Saturday, September 30, 2006

Come Out And Play

Come Out And Play, originally uploaded by ujima.

At ther library on Friday helping to organize the
Scrabble tournament that begins citywide next week.
Wanna play?
Andorra--Tuesdays in October noon-3 p.m.
Chestnut Hill--Saturdays in October 1:30-4:30 p.m.
East Falls--Fridays in October 11-1:00 p.m.
Sign up at Groups welcome.

Too tired from coughing to go to Farm Aid so I'm watching it

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Save the Children

Save the Children, originally uploaded by ujima.

Talked to friends who went to the capital for the rally to urge
the passage of a new gun law. They were encouraged by
the talk on the busses to and from Harrisburg, But they knew
they were preaching to the choir.

In Harrisburg, they were dismayed when they got to speak to
those of the 300 NRA pickets who would talk to them
not so much because of their views but because of their
strident refusals to have a give and take conversation.
Is *anyone* listening?


Wednesday, originally uploaded by ujima.

Wednesday I stayed in bed all day. All my muscles
ached and I was barking like a dog. Too much T.O. on
TV. They even cut into the reporting of the children
being held hostage in Colorado to show T.O.'s news
conference. I struggled up and sent CNN an angry
email. Media Madness.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Naptime, originally uploaded by ujima.

I rarely take an afternoon nap, but I did today. I was the only one at aqua therapy so I got all the attention and learned new and better exercises. Also my first time with an aqua belt that allowed new and more difficult routines. It was all so wonderful----until I got home. Pain. Stiffness. Soreness. Fatigue. Hence the nap. I'm going to buy an aqua belt though. It will make for greater progress.

Some of my friends joined the many people who took the trip to Harrisburg today in support of tougher gun laws. 286 homicides in Philadelphia this year. New gun laws are an important step, but parent/family/community standards and unity are the building blocks that must be strengthened to bring to halt this massacre.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Transports, originally uploaded by ujima.

Yesterday the bus, today the cycle. I saw it and
thought it beautiful. The owner told me to get on and
he took my picture.

You know I don't drive. The place where I take therapy
is 30 minutes away so I pay the Riders' Club
Cooperative to take me there and bring me back.

Today I had to go to the hospital for reassesment. I
felt strong enough to take the public busses.The
result of the assessment is that Thursday will be my
last day of water therapy and land therapy will be on
Mondays and Fridays. Shaun also gave me exercises to
do at home.

I was near Sis's so I called her. She and her friend
Dee were nearby so they sailed by and gave me a ride
home. Good thing too. I was getting tired.

Land therapy. I'll be strong soon.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

We Wonnnnnnnn!

We Wonnnnnnnn!, originally uploaded by ujima.

I spotted this bus on the shopping center parking lot
one day last year. Of course, I stopped a passerby and
asked them to take my picture. Waited and waited; but
the owner of the bus didn't return. Great bus!!

The E-A-G-L-E-S beat San Francisco 38-24. I was
nervous when they got ahead thinking about what
happened last week. But they hung tough and woooooon!

When they win, I get a happy feeling that lasts all
week. People on the street are friendlier when we win.
Many people (me included) wear an E-A-G-L-E-S shirt on
Monday. Think I'll wear the pink one tomorrow.

(Picture taken by a JamCam so it's quality is awful.)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Early Bird Gets the Fire Pit

Early Bird Gets the Fire Pit, originally uploaded by ujima.

In Kohl's by 9 a.m. YAWN. Got this fire pit as a
present for Sis's birthday next month. She's having a
Backyard Eagles Birthday Bash with Grilled Surprises.
Back in bed and almost asleep by 9:35.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Old Is New Again

Old Is New Again, originally uploaded by ujima.

I dropped my camera very hard and so, it refuses to
work. I'll send old pictures for a while.

Some time ago (9/4), I sent a picture of Mom walking
Forbidden Drive on the way to eat at Valley Green Inn.
I found this picture of she and The Granddaughter
taking that same walk about 25 or 30 years ago. It's
great to see her so young and healthy!

