2.27 Marian Anderson was born in Philadelphia in 1897. She was an American singer, one of the finest contraltos of her time. Marian Anderson was the first Black to sing at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City, making her debut in 1955 as Ulrica in Verdi's Un ballo in Maschera.
When you visit Philadelphia, be sure to take the tour of the Marian Anderson Historical Residence and Museum, a house she purchased in 1924, There is much memorabilia there.
Eating a sandwich made with yummuyummy bread bought from Panera yesterday. Reading the Basquiat book. Going to a film and book discussion tomorrow.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Great Divide
drawing by Wilson McLean
US Patent 5301831 - Newspaper rack with improved one-at-a-time dispensing assembly
invented by the creator of BlackRefer.com, Woodi Holmes.
AfricanAmerican History is American History.
Philadelphia Newspapers LLC,parent company of our local newspapers, have filed for bankruptcy.It laid off 88 employees last year. Truck drivers and other union members agreed to give up or postpone a weekly raise to help the newspapers save money.
BUT, on the other side of the divide, the salary of the Publisher and CEO of Philadelphia Newspapers was raised TWICE in 2008 by more than $250,00 and three other excecutives were also given raises.
When these facts were made known in the daily papers, they decided to give back the raises.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Cézanne and Beyond
Julian Abele (April 30, 1881 – April 23, 1950) was a prominent African-American architect, known best for his work on the Duke University campus and on the PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM OF ART.
n 1906, Abele joined the firm of legendary Philadelphia architect Horace Trumbauer, as an assistant to Trumbauer's chief designer, Frank Seeburger. When Seeburger left the firm in 1909, Abele advanced to chief designer, a position which he would hold until Trumbauer's death in 1938.
Abele designed or contributed to the design of some 250 buildings, including Harvard’s Widener Memorial Library, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Central Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia, the Shadow Lawn Mansion which currently serves as the administrative headquarters of Monmouth University, and many Gilded Age mansions in Newport and New York City.
AfricanAmerican History is American History.
At the museum today to see the Cézanne exhibit. It was so enjoyable because they positioned the paintings of artists influenced by Cézanne with his works. I especially enjoyed seeing Matisse and Picasso's take on Cézanne's painting of his wife in a red chair and other artists interpretations of his paintings of bathers.
The work of the 18 artists shown along with Cézanne's work echoed his subject matter, composition, colors etc. while still expressing their own style.
We ate in the museum restaurant where I had the "TheBathers" entree: pan-seared skate in a porcini broth with vegetable dumplings, Excellent!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
You know about Edison but...
Lewis Latimer 1848-1928
Inventor and engineer, born in Chelsea, Massachusetts. After serving in the US Navy during the Civil War, he studied drafting, eventually becoming chief draftsman for both General Electric and Westinghouse. He invented a ‘water closet for railroad cars’ (1873), and drafted the patent drawings for Alexander Graham Bell's first telephone. In 1881 he devised a method for making a carbon filament for a light bulb made by one of Thomas Edison's competitors, and then supervised that firm's installation of electric lights in New York City, Philadelphia, Montreal, and London. In 1884 he went to work for Edison's company.
AfricanAmerican History is American History.
Signs up around town advertizing the "Cezanne and Beyond" show which will be at the Philadelphia Art Museum from 27 February to 17 May. I'm going to see it tomorrow during a members' preview. Looking forward to eating from the Cezanne-inspired menu @ the restaurant .
Monday, February 23, 2009
Kareem Abdul Jabar
Elijah McCoy (1843 - 1929) invented an automatic lubricator for oiling steam engines in 1872. The term "the real McCoy" is believed to be a reference about the reliability of Elijah McCoy's invention.
McCoy was born in Canada. His African-American parents had fled from Kentucky to escape slavery. He showed an early talent for mechanical innovations, and in Ypsilanti, MI he devloped lubricators for steam engines (1870). In 1882 he moved to Detroit, where he perfected his lubricating cup, still widely used to provide a steady supply of oil to machinery. He opened the Elijah McCoy Manufacturing Co (1920) and patented an improved airbrake lubricator, one of the some 50 patents he obtained during his lifetime.
