Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sun Day

Sun Day
Originally uploaded by ujima.
Ahhh Sunday! My favorite day of the week. Even without an Eagles'
football game to enjoy, it's still a *great* day. A comfy couch. Two
thick newspapers to read. Scissors nearby to cut out articles to
mail to my BIL who doesn't do computers. Perfecto!

Today's the 100th anniversary of the Market Street Subway-El
Line. Everyone's favorite transport. Runs from one end of the city
to the other. Much better route than the Broad Street Subway
which just runs underground. Get on the first or last car of the
El and thrill to watching it go underground or rise from below.
When I took my school kids on trips, this was their second fave
part after the museums.
Free rides for all today. I'll just stay here on the couch, thanks.

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