Another bright sunshiny day. It gets colder every day. High winds make the cf9º. Our guys continue to keep the streets and sidewalks clear.
Plans for movie and early dinner fell through so I went walking, did errands, talked with people over coffee. Looked away when I passed the gym. I REALLY need to get back to workouts.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
sun sun sun sun sun
beautiful sunny day again
temps in the 30s but who cares
feel that sun
walked out and all over the place
going out to a bar to a birthday party
for a young friend
young? she's turning 50!
well, i've know her since she was
really really young
Thursday, January 29, 2009
new mind games
Bright sunshiny day. Walking & talking & doing errands. Stopped in Mickey D's for a small salad and cappuccino. Guy gave me crossword puzzle page from USAToday. Discovered 2 word games unknown to me. I like them! They're fun!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
stormy wednesday
Snow & sleet began early morning. About 5 a.m., I heard the guys shoveling and running machines. All Philadelphia public & parochial schools were closed. (Those were my favorite words when I was a teacher.)
The podiatrist's office called to say my appointment was canceled so I went back to bed and to sleep. Guys working so hard, as they usually do, kept me awake.
Later decided this was the perfect day to watch a movie so I got out the DVD "Mrs. Paltry @the Claremont" with Joan Plowright. Perfect! Sweet, sentimental, slow-moving, well-acted.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Basquiat rhythm
In process of reading this wonderful book. It has a rhythm like a bebop piece. The author will be here on 2/28. I'm now anxious to hear her speak having starting reading this book.
Frigid weather, light snow. Much snowsleet predicted for tonight/tomorow. I go out walking despite the low temperatures. Walked up to the chiropractor's yesterday; today, around the neighborhood. Can't let my fitness dissipate.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
@ the Clubhouse last night for 2 hours of freebies. Stayed another 6 hours appreciating neighbors and friends, watching college basketball, boxing.
Just lying around reading the newspapers today.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
@ the library
Out walking. Stopped into the library to get Steve Lopez's book. Our local One Book discussion will be on Feb. 11th. There was a long waiting list for the book and also for Basquiat: A Quick Killing in Art by Phoebe Hoban. She'll be @ the Central Library on the 28th. At home, I ordered both books on Amazon. Less waiting.
The movie that is being made from the Lopez book is being filmed in Philadelphia. There have been Jamie Foxx sightings in restaurants, bars and gyms. They're filming in City Hall Courtyard at present.
I'm anxious to read Lopez's book. He was a columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer for many years and was always one of my favorites.
Could NOT stay in the house another day!! Put on about 20 layers and went out in the 9ºcf morning. Walked for 20 minutes. Retired to couch and read the papers. Special inaugural sections very well detailed. Fantastic pictures!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
WORSE time to have a virus and be too weak to get up and out. Today I couldn't go on the peace march. Tomorrow can't go out to watch Eagles game. Was *supposed* to do MLK Day of Service on Monday. Was to go to African American museum on Tuesday to watch inauguration. Dammitdammitdammit.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Friday, January 09, 2009
Sis & I went to LAFitness for water exercises. I used the cards with exercises that I did in rehab when I had trouble with my back. We worked for 45 minutes. Well done!! (And we didn't stop for a beer afterwards;)
Thursday, January 08, 2009
in the mail today
The last one I'll buy! 8>D
Out doing errands in Andorra. Ran into a guy who asked for help on computer so I went to the library fror 30 minutes. Did monthly shopping @ market. Noticed that brands I like are slowly disappearing replaced by store brand. Guess with the economy people are buying cheaper brands.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Tarjay ball
Went to Target, the famous French store, while Sis took Mom to have her eyes examined and to take tests. After very little shopping (I have too much stuff already) I sat at the Starbuck's window, drank a hot chocolate and watched the scene .
Finally stopped buying Obama tees. Now I buy Obama magazines :) What a photogenic guy! What a photogenic family!!
I hope that with the high expectations for his presidency, people will still give this administration time to work through our problems. There will not be a quick fix to all the problems we are experiencing.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
ugh. Awakened by a constant beep beep beeping then the sound of chains. Got up and looked out of the window. Somebody was being towed!!
Got to get moving myself. Going in town to watch the Eagles game. E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!
Friday, January 02, 2009
@ the mall continuing the search for an argyle sweater without success. Stopped for a mushroom slice. Reading *another* Obama magazine. I'm collecting them like I collected Obama tees. Think I have 5 mags already.