so I spent the afternoon sorting papers and making lists. I'll count
up and finalize tomorrow. *Should* get a refund because my medical
costs and donations to charity were very high this year.
Just back from Derrick's where I watched the Final Four
games. There was a special at the club but sitting with a few nabes
in a cozy apartment is much better.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
4/15's Coming
Friday, March 30, 2007
66º, sunny and beautiful. But a sneezy day. Everything's in bloom.
Sis and Mom drove doen to Valley Green and had a walk on the
paths and fed the ducks. I tried to get them to take the camera, but
they weren't interested.
Went to the gym for more training with Sue. Worked on some new
machines that I liked. Just gonna watch bball this weekend. Might
go to the mall tomorrow. Lots of sales......
Thursday, March 29, 2007
After teaching the computer class, I had Sis drive me to my
appointment with the opthamologist, I've been seeing lights and
experiencing floaters in my ledt eye so I made an immediate
appointment. 1000 drops and 1,000,000 lights-in-the-eyes later,
I was sent home and told what to watch for and given another
appointment for next month (unless the condition worsens).
It's a retina thing.
Men of Honor fete
Just home 1:45 ayem and sleepy. Two of my friends were honored.
The food was exquisite! Stopped @ club on the way in.
Great jazz band.
Today was a good day.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Spring Into Summer
82º and very sunny. Hope the temps go down and stay
down a while before we spring into Summer. Last year it got hot
early and stayed hot through September. I hope we'll have Spring.
Sis by helping Mom with paperwork. She's doing rehab for her right
hand and arm which are *quite* swollen. (Lymphodema?) I put
on my suit and headed out for LAFitness to do exercises in the
pool and relax in the whirlpool.
In Kohl's checking out the sale later. A lady had misplaced her cell so
I dailed her number on mine and retraced her steps in the store
until we found where she had put hers down . Walking home
smiling about the good outcome.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Mike's Plate
As you can see, he drew the picture in 1972.Then I sent the kit to
the company, and they sent the plate. 35 years later, he still likes
to eat from this plate. His brother took his plate home about ten
years ago, but Mike is more sentimental.He and his mom went
back to Baltimore this morning before noon.
Enjoyed the silence for a while and then set out to the gym to work
with Sue. I'm doing more reps each time I go. I do feel stronger.
Stopped in Kohl's to check the sales on the walk home and got
good prices on bathroom rugs. Walking home uphill carrying my
gym bag and the rugs. Feeling fit.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Mike and I had a good time at the clubhouse last night. The band,
Chroma, was mainly a jam band but played in a variety of styles
because of the influence of their favorite musicians. I was pleased
and surprised when they broke into "Diamonds on the Soles of Her
Shoes" as I had recently watched Paul Simon's "Graceland".
with Mom.So I called her on the phone and stood near the band so she could
hear them play. As I was mouthing the words, the guy turned the mike
to me so I could sing backup. Te na na te na na na.
This evening Sis and Mike came over. Baltimore Sis had prepared a
dinner: no fancy foods, plates or wines but great flavors and
excellent conversations. Mmm mmm good! Mike ate on a plate he had
made in 1972 and uses every time her comes here.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
My sister from Baltimore is here until Monday. She talkstalkstalks
Luckily, Nephew Mike is here too. We've been watching bball
and are going out to the clubhouse in a few for a few.
Friday, March 23, 2007
front club
Had another great workout with Sue, She's a patient trainer. I like
her stretching me after the work is through. The gym, etc are on the
ground floor.I'll probably be on the second level tonight. That's
where the bar/restaurant is. More March Madness.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Got off the bus yesterday at Broad (14th) and Arch Sts. and walked
to museum at 7th and Arch. I like to walk through this Chinatown
street and look in the store windows and smile at the people.
68 springy degrees today. Yucky for a winter lover. Did my turn at
the library and hopped the bus to Exhale Beauty Salon.Unfortunately
today's topic was American Idol past and present so I just listened.
I've seen it. Mom watches it every week. They drag a 30 minute
program out to 2 hours. I lose focus and read a book or a magazine.
Uploaded by ujima
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
At the museum
Met friends here to see the exhibit of The Art of African Women
which included more than 100 images taken by photojournalist
Margaret Courtney-Clarke and the pottery, beadwork, ornaments
textiles,etc. she had collected during her journeys all over the
continent. Beautiful and colorful!
We walked four blocks up Arch Street to eat lunch at the farmers'
market and talk about our favorite parts of the exhibit. I loved
the pictures that included the children being taught by mothers
and grandmothers how to keep the culture by learning the art
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
A Mug for Mugs
1883:Black inventor Jan Matzeliger receives a patent for the shoe
lasting machine, which launches a mass production of shoes.
