Friday, April 24, 2009

Borders' search

Borders' search, originally uploaded by ujima.

April 24 On this date in 1944, the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) was incorporated with 27 member colleges. UNCF is the nation's oldest and most successful minority higher education assistance organization.The UNCF’s mission is to enhance the quality of education by raising operating funds for their member colleges and universities, providing financial support to deserving students, and increasing access to technology for students and faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
UNCF has raised $2 billion in its 59 years of existence.

Sis took Mom to a new doctor in the nearby Chestnut Hill neighborhood. I walked up to Borders while they were there to search for a book for my sponsored children in Africa. Looking for a book of Philadelphia photography. Didn't find a suitable one so i'll buy the one I saw on then make notes on each page.
Did errands at the farmers' market and post office and met Mom & Sis for lunch.

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