Saturday, May 27, 2006

Coughing, barking like a dog, eyes tearing like Niagara Falls, sneezing like a spazz. Lying very still and resting. We're all going to Atlantic City tomorrow and Sunday. Staying at the Showboat. Going to see James Brown, The Hardest-working Man in Show Biz, at The House of Blues. Hah! Hit me!
Have a remembrance on Memorial Day.


MGW said...

James Brown! What a lucky person you are. Milly, jealous in the mid-west where the big event over Memorial Day is the kareokee country western howlers

Ujima said...

>>where the big event over Memorial Day is the kareokee country western howlers>>

Laugh and enjoy anyway, Millie. Throw in a Hee or hah or scream like J.B.

Meant to say going for Sunday and Monday.