47and sunny so I took a short walk. Had laundry to do and wanted
to help Mom with hers. We send all but the underwear out to
wewashitlaundry which picks up and delivers. Everything comes
back all folded and clean-smelling.
Having some African Kitamu Bold coffee in my Tut mug. Since
I have too many things, I usually buy a mug instead of some other
souvenir of a trip or a meeting. Here are a few: Kucinich for
President, Titanic exhibit, Crossroads Coffeeshop. Tut, Wyeth
exhibit and the Louvre. I saw a PTI mug on ESPN today. As I
watch that program daily, I might buy that one.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Day three and the guys are still plowing, shoveling and spreading
ice. I hope they get a bonus payment.
Didn't get delivery of NY Times yesterday because of the weather
so I have two papers today and the Sunday Inquirer to keep
me happy and keep my brain functioning well.
I'm watching basketball. Mom's in bed sick with a stomach ache.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
diggin out
The hardware store musta sold a bunch of shovels today because
everyone I saw was carrying one. This guy was digging Danielle's
car out so they could go to a St. Pat's drinking party as so many
of the kids were. Chancy driving in this weather without driving
drunk too. I'll light some green candles.
@ the shopping center
There's always a snow hill after a storm where they pile the snow
they've plowed from the parking lot. We call it the Andorra Alps.
Didn't find what I was looking for @ Kohl's so I walked up to the
Acme and got bananas and orange juice;got a tuna hoagie from
Argento's and walked home against the wind which was strong.
Rally for Peace
Eating my hoagie and watching the rally in Washington at the Pentagon
on C-Span. I'm getting stronger and will be able to go to more rallies
by the time the weather gets warm. Have to stick with the local ones now.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Sleety Friday
Sleety sleety sleety. Didn't go out. At home
sending out more emails asking people to
support my walk in the Relay for Life, Hope
the site works this time.
Neighbors are starting to come home
early before driving conditions worsen.
Thursday Madness
Out to library to teach computers @ 11:30. Friend picked me up
@ 1pm and we went to Spoons for hot chocolate and sandwiches.
Then we went to Graham's to watch basketball: March Madness.
Going easy on the lagers. It was going to be a long day. Watched
some games til afer 5. Club opened then.
Chinese Buffet
At he club after 5. More lagers. More bball. Chinese buffet was
ready @ 7. All you could eat $5. Dee-licious, More lagers. More
ball. Duke lost. Ha ha. I'm not doing that well in my brackets. Home
1 ayem. Too too tired. Surprised I can still hang all day. zzzzzzz
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Another too soon lovely day
70º and sunny. Too much too soon for me. I WANT WINTER! This
warm stuff just saps my energy just when I was growing stronger
and feelin' good. Walked downhill 8 minutes and uphill 8 more to
dentist's office for cleaning and exam. Everything's OK.
Walked home a different route 25 minutes. Sweating like a sweat
machine. Carrying a bag with beef shephard's pie I bought at the
Farmer's Pride. Zuccini bread too. Yummy for the tummy.
The walls in the loo @ the dental office are covered small original
works by high school kids. Nice touch.
Mom & Sis out to doctor, diner for pancakes and new shoes.
Glad they're getting around together.
President Ujima @ work
Pres. George W pledges to help the poor in Latin America. He
promises to deliver " social justice" to the poor and struggling
Latin Americans left behind by the global economy.
As president, that's what I'll do for the poor and struggling in
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
66º and sunshiny. Took Mom out for a short walk. She spends too
much time indoors and won't go out unless someone is driving
her. Now that it's warmer, I'll get her out more.
As we sat on the bench talking, a kid I know came by with a bike.
He was packing to move and was going to egw dumpater to dispose
of the bike. I asked if I could have it. I gave it to Richard, one of the
maintenance workers whom I know has begun to work out. He said
he'd let me take his picture when he fot slimmer. Fat chance! (ow)
Monday, March 12, 2007
Munday Munday
so good to me.
Up too early to train wiith Sue. She had a podcast to do during our
regular time, so I switched time so she could keep that appointment.
Off to nail place afterwards and got manicure and pedicure. Nuff
sed. Ahhh.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Bon Anniversaire
Today is the second anniversity of Paris Daily Photo, the best
photo blog in the universe! I started my blog because of the
inspiration from Eric's blog. If you haven't seen it yet, please check
Saturday, March 10, 2007
President Ujima
We need a new president. I volunteer. Of course I was so tired
today from all the lifting, shifting and to-ing and froo-ing I've been
doing all week that I had to stay on the couch all day; but I could
govern from there. And there'd be people in the White House to
do my errands so I wouldn't get so tired.