AfricanAmerican History is American History.
The wind chill factor was in the low teens today. The gusts fought me as I tried to walk uphill to the chiro office. I'm sure it was good exercise. Resistence.
Found the picture of Kareem I mentioned yesterday in talking about the Harlem Book Fair.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
2.22 Ishmael Reed was born on this date 1933. He is an African-American writer. Reed is total writer, creating in poems, novels, essays, articles and more.
As of 1995, Reed had published nine novels, five books of poems, and four collections of essays; he also had authored four plays, three television productions, and two librettos, and edited four anthologies. His publishing and editing enterprises have included Reed, Cannon and Johnson Publications, I. Reed Books, and the journals Yardbird Reader Y’Bird, Quilt, and Konch.
I once saw Ishmael Reed in a restaurant in Harlem. We were @ the 2003 Book Fair and decided to take a soul food break. On the way to the loo, I saw Ishmael coming and out and greeted him saying, "Wow it's so good to see you again!" He smiled widely and said, "It's so good to see you after so long."
Of course he had no idea who I was and was just being polite, but I liked his attitude. Don't remember why I stopped reading his work because I do remember enjoying it.
Also saw Kareem Abdul Jabar that day walking along the street toward the platform where he was to speak/read. I did remember to take a picture. Must look for it.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
2.19 On this date in 1942, the Tuskegee Airmen were initiated into the armed forces. They constituted the first African-American flying unit in the U. S. military. Altogether 992 pilots graduated from the Tuskegee airfield courses; they flew 1,578 missions and 15,533 sorties, destroyed 261 enemy aircraft, and won over 850 medals. The American army’s 100th pursuit squadron a group of Black aviators fought valiantly over Britain and other European countries.
I usually awaken/get up 11 or 11:30. But this morning the guys were out making a hole, fixing the leaky pipe. They started before 8 a.m. and were right under my window. Couldn't go into the living room to sleep on the couch because Trace was coming to clean the apartment. Bummer!! Did get a little sleep after noon when Trace left and the welcoming couch was available.
Glad tonight's steak night at the Clubhouse. A fitting reward for my suffering.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Roxborough Presbyterian buildings
2.16 This date in 1852 marks the birth of William Sander Scarborough. He was an African American scholar and University President.
He was emancipated during the Civil War, entered Atlanta University in 1869, and then went on to Oberlin College for his Masters degree. He taught Latin and Greek at Wilberforce University. In 1908 he became President a position he held for twelve years. In 1921 American President Harding appointed him to a post in the Department of Agriculture, which he held until Harding's death in 1924.
AfricanAmerican History is American History.
Windy & sunny & 44º today. Out for a long walk and then to chiropractor's. Wonder what's in the blue trailer on the church lot.
Neighbors downstairs continue to have door decorating competition:)
Since <3 Day items are now 50% off, I see a new hanging on one door.
What'll tomorrow bring?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
February 15 Austin Stewart
*The birth of Austin Stewart in 1793 is celebrated on this date. He was a Black slave, businessman, administrator and biographer of his life as a slave in America.
In 1817, he created a successful business in Rochester. 9 years later he delivered an oration at the celebration of the New York emancipation act, and in 1830 he was elected vice-president of the National convention of Negroes in Philadelphia.
As an elder he wrote of his experiences in his autobiography, Twenty-Two Years a Slave which appeared in 1857. As an American reference it is considered one of the best slave narratives published.
Today emails, messags, comments on Facebook, texts, phone calls swirling. Manager of Clubhouse has been released. Who knows *what* the truth is? Rodney said "Can't we all just get along?"
I told them to fly on up to the part of the lot near Mickey Dees. But who listens to me?
