Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Buddin', originally uploaded by ujima.

66º and sunshiny. Took Mom out for a short walk. She spends too
much time indoors and won't go out unless someone is driving
her. Now that it's warmer, I'll get her out more.

As we sat on the bench talking, a kid I know came by with a bike.
He was packing to move and was going to egw dumpater to dispose
of the bike. I asked if I could have it. I gave it to Richard, one of the
maintenance workers whom I know has begun to work out. He said
he'd let me take his picture when he fot slimmer. Fat chance! (ow)


Ujima said...

The guy was taking the bike to the dumpster.

When I try to edit the post, the computer freezes up.

tea and cake said...

Ha ha, very good pun, Ujima!
We had some (cold) sunshine today, too!
Still can't smell Spring in the air yet, though ... soon, soon.