Wednesday, July 25, 2007

With Pres. Reagan

With Pres. Reagan, originally uploaded by ujima.

Tuesday, 24 July sunny and 85

A kid I used to teach mailed me this picture to the school where I
taught for 37 years, and they forwarded it to me.

We had some *great* times! We worked hard and kept the level
of learning and achievement high. Once a month, we went to Center
City to visit a museum or historic site. On this day, we were walking toward
the Liberty Bell from the Betsy Ross House and saw this cutout of the
president.Of course we had to stop and pose. He looks more real than
he did in actuality 8>D

George did put his home and email address in the letter he sent with the
picture. We'll get together at a coffeehouse in town in August to
remember the good times.

Mom's going to a wedding in Virginia this weekend so I hemmed and ironed
some items for her. Going to the club for taco Tuesday. Big yums!

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