March 31 Robert G. McGruder was born on this date in 1942. He was an African-American journalist. his news career began with the Cleveland Plain Dealer as a reporter, city editor and managing editor. He then joined the Detroit Free Press in June 1986 as deputy managing editor, managing editor/news and managing editor. McGruder was named Free Press executive editor in 1996.
The physical therapist visited Mom (95 yo) today to make plans. They'll go for a walk on Friday. She's great! She's worked with Mom before.
I set out to take pictures to send to my sponsored children in Mississippi, Malawi and Sudan. No, I'm not Madonna, nor do I approve of what she's doing.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
@ the library
Helped Philip learn how to use the Reservation Station. Helped Marta access her Earthlink email.
On this date in 1870, the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified. This guaranteed African-American men the right to vote. But not until the Voting Rights Act of 1965 did discrimination in voting begin to end and courts enforce the 15th Amendment.
Waking the Ridge this afternoon. The weatherman said 50+ยบ, but it felt like 30s because of the winds. Got my tax papers :P....., a BELIEVE green Eagles shirt from Steph whose business in making personalized tees has gone under and some cake (but no coffee)from Starbucks.
Bussed to Dr. Lenny's and got welcome adjustment on the chiropractic table bed. Iced down and was blown home by the winds as I walked downhill.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
March 28 On this date in 1882, Elijah McCoy patented the Lubricator Cup. The devise dripped small amounts of oil onto moving engine parts, saving businesses time and money.
Having brunch (*Saturday* Brunch?!?) with three generations of the Coyle Family at their cafe. I had stopped in to have some beers and watch the 1:00 basketball game; but when I discovered that the fam was in the diningroom, I went and sat and ate with them. Oooooh! Where do they get those delicious fat sausages??
Gave T Sis's numbers so they could talk to her about getting their dad's meds at a reasonable price. What he's paying is *robbery*!! Sis know all about Medicare etc. as it's part of her parttime job. They said it was meant for me to stop in, destined for me to be there so I could help with that problem. I believe that as I had no intention of going there and just happened to walk by as I strolled the Ridge. I'd usually just wave at whomever I saw through the window and then continue walking.
Going to the Clubhouse @ 7 to watch the Villanova game. GO NOVA!!
Glad I stayed long enough to see Kylie drop by in his 50s gear 8>D. He had DJ'd a Beef n Beer for one of our teams from the Relay for Life. Our theme this year is the 50s.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
promenade Blackpool
March 27 Effa Manley was born on this date in 1900. An African-American business entrepreneur, Manley was the only female owner in the history of Negro Leagues.
Beautiful sunshiny day! Phillies opening day coming soon. Going out walking in a few minutes. Wishing I was walking on the promenade in Blackpool, England where my friend from Oldham went for the day with his wife, son and grandkids.
Can't wait to get to AC and walk on the Boardwalk. Right now my money's too funny.
Our esteemed historian
March 26, 1886 Hugh Mulzac was born. He was an African-American Captain in the merchant marines. Read about his amazing career and his stand for equality and recognition.
As if I wasn't bummed enough with having to pay taxes,my dear BIL in the hospital and the rain coming down, I read in the newspaper about the death of John Hope Franklin, our esteemed historian.
So I began rereading "From Slavery to Freedom" wherein he integrated Black History into American history in places where it belonged. Have you ever read it? Please do!
Bad day @ Black Rock
March 25, 1815 The birth of Henry Box Brown is celebrated on this date. He was a Black abolitionist and writer. Box Brown is reknown for shipping himself in a box to Philadelphia and freedom. Read about this fascinating man!
BUMMER!BUMMER!BUMMER!BUMMER!! I'm NOT getting a refund!! I have to PAY!!!!!!!!
My BIL was taken to the hospital. BUMMER!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
the task day2
March 24, 1907 Janet Bragg was born. She was an African-American aviator, nurse, and nursing home proprietor. Read more about her fascinating life!
Continued working on tax prep/sorting/shredding papers. All organized after a few hours. Ready to use Excel to prepare digits etc. to take to guy tomorrow.
Karen, visiting nurse, here questioning Mom for 2 hours. She'll come once a week for 9 weeks. Will send Pam who does PT and who has worked with Mom before. There's also talk of an occupational therapist. Less work for daughter?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
beer list
March 21 marks the birth of Henry Ossian Flipper who was the first Black man to graduate from West Point. He came from a family of slaves, born in Thomasville, GA. He majored in civil engineering, and graduating 15th in a class of twenty-six on June 15, 1877.
