Originally uploaded by ujima.
Standing on the balcony watching the tree in the gisty wind.
Another storm coming storm coming.
Looking at the sign made me feel cool thinking about
the December weather. I enjoy Christmas because I
don't have to shop and deal with the exertions and
tensions that go along with Christmas shopping.
We decided years ago to stop giving each other
presents. Instead, we donate to charities, and they
send cards to everyone saying that a donation has been
made in their name, in memory of __, etc. I donate in
memory of my sister Consuella who died of lung cancer.
Children under 18 get presents from everyone at
Christmas. We do give birthday presents.
Christmas is fun because everyone is relaxed and we
can get together and sing, go to Christmas Eve
services, eat lots and just enjoy each other's company
during that week.
Up early (again!) and out to podiatrist. I love Lyceum
Avenue because of the slate sidewalk and low walls of
Wissahickon Mica Shist. The slate bluestone is more
esthetically pleasing than poured concrete. But many
of them are broken and do present a walking hazard.
Some blocks of Lyceum have perfect rows of slate
sidewalk though.
Coming out of the podiatrist's office, I'm singing
Katrina and the Waves "Walking on Sunshine". And yes,
it *does* feel good.
We got up early (ugh) and went to Sis's house. She has
OLN and we don't. Mom wanted to see the end of the
Tour de Floyd. Floyd Landis is from the same area of
Pennsylvania where she
grew up among Mennonite and Amish people. (Floyd was
raised in the Mennonite Church.)
After the race and many delicious brunchy foods, Mom
took a nap. Sis and I sampled some more beers left
over from her recent Bring Your Own Beer Backyard
Bacchcanal With Brioche and Bacons. (Thank you, Mrs. Bucket.)
This one is Magic Hat Jinx from Burlington, VT. It's an ale inspiried
by the doctrines of medieval chemists. Nasty.
So HHH I didn't stay out long. Did some exercises in the pool,
sat for a while in the hot tub and made it home before the
storms came.
A young man in a store was filling out a job application . He
was wearing a t-shirt with GUILTY written very large and a
series of numbers (ala prison numbers) written under the
GUILTY. I joked with him for a while and then tried to talk
with him quietly about the appropriateness of his
shirt, but he told me it wouldn't make a difference...OK. Okay?
Resting up to go to NXNW ( tonight to enjoy
some Old School R&B from DJ Gary O. Still a little worn
down from yesterday: @ the doctor's, @ the Pain Clinic to
make a reservation for a needle on8/2,@ the rehab trying to
get into the aquatics PT class.Got to get back straight.
Did my regular turn at the library. Met my sister and her friend
for salad and a few on the pool deck. At home reading the
newspapers then set out for pool again before 7 pm. Free
massage from the King of the World and free food. All were
courtesy of Flip Fitness who was having a team game night.
Thursday was a good day.
Hooray! It was cooler today: 91ยบ, low humidity, breezy.
Walked to dentist in 15 minutes. Cleaning and checkup
produced a good report.
Left there and walked for 20 minutes but had to jump on the
bus because of pain radiating down my right leg. Spinal
stenosis. Going to rheumatologist tomorrow to get a slip for
the pain clinic to get needle #2.
How can I continue to travel out of the country if I have pain/
no stamina? Too many places I've yet to see and people I've
yet to meet.
John brought me this delicious Kona coffee when he
came home from visiting his family in Hawaii. I try
not to drink it often so it will last. I do not share
it. It's my favorite after Kenya coffee.
An article in the newspaper today says that a coffee a
day is good for you because of its antioxidents. Also
suggests that drinking coffee protects the liver from
the effects of alcohol. Hmmmm
100+ยบ heat index. I meant to get up early to go out
walking. But it was already 90-something by the time I
got up and finished breakfast. I went walking but not
far. And it's going to be even *hotter* tomorrow!
Painted another picture and read newspapers. Just
another manic Monday.
Sitting on the balcony looking into the leaves of the
trees searching for birds and squirrels and letting my
mind roll on.
Neighbor Arlene came by to visit with Mom and ate all
of my homemade home fries.
I drew the portrait of her after she left.
Extreme Heat Warning and horrific thundstorms
prevented me from meeting friends in town for Bastille
Day celebration. Hemmed new pants. Read newspapers.
Later watched Chuck Berry DVD.
The picture was drawn by student Arnesx Honore in the
early 80s.
Very HHH so the weatherperson advised caution for
children and older people. Who listens to them? My
students, I guess. Only had two for computer lessons.
They enjoyed the more personal than usual attention.
Waiting for the 27 bus and beginning to feel sick from
the heat and humidity. Where's the bus?
