Sunday, July 02, 2006

My little sister is angry because I posted the Pop-Pop picture and she was not in it. Not *my* fault she was still in vitro! So here's a picture with the four sisters. Satisfied? 8>D
We liked going to 4056 Aspen because there were four apartments in the building and no one there had kids. So it was Spoil Us City. My aunt & uncle lived there and were friendly with the other people in the building. We were fascinated by apartment units because we lived in a house.
My mom sewed all of our clothes so we were always dressed alike when we went out. The downside was that the oldest and youngest always had a new frock. I had to wear the dresses passed down from the two older ones. After I wore the dress, it was done because I was always running and climbing (Ripping and roaring my mom called it.) So after my original dress, I had to wear that same model for two more seasons. Humphf.
We went by 4056 six months ago for the first time in decades. And it ws gone! The building was gone. The lot was a parking lot for the other apartments on the block. The yard remained. The memories remain.

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