Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Healthy eating

Healthy eating, originally uploaded by ujima.

Trying to eat more fruit and generally eat healthier. But minature
peeps were on sale--8 bags for 50 cents @ the $ Store so I *had*
to buy some. Mailed a bag to Sis. I'm mailing her something fun
every day. Gotta keep her spirits up.

Met my people in center city (or Downtown as we call it) at the
Prince Music Theater. The Philadelphia Film Festival is here
until the 16th. We saw the Irish film "Once". Terrific music! It had
won a prize at Sundance. See it if you get a chance.

1 comment:

Mildred de Tosta said...

Your sister won't be able to help but cheer up when she gets sweets in the post. What a brilliant idea.