Monday, October 02, 2006

Rally Round

Rally Round, originally uploaded by ujima.

n City Hall courtyard today for E-A-G-L-E-S rally.
The Monday Night crew, Mayor Street, Rep. Chaka
Fattah, Tommy McDonald, Swoop and Gary Papa lead the
cheers. Of course, the Pep Band lead us in singing
"Fly, Eagles, Fly" too many times. The cheerleaders
were sporting the same Eagles' breast cancer shirt
that I was. Thankfully, I hadn't gotten the memo that
said to cut it off so my midriff would be bared like
theirs were

The water in the fountain in Love Park was pink to
celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Oh! I stopped to speak with some guys on my way to
catch the bus to town. As I was nearing Henry Avenue, I saw the
bus turning onto Port Royal and RAN to catch it! RAN!
I *am* becoming!!

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