So it's Hallowe'en and there's orange everywhere. Sis took mom
to the cardiologist, so I rode along and wandered around the
Flowertown Shopping Center. There was a Hallowe'en Scream
store, but I didn't go in there because I'd buy more things I
don't need. This pumpkin-colored lotion was in the window of a
store. I bought pumpkin bagels to take home at another place.
The farmers' market was closed so I went into the large
supermarket but only bought fruit tarts and baby squashes.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Orange Day
On the way home, we stopped and had a late lunch outside at
Chestnut Hill Hotel. It was so sunny and 72ยบ and the food was
wonderfully fresh and tasty.
Dr. B says Mom is doing well and doesn't have to come back for
six months. Not bad for 93 years.
Monday, October 30, 2006
The Evening Sky
love to stand in the kitchen window to watch the evening sky.
These were from Saturday which was rainy,then overcast.
Today was *beautiful*---sunny and 60. The bunch left at 10 AM
for Baltimore, and I went back to bed. Later, at therapy, I again
had vertigo; so a guy came over and tested me. Oooooh!
Swirly, dizzy city! He did some kind of adjustment then told me
not to look down for the rest of the day and to sleep on two
Of course, when I got home, I spilled a box of straight pins
and looked down while getting them up with a magnet.
Hello headache!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Birthday bash and
It's Sis's birthday so she had a party in her
backyard, She had about 30 people from
start to finish. No one seemed to mind the
winds. (That fire pit I bought was helpful.)
backyard BBQ
People brought all kinds of foods from
chicken wings and collard greens to
ribs and baked beans.
Your presence is appreciated.
Lots of great cards and presents.
I especially liked the handmade items
and blowups of old pictures. People
were thoughtful and creative in their
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Bill Reads
Baltimore Sis, BIL and nephew are visiting until Monday.
We went over to Sis' house to help her prepare for tomorrow's
big Eagles Tailgate Backyard Birthday Bash with BBQ.
Back at home, we ate Chinese and talked politics while
watching the Maryland game. BIL is reading some books I
purchased at the Slavery in New York exhibit at the New
York Historical Society.
Friday, October 27, 2006
A Plan!!
Today we made a plan for December, my birthday month.
NYC of course. "Americans in Paris 1860-1900"
at the Metropolitan Museum, Bob Dylan exhibit at the Morgan,
and "The Times They Are A Changin'" on Broadway
(if it survives the bad reviews that are coming).
At therapy, I worked extra hard to get strength up. I have a
near goal to work for.
Going out later for Halloween Mug Night. Won't stay too long.
The kids get too wild on costume nights. I'm going as an Old
Black Woman:) Got my pumpkin Pez and pumpkin earrings.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Sleep Walking
A bright sunshiny day with gusting winds. Two steps forward,
one step back as I walked uphill to the library. My usual routine
is to go to bed between 3 & 4 a.m. and arise about 11:30 or noon.
On days when there's therapy or another appointment, I'm sure
to make an afternoon one. People know not to telephone
before 12:30 p.m.
But on Thursdays, I have to get up early because Tracy comes
to clean the place. There's the roar of hoovering and
the aromas of cleaning liquids.
I'm grumpy on Thursday mornings until I see my students--so
cheerful, and eager to learn to use the computer at their age.
Today Mani was *thrilled* to receive his first-ever email. And
it contained *pictures* of his grandkids in S.C. Makes getting
up early well worthwhile.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Bill's Smilin Kids
This is one drawing by my BIL Bill. He is called The Dot Man
because he uses a technique called stipple where the artist
use dots to draw a picture.
Today was difficult at therapy because I hadn't done much
since Friday. Then I *fell* as I was using some equipment
that I wasn't assigned to. Everyone was helping someone
else, so I tried a technique I had seen others use. This
resulted in more noise than harm. I was sorry that I'd upset
the therapists with my foolishness; but they didn't make me
take a "time out" as one patient had suggested.
Haven't read the newspaper yet. Wonder if there's anything
about United Nations Day. There was nothing on TV news
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Up Against the Wall
In my room at the computer tailoring a lesson for Mani and one
for Angelo for Thursday. Answering emails. I'm days behind.
Today's my BIL's 74 birthday. The kids in the pictures on my wall are
his (and my Baltimore Sis). One of the drawings is his. Bill's a great
artist! He met my sister in 1958 when he was studying here
(after a tour in the Korean War) at the
Museum School of Art. They've been married since 1962.
Today is also United Nations Day. When I was in elementary school,
we celebrated this day and sang "United Nations On the March". Now
that they don't automatically do what we want them to when we want
them to, this holiday slips by practically unnoticed. But when I taught
for 37 years, we celebrated in my school by singing the song and
teaching the children about the work and purposes of the UN and
collecting for UNICEF on Halloween.
Tonight I'm going to see "The Last King of Scotland" @ Ritz 5. "The
Queen" can wait for later in the week.
Monday, October 23, 2006
In Memory of Dominic
The memorial that is growing across the road is helping to erase the
picture that has stayed in my mind of my 22 year-old neighbor,
Dominic D'Alicandro, lying hurt in the road, waiting for the ambulance.