Today she and I walked together after I did errands.
She's on a cane and goes so slowly, but she's still going!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Tiger Thursday

Tiger Thursday, originally uploaded by ujima.

Another animal from the Chestnut Hill exhibit.

I was at aqua therapy when I noticed a man doing
pullups on the pool bars. Don't know why that excited
me!? Maybe because he looked so in control. I walked
over and did *ten* pullups! Whoa!! What's going on??
I couldn't do that in high school gym class!

I have to go for reassessment on Monday. Perhaps
they'll say go to land therapy at the hospital instead
of water therapy. I don't * want* to change, but I
know that moving forward will be so good for me. Bring
it on, Shaun. Assess this!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

AbZOOlutely Chestnut Hill

AbZOOlutely Chestnut Hill, originally uploaded by ujima.

I met Mom & Sis on Ridge Avenue after they had been to
the family doctor. Both had received good reports. I'd
been at Exhale Beauty Salon and then Crossroads
Coffeeshop. We continued to Chestnut Hill Grill for an
early dinner. Driving slowly along Germantown Avenue,
we looked at the many colorful animal sculptures.

There are 50 sculptures of animals at various places
along the avenue. In November, they will be auctioned
off. The money will be used to preserve and beautify
the area, and some will be given to the Philadelphia Zoo.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I Can't Sleep

I Can't Sleep, originally uploaded by ujima.

I usually go to bed at 3 or 4 a.m. and get up at 11 or
noon. But last week, I had to be up and ready to go at
11 a.m. four times during the week, and it upset my
Now, I sleep an hour and then wake up. During the
night, I awake every 60-90 minutes. And my
dreams/thoughts are a jumble of people. Now I'm sleepy
all the time. I can't nap during the day. Never could.
I've tried meditating before turning in. Stopped
reading or listening to tunes an hour before bed. It
hasn't helped. Any ideas?

And I can't sleep
People talking about the war
I can't sleep
People talking about the war
I can't sleep
Wang Chung

Monday, September 18, 2006

1st Quarter

1st Quarter, originally uploaded by ujima.

Halftime Happiness

Halftime Happiness, originally uploaded by ujima.

Overtime Shock

Overtime Shock, originally uploaded by ujima.

Sunday morning we had a *delicious* and inexpensive breakfast at Spoons ( and then headed to the clubhouse to watch the game. It's a good place to watch it at this time of year as people have outside parties and apartment parties and the clubhouse is less crowded/noisy. I like to hear the commentators and we all like to growl at the opposing team. In winter, I watch the games at home on the couch and scream and holler and sing "Fly, Eagles, Fly" after the point-after.

So it was ME&SIS, Mare, Danielle, Dave and then some old guys at the bar. There are three TVs so you can turn any way and catch the action.

How did we LOSE??? We were doing *beautifully*!!! C'mon, Eagles---FLY!!!!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Walking, originally uploaded by ujima.

Out walking in the sunshine. Many people out walking.
Walking in the water in the pool @ LAFit. Some day
I'll walk across that bridge again!!

Friday, September 15, 2006


Sammo, originally uploaded by ujima.

Yesterday & today. Aqua therapy. Clubhouse. Lagers.
Trivia Quiz. Solving other people's problems.
Readings. Rain,rain,rain,rain,rain,rain,rain,rain,rain,rain.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Le Saint Germain

Le Saint Germain, originally uploaded by ujima.

Wish I Were

Wish I Were, originally uploaded by ujima.

Sitting on the balcony, where it was sunny and chilly,
reading "The Known World" by Edward P. Jones. Wishing
I was outside Le Saint Germain reading and drinking
wine as I was doing in October. Gotta keep working to
get stronger so I can get on a plane and go somewhere,
look around, walk up and down, meet new people, hear
great music and eat great food.

Arlene took Mom out to the bank, errands and to the
hairdresser so the house was quiet: no TV, radio or
CDs which is how I like it often.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Off and On

Off and On, originally uploaded by ujima.