Saturday at the Clubhouse, a Beer Fest. 4 hours of beer tasting for $20. I like Tiger best. There was good food included in the price too. That's why we <3 the Clubhouse!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Beauty on duty
March 20,1916 Ota Benga, an African pygmie kept in the Bronx Zoo, killed himself.Benga was brought to America from the Belgian Congo in 1904 along with other pygmies and displayed in an exhibit in the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair. In 1906, the crowds thronged the monkey house exhibit at the Bronx Zoo (New York Zoological Park) to view Benga.
Isn't she lovely!?!? My new computer. I'm trying out new programs. Obsessing on Photo Booth. Love it! Chris, and everyone else I know, say I should get Broadband. Some day. I'm in no hurry.
Mom, Sis and I set out for shopping and lunch after 1 pm. Got everything on my list @ Target at great prices! Had lunch @ Ruby Tuesday's. Bill reduced by a Buy One Get One coupon I cut out of the local paper.
spring planters
On Ridge Pike and on Chemical Road on the way to Target, we saw many areas where planting of flowers and trees was going on.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Chris Ashelpful
March 19 Nancy Elizabeth Prophet was born on this date in 1890. She was an African-American sculptor.
This charming guy is Chris Ashe from Springboard Media who came to the house today to set up my new computer.
Well, of course he knew how to connect everything correctly and to transfer my data from the old machine to the new.
But most enjoyable about the hours he was here working was discussing Arthur Ashe and other tennis greats. I couldn't
think of one player's name so I used Sis as my mobile shoutout (You do watch Cash Cab, right?).
Chris showed me how to use Photo Booth. That's where this accurate 8>D picture of him was made.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
help make a kid fat
The birth of Susan McKinney Stewart, in 1847, is celebrated on this date. A physician, she was one of the first Black women to earn a medical degree, and the first in New York State.
Went to doctor today for my yearly physical. All clear AND I LOST 7 pounds!!!!
Went to McDees on my way home and had a burger and large fries instead of my usual small salad. Celebrate good times. C'mon! 8>D
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Irish Sis
March 17, 1863 Homer Plessy, a Black businessman and civil rights activist, was born. In 1892, Homer Plessy challenged a two-year-old streetcar law that separated passengers traveling on trains in Louisiana. His action made him a plaintiff and defendant in the landmark U.S. Supreme Court Case of Plessy vs. Ferguson in 1896. The Supreme Court upheld the statute of "Separate but Equal" and unfortunately this landmark decision eventually was used to justify segregation in education, public accommodations, and transportation.
Woke up & got up when I heard Sis talking.
She had come to bring Mom some fruit.
Grapes. Green of course for St. Patty's Day.
Under Obama's name it says "adh mor orc" which means Good Luck.
Not going out tonight. St. Patty's Day drunks are more dangerous than those on
New Year's Eve.
March 16, 1827, the Freedom’s Journal newspaper was founded.
It was the first Black-owned and operated newspaper in the United States.
Started by a group of free Black men in New York City, the paper served
to counter racist commentary published in the mainstream press.
The Philadelphia Tribune, founded in 1884 is our local paper that speaks
mainly to the AfricanAmerican community. and counters racist commentary
still published in the mainstream press and highlights the many positive
accomplishments and events of our community.
Reading the free Metro paper on the bus on the way to center city to buy a
new iMac. Got a good price. A guy will be out on Thursday to transfer data from
this iMac to the new one, set up the new one and take the old one away for recycling.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Doc Freeman
March 15,1999 the first African-American chess player attained the rank of International Grand Master. Maurice Ashley, a Jamaican immigrant, received the rank (given only to 500 worldwide). A graduate of New York City College, Ashley learned chess with a chess group known as the Black Bears School of Chess.
@ the Clubhouse last night to enjoy the Doc Freeman Band who were greater than ever. Everyone wearing green.
Today we had a visit from Cousin Adam from Virginia who came with his new girlfriend and his adopted son.
Friday, March 13, 2009
alsowaits 3.7
March 13. This date celebrates the birth of Harriet Jacobs in 1813. She was an African-American abolitionist and author.
