Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I <3 the $ store!

Originally uploaded by ujima.

Had 20 minutes to spend yesterday before my appointment with
the doctor so, of course, I went into the $ store. I <3 the $ store!
They have things you didn't know you wanted or needed.Went
in to get some Tic Tacs and came out with 5 flowery-watercolored-
looking placemats, mailing envelopes, a picture frame, light bulbs
and socks. Forgot the Tic Tacs.
The docotr says I'm still losing weight nicely and my blood
pressure's good.
Got some Tic Tacs and OJ at 711, and there came the bus!
Such good timing!
AND THEN I got home and found I didn't
have my *wallet*!!!Called 711, the last time I touched it, but
they had nothing. Called the bus company and they said to
call back at 8 pm. Since it was only 3 pm, I knew I had to act.
So I called and canceled all my cards. Talking to that many
customer service agents and repeating the same info so many
times had me *insane*!
Around 6 Sis came over.We went back to 711 and the had my
wallet!! It had fallen under a display case and no one had
noticed it until a few minutes before I got there. Nothing was missing.
They hadn't gotten the guy's name but will remember when he
comes in next time.
So I finally stopped shaking.
Went and sat on the pool deck and sat and enjoyed "the evening breeze
caressing the trees....tenderly."

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