Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Top of Hill

Top of Hill, originally uploaded by ujima.

5.27 Cheyney University of Pennsylvania was founded in 1837 on this date, the oldest institution of higher education founded for African-American students. It is one the more than 100 Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the United States.

When I went there, it was Cheyney State Teachers College. It was a lifesaver for me and many who might not have been able to afford a college education otherwise.

The weatherpersons again said it would be cold and rainy yakyakyak. Of course it was warm and sunny. They should put all TV weatherpeople on commission. They don't get it right, they don't get paid. They'd starve.
Lovely walk in Chestnut Hill: buying fish and breads at the market, drinking a cold coffee and reading in the Chestnut Hill Coffeeshop.

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