Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I Can't Sleep

I Can't Sleep, originally uploaded by ujima.

I usually go to bed at 3 or 4 a.m. and get up at 11 or
noon. But last week, I had to be up and ready to go at
11 a.m. four times during the week, and it upset my
Now, I sleep an hour and then wake up. During the
night, I awake every 60-90 minutes. And my
dreams/thoughts are a jumble of people. Now I'm sleepy
all the time. I can't nap during the day. Never could.
I've tried meditating before turning in. Stopped
reading or listening to tunes an hour before bed. It
hasn't helped. Any ideas?

And I can't sleep
People talking about the war
I can't sleep
People talking about the war
I can't sleep
Wang Chung

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