Thursday, April 03, 2008

Spring has sprung

Spring has sprung, originally uploaded by ujima.

Tracy here cleaning so I had to get up so she could change my bed. The upside was that she drove me to Liberty Tax Prep office so I could get my taxes done. Forgot to take me camera! I'll have to get a picture of Dancing Lady Liberty another day.

Walked down to Exhale where Mom & Sis had just finished getting their hair styled. They walked to Coyle's Cafe for lunch while I had my mop washed and styled. It's a joy to see Mom out walking even for just a short block. The exercises Pam the PT is giving her are working!!

Met up with them and we did more errands. Came home and read newspapers.

Going out to club for Fried Chicken Night as soon as Jeopardy! is over.

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