Saturday, February 14, 2009
WIN valentine
February14 *On this date in 1760, Richard Allen was born in Philadelphia. He was a Black religious leader, founder and first bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church.
Frederick Douglass was born on this date in 1817. He was a Black abolitionist, orator, and writer, who escaped slavery and urged other Blacks to do likewise before and during the American Civil War.
Black History is American History.
Sent a donation to Women in Need in memory of my sister, Consuella the Queen.
They sent this card to Mom to wish her a Happy Valentine's Day.
Sis will stay with her this evening while I go out to dinner @ Sadiki's for the last
time before it closes:(
Friday, February 13, 2009
Blinkin Lincoln
2.13 On this date in 1892 the first African-American performers appeared at Carnegie Hall.The World's Fair Colored Opera Company, with featured singer, soprano Matilda Sissieretta Jones, performed less than one year after the hall's opening.
February 13
Activist Politcal organization the SCLC begins! On this date in 1957, the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference is founded.
Black History is American History.
At the mall doing errands. Decided to go to see "Slumdog Millionaire" again. It's such a great story told in such an original format!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
1977Clifford Alexander, Jr. became the first African American Secretary of the Army. Throughout his career--as an attorney, businessman and public servant--Alexander has worked to improve living and working conditions for minorities and women. He played a role in the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and other civil rights legislation, and helped guide the Army's transition to an all-volunteer force.
Black History is American History.
2009 Elizabeth Alexander,hsi daughter, was the Obama Inaugural poet.
63º today. Ridiculous. Everyone will be sick soon because they're walking around with no coats or sweaters, many wearing shorts.
Went to podiatrist, delivered BeatnikBrown's particulars to Coyle's Café and then bussed to library. Only 5 for book discussion.It started off with the leader annoying me so I began to doodle until she calmed herself and adjusted to my personality (or I adjusted to hers:) The others were really nice people, one of whom was an ex computer student of mine from when I volunteered for 10 years @ the library instructing people 55+. I'm not interested in next month's book so I'll wait for the April selection.
February 10 Southern Christian Leadership Conference founded, 1957
Andrew Brimmer, the first Black person to serve on the Federal Reserve Board, 1966
Leontyne Price, world renowned soprano, born 1927
Black History is American History
Beautiful 53º day. Didn't walk far or long because I'm watching Mom more closely since she had the 2 needles yesterday for back pain.
Water and steam still in the hole where the pipe is leaking. Isn't it warm enough to dig some more and fix it?
Reviewing "The Soloist" for tomorrow's book club discussion.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Feb. 9, 1995 - Bernard Harris becomes first black astronaut to take space walk.
Harris, a medical doctor, became a NASA astronaut in 1991. In February 1995, he was the payload commander on STS-63, the first flight of the new joint Russian-American Space Program; his space walk made him the first African American to perform an extravehicular activity.
Another bright sunshiny day--47º. Sis took mom to doctor to have her back checked. She got x-rays, 2 needes & got measured for a back belt.
I set out for a walk ending up at the chiro for my appointment. Good adjustment. Wearing my BeatnikBrown shirt which I love.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
February 8,1985 - Reporter at Large
Brenda Renee Pearson, an official court reporter for the House of Representatives, was the first black female to record the State of the Union message delivered by the president in the House chambers.
Temperatures 36º, today in the 50s. Snow is melting rapidly.
My favorite guys! They are soooo great, can play any genre excellently. So I was out to the Clubhouse last night from the time they set up until after they left (8pm-4a.m.). They make people so happy! Make ya jump up and celebrate!
My favorite guys! They are soooo great, can play any genre excellently. So I was out to the Clubhouse last night from the time they set up until after they left (8pm-4a.m.). They make people so happy! Make ya jump up and celebrate!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Heart of My Heart
February 7,1926 Negro History Week originated by Carter G.Woodson is observed for the first time. In 1976 it became Black History Month.
Black History is American history.