She became active in the antislavery movement and, at the urging of several female abolitionists, wrote Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, which was published in Boston in 1860. Incidents is a powerful depiction of certain aspects of slavery, such as the sexual abuse of female slaves, avoided by most nineteenth-century critics of the institution.
No, I didn't go to town today as planned. Saw him there last week waiting for the bus.
Mom's having headaches daily. Sis talked to her, trying to convince her to go for xray or something. She now admits to having these pains since she fell last week. Canceled my plans and stayed home. Made her lots of delicious small meals.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Lovely ones
March 12, 1745, the birth of Olaudah Equiano, an African slave, and author. At the age of forty-four he wrote and published his autobiography, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African.Equiano’s autobiography became a best seller, equal (at the time) in popularity by Robinson Crusoe.
Beautiful sunshiny day. Out and about. @ the library to help Joan learn to make a spreadsheet. Very short workout in the gym @ LA Fitness. I need guidance.
Gee, the flowers smell so lovely as I sit and read the newspaper while sitting in the blue armchair.
King prawn
March11,1959 "A Raisin in the Sun," became the first Broadway play written by a Black woman.
The show opened at the Barrymore Theater with Sidney Poitier and Claudia McNeil in the starring roles. Lorraine Hansberry’s drama ran for 530 performances and received the New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award.
My friend in Lancashire often sends me pictures of meals his wife makes or takeaway meals that they have for dinner. This one is King prawn fried rice topped by chips (French fries). They coulda had a V8.
green grocer
3.10 On this date in 1956, we recall the enactment of the “Southern Manifesto.” This was a legislative challenge to defeat the Supreme Court ruling in Brown v BOE in 1954.
Case number 102 Cong. Rec. 4515-16 1956 was signed by 19 Senators and 81 Representatives from the South including all of Georgia's congressional delegation.
White house response to the Southern Manifesto was demonstrated eighteen months later when President Eisenhower used federal troops to integrate schools in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Took some of my cloth bags today to hold my groceries. I have so many because I forget to take a bag when I go out and have to buy a new one each time. The blue ones are lined and keep food cold. Now I have to put all this stuff away.Tired but proud.
Punky Brewster
March 9The 1958 founding of Underwater Adventure Seekers (UAS) is celebrated on this date. They are the oldest African-American scuba diving club in the world.UAS, located in Washington, D.C., has trained thousands of individuals to scuba dive during its history. Their dive travel experiences have taken them from Australia to Africa, all of the Caribbean, most of the Bahamas, and parts of Central America. Although it is not commonly known, African-Americans have been involved in recreational scuba diving since its introduction to the United States over 50 years ago.
As early as the 1950s, Black dive clubs existed in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Chicago, and Philadelphia. Many of these clubs were started by military veterans who wanted to continue to pursue those scuba skills learned in the service.
Feeling very punky today and couldn't go out . Caught some kind of bug from my nephew who was here the weekend. The sun is shining and I'm sitting at the window looking out at a beautiful day.
Bright spot? I wrote a letter to Rehab, a child in the Sudan of whom I am now a sponsor.
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Sunday, March 08, 2009
Hmm. Let's see....Shirley Chisholm, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Alan Keyes, Carol Moseley Braun, Lenora Fulani...can't name the rest.
This cap I bought in town yesterday is a HOOT!! Wore it while out today and no one really noticed because they were reading 44th president (who happens to be Black).
Then when I pointed out that it read 44th BLACK president, it made for some good laughs. Then we tried to name African Americans who ran for president on major party tickets. Good times 8>D
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Philadelphia Flower Show 09
Walking toward PA Convention Center to see Bella Italia, this year's Philadelphia FlowerShow. I was going to go on Monday, but we had all that snow! There will be a bazillion people at the show today. There are tour buses from all over.
March 7 On this date in 1965, the Edmund Pettus Bridge attack occurred. The incident began when about 600 Blacks left the Brown Chapel AME Church for a 50-mile march to Montgomery.Roughly 100 State Troopers, commanded by Major John Cloud, blocked the opposite end of the bridge. After crossing the bridge over the Alabama River, the marchers’ path was blocked by State troopers. Within a minute, the marchers were attacked by tear gas and charging horsemen. The incident was seen on national television while 16 marchers ended up in the hospital and another 50 received emergency treatment.
You can see the crowds coming to the show and those leaving to go to the Reading Terminal Farmers' market.