Saturday, August 09, 2008


easel, originally uploaded by ujima.

Friday didn't feel like going to the gym so I walked for about 40 minutes (wearing Eagles gear) and then did errands . Noticed an easel on the balcony of an apartment building. Wonder if it is used or is for decoration/effect. I'll ask Azz who lives near there.

Stopped @ pooldeck looking for Henrietta who said she'd give me a donation for Relay, but she didn't come to the pool today. Sat at a table and did crosswords and had a cappuccino.

Light rain forced me inside so I sat @ the bar and drank lager and talked with Bob and Joe about current events and tried to explain to them about what the DTV box would do for people with analog tvs.

Home in time for the start of the Olympics opening ceremony. It defies adjectives!! Such cleverness and originality!! Watched E-A-G-L-E-S preseason game during commercials. They made too many errors. Work on it guys!

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