Sunday, May 30, 2010

Summer begins

Summer begins, originally uploaded by ujima.

Saturday: Opening day at the outdoor pool:pig roast, music by Beatnik Brown

wdavenkim, originally uploaded by ujima.

Ann eats pig

Ann eats pig, originally uploaded by ujima.

Beatnik Brown plays

Beatnik Brown plays, originally uploaded by ujima.

Flyers game tv, originally uploaded by ujima.

Later that evening, I went back to the Clubhouse to watch the Flyers game.

picture loss, originally uploaded by ujima.

The signal went out. The room got VERY quiet.

champ Flyershirt, originally uploaded by ujima.

with Ed, originally uploaded by ujima.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Buds and blooms

5.27 2 of each, originally uploaded by ujima.

Iced immediately after walking home yesterday: knee, blower back, neck. Feel great today!
Because Trace was here cleaning the apt, I got up and went to gym for a short period. Waiting to see what plans develop.

2 more beauties

2 more beauties, originally uploaded by ujima.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Walk Henry home

Walk Henry home, originally uploaded by ujima.

Walking home on Henry carrying a too heavy bag. Weatherperson was correct in warning seniors not to go out today. Drivers, yes; walkers no.

Darling Buds of May

Darling Buds of May, originally uploaded by ujima.

The darling buds of May forecast the coming of summer. But to me it's one of my fave British TV shows of the past. Was hoping for a beautiful bloom today to give me energy and joy. Dentist yesterday, dentist today. Wax on. Wax off.

Glad to be me

3 may, originally uploaded by ujima.

So tired from caring for 96 yo mom and continuing hours of dental work. Seeing a beautiful new hibiscus bloom each morning when I arise gives me hope and energy. Flyers being in the Stanley Cup finals gives me joy. Watching the games @ the Clubhouse with neighbors and friends keeps me joyful. Reading the newspapers and doing the crosswords daily gives me clarity.

I listen to other seniors whom I meet on my daily walks and errands complain, complain, complain about the weather etc. and it makes me so glad to be me!

tresdemayoencinco, originally uploaded by ujima.

closeup5.23, originally uploaded by ujima.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Perilous Passages

Perilous Passages, originally uploaded by ujima.

Wednesday:On the Parkway. Stopped to photograph 2 more Phanatic statues before going to geographic meeting.
Learned important lessons about a woman traveling alone.


Phanatic@library, originally uploaded by ujima.

@ the main library on the Parkway

me Phanatic @library , originally uploaded by ujima.

baselibraryphan, originally uploaded by ujima.

The base of the statue @ the library has scenes from space. Dunno why.

Ben Franklin phanatic

Franklin phanatic, originally uploaded by ujima.

@ the Franklin Institute on the Parkway. He had a key in one hand and a string in the other. Guess someone took the kite:(

Ben Phanatic & me, originally uploaded by ujima.

This one likes me!!

Ben Phanatic key

Ben Phanatic key, originally uploaded by ujima.

vote primary 5.19

vote primary, originally uploaded by ujima.

Neither rain, nor cold, nor tiredness can keep me from voting!!

vote primary2, originally uploaded by ujima.

If you didn't vote, don't even TRY to discuss politics with me!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Phanatic Around Town

phanaticon rittenhouse square, originally uploaded by ujima.

There are 20 Phillie Phanatic statues around town. Each one is 100 pounds, five feet tall. We walked around center city on a sunny Saturday to visit six of them.

rsquare, originally uploaded by ujima.

Phanatic in love, originally uploaded by ujima.

ph&meinlove, originally uploaded by ujima.

me&ph@comcast ctr, originally uploaded by ujima.

TSOP, originally uploaded by ujima.

This was my favorite, a tribute to The Sound of Philadelphia.

boys2men, originally uploaded by ujima.

the roots, originally uploaded by ujima.


coltrane, originally uploaded by ujima.

gamble&huff, originally uploaded by ujima.

phan@commercebank, originally uploaded by ujima.

me&p@commercebank, originally uploaded by ujima.

oldsters, originally uploaded by ujima.

RIP Robin Roberts
(drawing on Phanatic statue Commerce Bank)

me&p@kimmel, originally uploaded by ujima.

keyboard closer, originally uploaded by ujima.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Signs summer's comin'

new one may one, originally uploaded by ujima.

Received an hibiscus plant, the gift that keeps on giving.

bushbirdies, originally uploaded by ujima.

They nest in the bushes fronting Kohls.

favewhiteweed, originally uploaded by ujima.

Picked some by the roadside while walking home

faveweedindoors, originally uploaded by ujima.

wedding of BillandBrenda

wedding of BillandBrenda, originally uploaded by ujima.

They were married for 50 years.