Friday, December 25, 2009

lone walker

lone walker, originally uploaded by ujima.

We had 23.2 inches of snow on 12/20. Just saw that I had neglected to post pictures. It snowed all day and was quite calming.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa no pic

near front of line, originally uploaded by ujima.

zero for two on pictures in twenty oh nine
none with Bunny or Santa because of kids' endless line
parents shoulda brought them sooner n gotten outta my way
12/24 is Procrastinators' Day
sent Ole Nick my picture by Santa Mail
told him to Photoshop in and return without fail
Had had one each year reaching back to Huey when Santa was Black
I end this decade with no pic and feeling wack
Bah Humbug!!

santa out2lunch, originally uploaded by ujima.

He was FIFTEEN MINUTES LATE coming back from lunch!!!!
Bad Santa!

santa mail, originally uploaded by ujima.

huey.santa, originally uploaded by ujima.

@ Huey in the 80s

Monday, December 21, 2009

$ store decs

$ store decs, originally uploaded by ujima.

You can get the best decorations at the $ store!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Peace wreath

Peace wreath, originally uploaded by ujima.

The smell of balsam brings the Christmas feeling.

$storedecs, originally uploaded by ujima.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Santa Is My Guy

huey.santa, originally uploaded by ujima.

@ Huey School

cola.santa, originally uploaded by ujima.

I wore that hat!!??

santa 'n me 02, originally uploaded by ujima.

santa 2003, originally uploaded by ujima.

We both love Hugh.

me'nsanta04, originally uploaded by ujima.

us&nick05, originally uploaded by ujima.

Sis, Mom, Nick,Me

santa'06, originally uploaded by ujima.

myself&nick07, originally uploaded by ujima.

santa08large, originally uploaded by ujima.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bus wait 12/16

Bus wait 12/16, originally uploaded by ujima.

In Kohl's ,Acme, Rite Aid people came up to say they'd seen me on the news yesterday and agreed with what I had to say about the Phillies trading Lee. They laughed about my t-shirt remark. (They can't trade him. I have three Lee tees!) None wanted to pay the $1 fee for an autograph.
36º, not the best temperature in which to wait for a bus.

Bus wait 12/16

Bus wait 12/16, originally uploaded by ujima.

A Good Day

A Good Day, originally uploaded by ujima.

Good day in town on Tuesday: early member reservations for Picasso exhibit arranged, got my tickets etc. for the Cali trip, interviewed by Ch. 6 about Halladay/Lee, on TV @ noon (missed it), bought an Egg McMuffin for a homeless woman, ran into a woman I had taught in the 1960s. As Cube would say, "Today was a good day."

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Squirrel Nutkin

Squirrel Nutkin, originally uploaded by ujima.

squirrelnut2, originally uploaded by ujima.

squirrel4, originally uploaded by ujima.

squirrel3, originally uploaded by ujima.

Monday, December 07, 2009


ready4game, originally uploaded by ujima.

Ready 4 the game wearing Eagles pjs & tee, Eagles keychain,earrings and beads,Westbrook coin in my pocket.Home alone so I can CHEER and dance around. Most important, I can hear Merrill Reese. PRICELESS!!


Vic-tory, originally uploaded by ujima.

He was great! One touchdown running,one passing. Wish they'd left him in a minute longer.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

1st snow of the season 12/09

snow2, originally uploaded by ujima.

Inside reading newspapers...listening to Peter Tosh...watching the latest Eddie Murphy movie...eating Chinese takeout delivery.

snow4, originally uploaded by ujima.

snow5, originally uploaded by ujima.

snow6, originally uploaded by ujima.

snow7, originally uploaded by ujima.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Can't find my beard!

Can't find my beard!, originally uploaded by ujima.

Gotta fill these kids' requests.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Chewbacca the Wookie

Chewbacca the Wookie, originally uploaded by ujima.

Talking with Chewbacca @ Exhale Beauty Salon as I await my turn. (Do you see me in the mirror??)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

the reading lights

the reading lights, originally uploaded by ujima.

Bought Mom reading lights to clip on her glasses so she will read more often and more comfortably. She says they're too weird to wear! Not too weird for *me*. I like 'em!

thereadinglights2, originally uploaded by ujima.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


wmpennhi, originally uploaded by ujima.

n town bangin' around
Reading Terminal, American Express
booking our Rose trip
a big success
Gold Rewards, air miles all the best
then some get a taxi,but the rest
await the bus


taxi!, originally uploaded by ujima.


buswaitgirl, originally uploaded by ujima.

buswaitkids, originally uploaded by ujima.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

South African Safari

safricaprogram, originally uploaded by ujima.

Monthly meeting of Geographical Society of Philadelphia. Photographer John Wilson's excellent pictures of the biodiversity of S.Africa. Who knew there were penguins there?!

gbye Henrys

gbyehenrys, originally uploaded by ujima.

Neighbors of 8 years (2&3 from right) are moving. Pregnant. Bought a house. Of course there was a goodbye party.

newhatdrew, originally uploaded by ujima.

We finally got the Okie to stop wearing that raggedy cowboy hat. He looks *decent*!!

crazees, originally uploaded by ujima.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Waiting to exhale

Waiting to exhale, originally uploaded by ujima.

Mom, Sis, and Viola watching "Who Wants to Be A Millionaire" and waiting their turns @ Exhale Beauty Salon. We went for a lunchtime breakfast @ Bob's Diner when all were finished.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Autumn leaves

pre1, originally uploaded by ujima.

Out walking. Enjoying the autumn leaves.

IMAG0001, originally uploaded by ujima.

IMAG0003, originally uploaded by ujima.

IMAG0004, originally uploaded by ujima.

IMAG0005, originally uploaded by ujima.

IMAG0006, originally uploaded by ujima.