looking up.
A 50ish white man man got on the bus and asked the driver, "When are y'all going to have the parade?". The bus driver ignored him. After he sat down, he asked me. I asked him who "Y'all" was. He had no answer, got up and moved to the back of the bus.
On the way to the mall, I stood on a corner in the nearby suburbs waiting for the bus. People honked their horns, raised thumbs, rolled down their winds and cheered "woo hoo" and such.
People at the mall wearing Barack pins high fived me and gave cheers and smiles.
(When *are* y'all having the parade?)
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
They brought in xtra chairs from the pooldeck when all the table and bar seats were full.
posing.w. Maki Kaji
He's the Godfather of Sudoku, a puzzle manufacturer. He was the person who was signifigant in making Sudoku a worldwide phenomenon.
World Series Trophy
Today was the championship parade. The crowd was estimated @ 1.5 million. My friends who live downrown called me at 9:30 and said not to come as the street was already full with thousands and the parade wouldn't start for 3 hours!
Public transit was overwhelmed and finally stopped running. Many fans from the suburbs could not get into town. The wait for trains in NJ was 2 hours!
They opened two stadiums to hold the crowds for the speechifying at the end of the parade.
I wasn't too disappointed because I'd been to the '80 parade and also to the Eagles, 6ers and Flyers parades.