So I'm on the couch reading the newspaper and listening to Jobim,
and I read of all the things W is going to do for the poor people in
the Americas where he's visiting. So make ME president and
I'll do those things for the poor people HERE.
62º today. I'll work on Global Warming right away too!
Friday, March 09, 2007
Another teaching moment
In the supermarket doing my monthly shopping and ran into an
older (70s?) neighbor. We started talking sports and agreed
neither of us like Kobe (who's in town to play the Sixers). We
agreed he had purposly fouled that guy for which he was
suspended the other day.
The he said. "That's the kind of behavior you'd expect from a
guy brought up in the blackghetto." Red light! Without seeming
angry at his double ignorance, I told him Kobe's caucasian background:
father professional basketball player, raised in Italy, when in America
raised and educated in Lower Merion, a wealthy Philadelphia suburb.
He just said, "Oh. OK." and walked away before I could tell him
that Kobe was named for that expensive beef in Japan:)
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Yes, today was a good day. The granddaughter of one of my
computer students had to do a report on patriotic songs from
WWII. So we *were* going to start with Google, but Ronnie
started singing, "The House I Live In" and it went uphill from
there. Older people who had come into the library to get a book
were attracted by the singing, came over, joined in and suggested
other songs to add to the list. The computer is wonderful, but
the memory of us oldsters is so beautiful and amazing!
Went to Panera for lunch with Mom & Sis after class. Had to get
some great bread to take home. Went next door to the Wine &
Spirits store. Got the shiraz because I love the bottle! It'll look
so great with flowers in it after the wine is through. G'day!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
A little snow
When I got up after noon, there was about an inch of snow
on the ground.
It's still coming down and blowing around.
Going to upload pictures from the Flower Show.
in an hour or so.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Who's That Guy??
At the PA Convention Center for three hours of joy: The Philadelphia
Flower Show. Tomorrow I'll post 30 or so pictures I took on one of
my blogs,ujimahereandthere. I'll let you know. It's supposed to snow
all day so working with pictures of flowers will be the perfect playtime.
Who is the guy in the picture and how did he get there? There were no
mirrors or reflecting surfaces where/when I took the picture. Is he a
leprechaun or one of their minions. Ooooooooo!
(Black Irish tee hee)
Monday, March 05, 2007
Darlin' Buds of March
beginning to bud again. And all the bad germs and stink
bugs are back. LET IT SNOW AND GET COLD.
Went to the gym at the Clubhouse for first training session
with Sue of Flip Fitness who runs all athletic classes etc.
She's really great! Her only fault is that she forgot to take a
picture. We'll get it next week.
Going to The Flower Show tomorrow. Expect to see *wonderful*
things here on Tuesday!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Sun Day
football game to enjoy, it's still a *great* day. A comfy couch. Two
thick newspapers to read. Scissors nearby to cut out articles to
mail to my BIL who doesn't do computers. Perfecto!
Today's the 100th anniversary of the Market Street Subway-El
Line. Everyone's favorite transport. Runs from one end of the city
to the other. Much better route than the Broad Street Subway
which just runs underground. Get on the first or last car of the
El and thrill to watching it go underground or rise from below.
When I took my school kids on trips, this was their second fave
part after the museums.
Free rides for all today. I'll just stay here on the couch, thanks.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Dance Diamond Sky
there is no place I'm going to."
That's how I felt yesterday. But today, after staying at the club
until 4:30 a.m., I'm *exhausted!!! But it was such fun.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Our Next Mayor?
that he is running for mayor. Does it matter to him that he doesn't
live in Philadelphia? that he is fighting tax evasion charges in
federal court? that he was arrested for dodging nine old traffic
citations in New jersey (where he lives?)?
Yesterday Mad Milton held a rally at City Hall. He said he wouldn't
run if less than 5000 came out to support him. He was only 4800
people short.
It saddens me that he has become a joke. He *was* a PA state
representative and senator and always was an activist, a
champion of the poor and disenfranchised. Now he has to stand
in the corner with the brothers of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Egg McMuffin, Baybee!
drove over and went with Mom to bank, hairdresser, library etc.
so I got up. And then it occured to me that I was up early enough for a
*treat*! And it *was* goooood!
Had four students for computer class. They're all doing so well.
Now for the bad news: I had to tell them I was getting new students
starting next week. They didn't take it well even after I reminded
them of how independent they are on the computer and can do/find
whatever they want to. Tough love, Baybee. Us over transfatted,
over proteined people are like that.