We went to get our flu shots today and then went to the supermarket
to get food to eat as we lie and wait to get ill. But the side effects that
one used to get from these shots no longer exist; but we wait for them
anyway and call back and forth on the phone to see if anyone is sick yet.
I love my family's routines 8>D
Sunday, October 22, 2006
It ain't over til it's over
I was all happy because we had won and then in the last
second,,,,we lost!!!
Why, Eagles, why?
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Doing nothing
Lying very still. Tired after hanging in town last night and today.
Reading newspapers. Snoozing.
for my ride to pick me up. Therapy was difficult today (Friday)
as I was tired. Got home and rested. Going to town to hear
some great music @ Zanzibar with friends my age (who
*refuse* to allow me to put their pictures on the Internet).
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Stopped to see Sis. Her tumor has shrank another 2cm. Glory!! She's het up about the baseball finals. Yawn. We lamented the schools not allowing children to play tag at recess and sang along with a Chuck Berry CD.
Stopped at Exhale and got my hair done and discussed politics and last night's Black Film Awards and how it was underadvertised. Few people knew it was on. And it was such a *positive* show!
Marveled at Diane Sawyer singing "Doe, a deer..." with a class of young children in North Korea.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Up & Out
Ready to leave for therapy@ 12:45 but couldn't get Mom to
get up; so I put Sis on her trail. Shaun had three interns from
Temple visiting so we worked *very* hard.
Got a message on my cell from Sis that she and Mom were
out in the street. Guess where she took her? Yep, to the
hairdresser. Works every time 8>D
Pray for my sister. She gets another chemo treatment
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Saw Col who told me about the new restaurant the family's opening so I'll stop in there on Saturday. While waiting at the bus stop, I reminisced with Stephanie, a former student.
Talking with Chris and eating a salad at Mickey D's. Didn't stay long at the library because no one came in to play Scrabble.
Walking fifteen minutes more in the downpour on smiling feet. Went home and listened to CCR's Greatest Hits. "Have you ever seen the rain comin' down on a sunny day?"
Monday, October 16, 2006
Up and Down
There was an accident outside on Friday. When I looked
out of the kitchen window, I saw two people lying in
the road, a motorcycle on its side and a smashed car.
Today I learned that my young neighbor has died from
the injuries received in that crash. No, he wasn't
wearing a helmet.
After the Eagles' loss yesterday, the nuts found mugs
and balanced them on their heads. The last person with
a mug remaining, had to buy shots for everyone. Good
thing I'd brought extra $$ with me.
Linda and I talked about the Nyoong Aborigines being
granted the title to metropolitan Perth by the
Australian Federal Court.
After more talk on Aussie topics, I took my flat head home.
Well It's Sunday...
so there has to be an E-A-G-L-E-S picture of some
kind. But I got to hang out with Linda during the game
before she goes back to Sydney on Tuesday. Two losses.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Some Aboriginal Art
The top stone is the one Linda brought to me from a
gallery in Sydney. She says I'm the figure on the
left--the spirit guide.
The bottom stone, I bought in a small store in Alice
Springs, Australia in 2000. It represents two women
sitting and talking. Quite amusing in one aspect 8>D
Friday, October 13, 2006
At home resting. Going to clubhouse tonight. Linda, an ex-nabe from NZ now living in Australia, coming up for a visit. And Kylie's karaoke.
She bought me the loveliest Aboriginal artist's stone. A woman, a spirit guide to a younger person. Sometimes you don't know what you mean to people and then, what they bring you tells the story of what you meant to them, how you were a guide, a mentor. I needed to know that.
Some guys doing the worst rap numbers. They don't have a culture of their own and chose this, in dress, attitude. Sad.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
The Fallen Leaves
Up and out to the library to make phone calls and organize
Generations Online computer instruction which I'll resume next
Thursday. I've been missing these classed the past two months because
of going to therapy. It'll be great to begin teaching again!
Valley Green Scene
Met up with Mom and Sis. We decided to eat outside at Valley Green
once again before the weather gets too cold. This painting of the
Valley Green scene is inside the restaurant.
Valley Green Runners
As we ate lunch, we watched the groups of runners that passed every
five minutes. They seemed to be of college age and were practicing for
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
On Ionic & Other Streets Today
in town walking around
after the family doc's "OKAAAY!"
for the 6 pounds registered lost by today
(think i'll have some pie)
in town walking around
seeing a column ionic in the garden of eden--
i'm the only one wearing
short pants
walking, hearing rants
by those i wouldn't give
a coin to
in town walking around
stopped @ liberty place
garden salad in this case
pie later
in town walking around
dropping temps,dropping rain
high gusts of wind
serious back pain
i'm going home
(where there's pie?)
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The lovely weather continues. T-shirt and shorts forever!!!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Fwd: Sunshine On My Knees
Sitting on a bench @ Chestnut Hill Hospital waiting
for the Riders' Club Co-op guy to pick me up. Sunshine
on my knees feels sooo good. Such a happy day!
Still high from yesterday's win over Dallas and the
joy of watching the game with the crowd. Cheering.