In the morning, I went to the gym and also water
therapy at the Becoming Center.
In the evening, I went to the club for Taco Tuesday
and ate many $1 tacos and drank $1 Coronas.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Remembering 911

remembering911, originally uploaded by ujima.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


IT'S AWN!!, originally uploaded by ujima.

Sis came over @ 9:30 AYEM!! She's in the 3rd day after
chemo and the side effects are beginning, mostly her
bones are achy. I did bacon&eggs, toast&coffee for
everyone. We talked about what she's been told to
expect in the coming days/weeks.

Of course she was wearing her #5 shirt and Super Bowl
hat and I was wearng gear too. Mom has a Westbrook
shirt, but it's so big and she's so small so she just
hold it instead of wearing it.

The game was so exciting! Sis had to adjust many
pillows and many positions to get her niche. We
chanted and sang the fight song after every touchdown.

We were impressed by the anti81. We got our money's
worth: no stall in that guy. Here's looking forward to
a great season!

E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday Saga

Saturday Saga, originally uploaded by ujima.

(Not really a saga, but I needed a word that started
with S.)

Slept very late. Hoo-ray! Did a load of wash for Mom
and one for myself. We send everything except undies
out to We Wash It Laundry, one of the few in our
neighborhood that picks up and delivers.

My work was made easier because I was listening to Bob
Dylan's Real Time Radio Hour CD. The topic was
baseball. I happy sang my childhood faves "Did You See
Jackie Robinson Hit That Ball?" and "Say Hey (The
Willie Mays Song". Loved that many of the other songs
had the 30s/40s big band sound.

Spent time talking with Sis who was going out to a
block party so I didn't go to visit. She did get some
sleep yesterday.

The guy in the picture is Philip, one of my former
computer students. I saw him in front of the library
sitting and watching as he often does. He was very
pleased to have his picture taken!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Bye Old Friend

Bye Old Friend, originally uploaded by ujima.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Friday morning and up too early again 8>( Mom bought a new recliner and it'll be delivered between 9 and 11. Bob's gonna drive Sis over so she can pck up the old chair for her use. She feeling well but can't sleep. The doc says it's the steroids she was injected with.

After she and Bob visited and left, I set out for Andorra and errands. My back pain has returned. (It doesn't pay to get up too early.) Saw Umut in the bank. He said he'd be at the club tonight so I'll stop up.

Got home after 90 minutes of errands and sat and read the papers and listened to Bob Dylan. Concentrating on his words and enjoying them released endorphins which made my back feel better. (I guess that's what did it.)

Out to club after 8. The place was jammed! The kids were having a beer pong tourney. Surprise visit from Ed and john, two former nabes. Talking with them and many others, having some lagers and BAM!, it was 2 ayem. Walked home with some kids. It's been a long day.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Bell's Mill Road

Bell's Mill Road, originally uploaded by ujima.

When going to Chestnut Hill Hospital or CHFarmers' Market, Flourtown Farmers' Market, 3000 BC Spa, Becoming Center and so many other places, we have to go down Bell's Mill Road. A wonderful twisty, tree-lined road that is a pleasure to travel on--except in icy weather.

We in Philadelphia are so lucky to have Fairmount Park, the largest landscaped city park in the United States. Every Philadelphian can walk to a section of the park from their home.

The Valley Green Inn where we ate on Monday is in Fairmount Park. I forgot to mention that the path we walked, Forbidden Drive, is called that because cars are forbidden there.

Went to aqua therapy and worked hard. I noticed that yesterday, when I was out from half noon til 9:00, I did not get tired, was not in pain. Progress!!

End of Summer

End of Summer, originally uploaded by ujima.


Dylan, originally uploaded by ujima.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Stopped at the pool on my way home from errands and hair salon because I knew it couldn't be open until 4 and the area would be empty and still. Sat and listened to Dylan's new CD, "Modern Times" and laughed aloud many times as I read his interview in Rolling Stone.

