Sunday, October 01, 2006

Always Aloe

Always Aloe, originally uploaded by ujima.

I was visiting a farm in Barbados about 25 years ago
and felt my right arm tightening. As I had recently
had a mastectomy, I was a little concerned. In no
time, my arm was swollen to twice it's usual size! The
farmer's wife cut off a huge aloe leaf, told me to
sit, and rubbed gel from the plant on my arm. In a
short while, my arm returned to its normal size. I was
instructed to take the leaf back to my hotel and use
it whenever necessary (and told to keep my arm covered
while out in the sunshine).

Since that time, I have used aloe gel for almost every
complaint: ear ache (rub behind and in front of ear),
sinus complaints, skin rash---name it. Yesterday and
today, I rubbed my throat and chest with aloe. Today
my cough cough is almost gone. Gotta be well to go to
the E-A-G-L-E-S rally at City Hall tomorrow. I'll rub
aloe on my back,knees and ankles before I set out ;)

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