Singing when we score. Drinking lagers. Laughing so
Sis came over for the second half and was pumped up by
everyone present. (Those pink gloves she was wearing
were weird. And she didn't take them off. Germs can't
get through them?)
Today it's warm and so sunny. Therapy went well. I'm
getting stronger. The E-A-G-L-E-S won.
Sunshine on my knees makes me high.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Favela Rising
Lying very still today feeling each of my 66 years,
determined to rest my body all day.
A pleasure for my mind I've been saving for the right
time is the documentary "Favela Rising". It tells the
story of the AfroReggae movement in Brazil that
changed the reality of a people being destroyed by the
violence connected to the drug culture in their
neighborhood involving the drug gangs and the corrupt
police gangs who supplied them with guns.
The sounds of violence was replaced by the sounds of the
drums and positive words in the 10 year period recorded.
What more can I do now to help to save the children?
Friday, October 06, 2006
World Can't Wait!!
NOT ONE WORD in the newspapers today about the march.
I checked the Inquirer, Daily News, Metro and New York
There were 639 hits on Google News though.
Went to CHill Hospital for first land therapy session.
Treadmill, lots of differing stretching exercises. I
was a stinky puddle at the end of the hour.
Went to visit Sis for two hours. Took her a pink and
brown exercise suit I'd bought her from the $ Store
which she liked. Mom sent her some Instant Cream of
Wheat packages. My Baltimore sister had been with her
for four days and helped soooo much by doing laundry,
cleaning and sorting. Baltisis got to go with Sis's
friends to the Keswick to see Etta James so, when I
met her in the RR station yesterday, I gave her my two
Etta CDs so her son could burn them for her.
Sis and I went to see her next door neighbor who was
having imac trouble. Luckily, I was able to solve the
Sis has lost some hair but is otherwise doing
surprisingly well. But we're not out of the woods yet...
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Day of Mass Resistence
The World Can't Wait. Drive Out the Bush Regime.
There were rallys in 130 cities. I was surprised that the crowd
was so young. Where were the old peaceniks? No TV or
newspaper reporters were seen. Clinton and HW Bush were in
town to receive The Liberty Medal. Guess they were covering them.
Off to March
We started walking.chanting as we walked, inviting people to
join us.Guess I was dragging. The woman driving the car that
was bringing up the rear said I could ride with her and work the
bullhorn when I tired. Very tempting but I was in pain after
twenty minutes so I headed for the bus. I had done
what I could.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Leaning against a tree on an island in the middle of
the road under a leafy roof, waiting for the bus.
People riding by waving. I wave back. Some I knew,
some not. A beautiful,sunny day. Nice to be wearing
shorts once more.
Got a wonderful pedicure. Want to be *really* ready to
march tomorrow. Walking on sunshine. Waiting.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Watching you watching me
I took a picture of the camera that's watching me. I
love to look at the pictures on this screen. They
always seem to be in semi-slo-mo and the right and
left seem reversed. The woman behind the counter said
I"m not allowed to take pictures in the building. So I
told her I'd try not to do it again:)
Went to the library for Scrabble, but no one came!
They didn't follow through with my plan and so, there
were no takers. I'll just let it go and tell people to
go to CHill or Falls. I'm not going to do the work of
people who are being paid to do it.
Such a lovely sunny day! It was a pleasure to walk
around and watch the squirrels run across the roads so
quickly. They dart in and out and rarely get hit by
cars. Cheeky devils!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Rally Round
n City Hall courtyard today for E-A-G-L-E-S rally.
The Monday Night crew, Mayor Street, Rep. Chaka
Fattah, Tommy McDonald, Swoop and Gary Papa lead the
cheers. Of course, the Pep Band lead us in singing
"Fly, Eagles, Fly" too many times. The cheerleaders
were sporting the same Eagles' breast cancer shirt
that I was. Thankfully, I hadn't gotten the memo that
said to cut it off so my midriff would be bared like
theirs were
The water in the fountain in Love Park was pink to
celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Oh! I stopped to speak with some guys on my way to
catch the bus to town. As I was nearing Henry Avenue, I saw the
bus turning onto Port Royal and RAN to catch it! RAN!
I *am* becoming!!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Always Aloe
I was visiting a farm in Barbados about 25 years ago
and felt my right arm tightening. As I had recently
had a mastectomy, I was a little concerned. In no
time, my arm was swollen to twice it's usual size! The
farmer's wife cut off a huge aloe leaf, told me to
sit, and rubbed gel from the plant on my arm. In a
short while, my arm returned to its normal size. I was
instructed to take the leaf back to my hotel and use
it whenever necessary (and told to keep my arm covered
while out in the sunshine).
Since that time, I have used aloe gel for almost every
complaint: ear ache (rub behind and in front of ear),
sinus complaints, skin rash---name it. Yesterday and
today, I rubbed my throat and chest with aloe. Today
my cough cough is almost gone. Gotta be well to go to
the E-A-G-L-E-S rally at City Hall tomorrow. I'll rub
aloe on my back,knees and ankles before I set out ;)