Thursday, March 01, 2007

Egg McMuffin, Baybee!

Egg McMuffin, Baybee!
Originally uploaded by ujima.
Hadn't had one in two years. Never get up early enough. But Sis
drove over and went with Mom to bank, hairdresser, library etc.
so I got up. And then it occured to me that I was up early enough for a
*treat*! And it *was* goooood!

Had four students for computer class. They're all doing so well.
Now for the bad news: I had to tell them I was getting new students
starting next week. They didn't take it well even after I reminded
them of how independent they are on the computer and can do/find
whatever they want to. Tough love, Baybee. Us over transfatted,
over proteined people are like that.

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