Feeling very sick by the time I got to Exhale so I
forced water and Debs went across the street and got
me some Gatoraid to drink. Soon felt well enough to
get my hair done. We were all entertained by a bright
10 year old who had come in with her grandma to get
her hair done too.
Riding home on the 35. Sitting in the rear because the
view is better and because I don't have to.
Rosa Parks,
Queen Mother
Of the Revolution:
Sometimes you have to
Sit down
To stand up
For yourself
Talking and walking
But making
A noise
Heard around the world
Had 20 minutes to spend yesterday before my appointment with
the doctor so, of course, I went into the $ store. I <3 the $ store!
They have things you didn't know you wanted or needed.Went
in to get some Tic Tacs and came out with 5 flowery-watercolored-
looking placemats, mailing envelopes, a picture frame, light bulbs
and socks. Forgot the Tic Tacs.
The docotr says I'm still losing weight nicely and my blood
pressure's good.
Got some Tic Tacs and OJ at 711, and there came the bus!
Such good timing!
AND THEN I got home and found I didn't
have my *wallet*!!!Called 711, the last time I touched it, but
they had nothing. Called the bus company and they said to
call back at 8 pm. Since it was only 3 pm, I knew I had to act.
So I called and canceled all my cards. Talking to that many
customer service agents and repeating the same info so many
times had me *insane*!
Around 6 Sis came over.We went back to 711 and the had my
wallet!! It had fallen under a display case and no one had
noticed it until a few minutes before I got there. Nothing was missing.
They hadn't gotten the guy's name but will remember when he
comes in next time.
So I finally stopped shaking.
Went and sat on the pool deck and sat and enjoyed "the evening breeze
caressing the trees....tenderly."
Late getting to the BBQ at the pool because I was
watching my team of choice, Les Bleus, losing to Italy
in the World Cup.
Our chef was feeding everyone so we could meet his
parents who were visiting from Oklahoma. They'd seen
the Liberty Bell, Valley Forge, Rocky Steps :) and
other important local sites.
Luckily they soon replenished the trays with more
shrimp, deviled eggs, (my fave), grilled corn on the
cob, grilled asparagus, potato salad and slaw. There
were pies and vanilla icecream.I ate too much and was
thoroughly happy. I'll be in the gym for some extra
time tomorrow.
Up early (yuk) and in Reading Terminal Market downtown
by 11 ayem. (Me who never gets up before noon.) But I
had volunteered to help with the Farm Aid '06
announcement news conference today. Just giving out
fliers. I got up early to see Neil Young, who was
going to announce the concert which will be held
across the river in Camden, NJ at the Tweeter Center.
No, I didn't get a good picture of him. I meant to
read my camera guide on the bus to town to find out
how to use the close-up lens, but left the book lying
on the table at home.
After the announcement I did get a picture of our
mayor, John F. Street and Mayor Gwendolyn Faison of
Camden, NJ both of whom grew up on farms. (Mayor
Faison is 83 years old.) Ukee Washington from the
local CBS channel is interviewing him. I taught with
his mother.
Tonight we're going to the Tweeter to see CSNY.
When I taught children in 5th & 6th grades for 37 years, I taught
them about our great country. But I did not, at any time, try
to paint the founding fathers as perfect gods. Children were
able to accept the wonder of the founding of our country
and accept the human mistakes made without losing pride and
faith in America. Many Americans, including authors of our
history texts,can only deal fairy tale accounts of our early
presidents and other leaders. I think our country would have
been and could be much stronger if we weaved in the stories
of the Africans, Chinese, Mexicans and other groups who
played such an important part in the development
of this country.
The walls of my bedroom display many of the artworks
the children did during my career. This one is from 1989
and was painted by Delone Sesay.
We took Mom to the doctor today and she got an excellent
report! She doesn't have to take any further medicines to
reduce swelling. Of course, she wanted to go to the shore but
remembered reading in the newspaper that New Jersey was
"January 1st should be celebrated in the same manner
as July 4th."---Frederick Douglass following the
Emancipation Proclamation January 1,1863
What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?
Frederick Douglass
July 5, 1852
Mom was knocking on the wall that separates our bedrooms at 6:30 AM.
She was in pain and was not able to get up. I pressed the emergency
button on the Homelink machine, and it wasn't long
before the First Responders followed by an ambulance
were here. They carried her down the stairs and took
her to Chestnut Hill Hospital. Sis2 rode along with
her. My other sis drove over to the hospital from her
home near the hospital. I went back to bed.
They gave her an IV and a lot of narcotics and sent
her home. Neuralgia. She'll see Dr. H on Wednesday.
Didn't do much the rest of the day because I didn't
want to go out and leave Sis2 alone with Mom. So I
watched World Cup and Wimbledon and read newspapers.
Sorry Brazil lost but happy for my friends in Paris.