Still there at 8:45 because people I enjoy talking to came by from 5 pm until I left. One person had gotten engaged, one promoted to manager. Sorry to hear Umut is going back to Turkey after seven years here. He is a remarkable young man: kind, respectful, intelligent, funny--and he smells so good!

Gary told me about the $5 or less store. Gotta go there!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday and Today, originally uploaded by ujima.

Yesterday I was having lunch on the porch of the
Valley Green Inn, wearing a tee, shorts and sneakers,
watching the bike riders, hikers, tall trees, ducks,
children walking the rocks, people feeding the ducks.

Today 2.44" of rain, 8.25" in the last 10 days.
Running from the car into the Becoming Center. Wet in
the pool, wet on the paths, wet on the steps. Grr.

Monday, September 04, 2006

On Forbiddden Drive

On Forbiddden Drive, originally uploaded by ujima.

Labor Day means no work so driving to and back from the Big Picnic in Baltimore was crossed from the list. Same for BBQ at the pool---same old. We drove eight minutes to the Wissahickon Valley to have a BIG lunch @ the Valley Green Inn.

Walking slowly on the gravel of Forbidden Drive we watched hikers, bike riders and people walking dogs. Filet Mignon lunch at the inn was delicious! Mom had an Uncanny Tuna Melt; she doesn't eat meat.

We sat on a bench and watched the ducks in Wissachickon Creek. I had remembered to bring bread so Sis enjoyed feeding them and giving bread to many little kids so they could too.

Of course we stopped at Cold Stone Creamery to get icecream sundaes to eat later tonight cause *that's* how you celebrate a holiday 8>D

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Noodlin', originally uploaded by ujima.

Today was sunny, breezy and 75. I went to the club for the $5 All-U-Can-Eat brunch. Loved the French toast! I told them to hold a piece of chocolate cake for me until I came back.

Walked uphill to LAFitness. Luckily, the pool wasn't busy so I walked and replicated the exercises from the class for an hour. (Kia had given me a copy of the routine.)

Feeling righteous, I walked back to the club for some beers. Watching tennis. Agassi's career came to an end. He went out fighting. I respected him as a player but also as a philanthropist. On one of my trips to Vegas, I visited the school that he has established. It was well supplied and had the feeling of a fun, nuturing place. The educational standards were very high.

Mom's been in bed all day. Says her legs are weak. I baked some salmon with dill and boiled corn-on-the-cob. She got the strength to get out of bed and eat :)

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Pluviosity, originally uploaded by ujima.

Saturday Salads

Saturday Salads, originally uploaded by ujima.

Pluviosity--too much rain. Yeah, Ernesto. I learned that word while watching "Akeelah and the Bee". Too bad that's movie's fiction.

Slicing and dicing and singing Ladysmith Black Mombazo's "Beautiful Rain". Veggie salad with a little cheese for Mom and hoagie salad for me. Singing "Ain't Gonna Rain No More". Then "Blue Eyes Cryin' in the Rain","It's Raining Men", "Listen to the Rhythm of the Falling Rain", "Rainy Day Women #s12&35", "Have You Ever Seen the Rain", "Don't Let the Rain Come Down", and finally "Who'll Stop the Rain".

A neighbor called from the shopping center wondering if we needed anything. They picked up Mom's meds. I was waiting for the rain to stop so I could go to get it. So glad I didn't have to go. Bless neighbors who check on old people.

Then I sat back, read the newspapers and finished my drawing.

Rain, rain go away. We've got to play on Labor Day

Friday, September 01, 2006

Oh, Ernesto!

Oh, Ernesto!, originally uploaded by ujima.

We were lucky that he didn't hit us hard. There was
rain and wind but nothing bad. I turned over the
chairs on the balcony before going out walking. Do you
like to walk out during a storm? It's
envigorating somehow.
Not in the mood to do anything constructive so I read
and then drew a picture of the storm. Ordered in a
pizza to eat while watching our E-A-G-L-E-S.