Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Listen to the pouring rain

Listen to the pouring rain, originally uploaded by ujima.

April 15 marks the birthday of A. Phillip Randolph in 1889. He was an African-American labor and civil rights leader. Concerned over the treatment of Black employees on railroads, Randolph organized the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters in 1925. It was the first union of predominantly Black workers to be granted a charter by the American Federation of Labor. He was also one of the organizers of the 1963 March on Washington.

Still exhausted since yesterday, but I had to go out into the pouring rain and chilly winds to an appointment. Of course, the people never showed. Worse, I couldn't call them because I'd left my cellphone *at home*!!
Well, the phone wasn't there when I got home!! Called it. Heard no ringing. WHERE IS MY PHONE??

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