Sunday, December 03, 2006

I see the moon

I see the moon, originally uploaded by ujima.

and the moon sees me. I love walking uphill toward
home and seeing the moon shining down on me.

The Eagles didn't play today so I went to center city
to meet some ladies (whose husbands were watching
football at home).
We went to the Arden Theatre to see a performance of
"Crime and Punishment".

After the play, some drinks and conversations, I rode
the bus home unfortunately arriving in time to see the
Cowboys win. (blech)


Michael Salone said...

You know Ujima, I'll be away over the holidays, but I'll be dying to see the shots of the Mummer's parade when I get back to a computer 4 January. Don't let me down now ;-)

Hope you're doing well.

Ujima said...

Don't be a nudge, Michael. I've said twice before I'd have the pictures.

Ujima said...

I meant to say nudje.ujimam