My brother (in-law) Bill Strong: in our family since 1957, married to my sister for 50 years: wonderful husband, & father, talented artist who used his abilities to spread knowledge of our people so it could be put into American history where it properly belonged. A Great Marylander!
Friday, April 30, 2010
great Marylanders shirt
He received his B.A. at Philadelphia College of Art which is now Philadelphia University of Art.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Rewarded myself for walking non-stop for 30 minutes with a Phils jacket from Kohl's--$46 on sale for $23! I'm smiling on the inside.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
phuzzy phans
Clubhouse Saturday: Phillies game, Heat/Celtics fight (Garnett BOO!), Pavlic fight, Djs Craig and Dru
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
picnic daydream
Reclined in the dentist's chair for 90+ minutes. Pretending. Daydreaming. I'm on a blanket, picnicing with friends. Wine, cheese, an assortment of fruits. I hear accordian music faintly. Enjoying the view. (What was in those needles? 8>D)
reunion tag
While searching my rubble for Philllies stuff, I found this tag from a high school reunion. Sweet picture.
Friday, April 09, 2010
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Monday, April 05, 2010
Easter 1948
@ dinner we were talking about how Mom made all our dresses and hats and how we were very dressed upon Sundays. cf Easter 1948--I got all my sisters with me.