Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Up Against the Wall

Up Against the Wall, originally uploaded by ujima.

In my room at the computer tailoring a lesson for Mani and one
for Angelo for Thursday. Answering emails. I'm days behind.

Today's my BIL's 74 birthday. The kids in the pictures on my wall are
his (and my Baltimore Sis). One of the drawings is his. Bill's a great
artist! He met my sister in 1958 when he was studying here
(after a tour in the Korean War) at the
Museum School of Art. They've been married since 1962.

Today is also United Nations Day. When I was in elementary school,
we celebrated this day and sang "United Nations On the March". Now
that they don't automatically do what we want them to when we want
them to, this holiday slips by practically unnoticed. But when I taught
for 37 years, we celebrated in my school by singing the song and
teaching the children about the work and purposes of the UN and
collecting for UNICEF on Halloween.

Tonight I'm going to see "The Last King of Scotland" @ Ritz 5. "The
Queen" can wait for later in the week.

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