February 7th is the birthday of my sister, Consuella the Queen, who died from lung cancer in 1996 at the age of 60. She, my other two sisters and I loved to sing and harmonize.
"Heart Of My Heart", I love that melody
"Heart Of My Heart" brings back a memory
When we were kids on the corner of the street
We were rough 'n ready guys
But oh, how we could harmonize
"Heart Of My Heart" meant friends were dearer then
Too bad we had to part
I know a tear would glisten
If once more I could listen
To that gang that sang "Heart Of My Heart"
by Ben Ryan
Friday, February 06, 2009
Heaven Bound Gospel Singers
February 6, 1870 On this day, Jonathan Jasper Wright was elected to the South Carolina Supreme Court.
Black History is American History.
Up and out early to train station for Black History Month Celebration sponsored by Pathmark.
I should have read about it on the Internet instead of taking a friend's recommendation.
There was no knowledge dropped, only singing and dancing. What a wasted opportunity!
Five hours of scheduled singing and dancing! That could have been done at *any* time!
Why waste a Black History celebration on a salute to Motown and such? Where were the kids
sharing what they had learned? Aaaaah I can't go on! Such a waste of space!!!
I love when I take a picture and someone walks by before it's done. The person always looks superimposed, ghostly.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Feb.5 1990 Columbia University graduate and Harvard University law student Barack Obabma became the first African American named president of the Harvard Law Review.
Black History is American History.
Trace here cleaning so I had to get up so she could change my sheets and covers. Her mom's in the hospital. Knee operation. Pray for Marie.
-3º CF and windy today. Decided not to go out walking. Reading "The Soloist" and listening to Beethoven's 3rd Symphony, Nathaniel Ayers' favorite.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
February 4
Sojourner Truth (Isabella Baumfree), preacher, abolitionist, speaker, and women's rights advocate, was commemorated on a U.S. postage stamp on this date in 1986.
Black History is American History.
The snow was not sticking last night at first because the ground wasn't cold enough. But continuos allnight snow and dropping temperatures gave us 8.4" instead of the 1-3 inches snow predicted.
Up and out Wednesday at noon. The paths had been cleared, there was no ice and the buses were running. Went to Exhale Beauty Salon and got a press and curl.
Walked up the block to Starbucks for a quiet hour without responsibility.(Mom had fallen and hurt her back on Monday so I'd been sticking close to her.)
After getting hair done @ Exhale, sat in window seat @ Starbucks and read "The Soloist" for 45 minutes.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
snowing hour 4.5
1874 - Blanche Kelso Bruce is elected to the United States Senate from Mississippi. He will be the first African American senator to serve a full term and the first to preside over the Senate during a debate.
Black History is American History.
Snowing hour 4.5. It's not sticking because the ground is not frozen as we've had 40+º days lately. Looking for my boots so I can go out walking.
Got this hat in the mail today. As it was too tight, I'm stretching it over this plate (which I bought in Morocco in 1976). It'll be perfect for walking through the falling snow.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Today in Black History
1839 Spark Plug Patent
Inventor Edmond Berger patented the spark plug.
1897 A.L. Cralle patents Ice Cream Mold
1948 Truman sends Congress Anti-Lynching Message
President Truman sent Congress a special message urging adoption of a civil rights program, including a fair employment practices commission and anti-lynching and anti-poll tax measures.
AfricanAmerican History is American History.
Why do people call me or noisily dig when they know I don't get up until after 11? Are they *jealous* because I'm retired and they have to work? A phone call at 8:45 and the guys noisily discussing the job to be done and then start digging about 9. Good thing it was sunny and 50º or I'd have been really grumpy from lack of sleep! I filled the tub and sinks in case the water was 2 b cut off.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Here's that month again!
2008 Mike Carey was designated as referee of Super Bowl XLII becoming the first African American referee to receive the prestigious assignment.
Black History Month when positive accomplishments of AfricanAmericans past and present are highlighted. 28 days of recognition then a return to highlighting the negative actions of a minority of Black Americans.