@ the Clubhouse on Tuesday: exercising in pool 30 minutes, talking with with this one and that one, doing crossword puzzle, enjoying Doc Freeman Band, free food and drink for Residents' Appreciation Night, trying to solve Green Door Puzzle, racing with the moon.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Family Circle
Twenty-five present for Mom's 96th Backyard Bitrthday BBQ: her kids, grans, greatgrans, nieces,great nieces, and nephews.
It was also Brenda & Bill's 50th wedding anniversary.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Announcement of Contractors
with Avenging the Ancestor's Coalition (ATAC) @ the mayor's press conference 5th & Market on Friday morning. The project team for the President's House ( where George Washington kept 9 enslaved people) announced the names of the subcontractors who won bids for this historic project. 60% minority business subcontractors---African-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American and six firms owned by women.Get up. Stand up. Don't give up the fight!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
She's resting today after a vigorous PT session with John. Today's treat, the favorite chocolate nut sundae!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Mom celebrated her 96th again by opening her cards from Australia, England, many states in the US.She loves cards and these were great!
Awakened early by these guys jackhammering and making other loud noises and by our regular guys wielding the loud grass cutters/blowers. I'm soooo sleepy!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Three wishes
Today's Mom's 96th birthday! The big celebration will be on Saturday. Every day until then she'll get something. Today, manicure & pedicure and eating fries on McDonald's breezy porch.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
the peace woman
Poolside Saturday 4-7pm. 90ยบ. Here to see one of my favorite local bands---Beatnik Brown. Rockin' the peacewear in memory of Woodstock. I was in Sweden at the time of the concert, but Sis was there. Make beer not war.