Friday, November 24, 2006

Black Friday

Black Friday, originally uploaded by ujima.

They call it Black Friday because it is the day retail
stores begin to come out of the red, and, with
Christmas shoppers, begin to make money--go into the
black. There were sales everywhere! (Hope people read
the fine print on the ads.) Some stores opened at 5,
even 3 ayem! And people were lined up to get to

In my family, we don't give Christmas presents to
anyone over 21 yo. We donate the money we *would have*
spent on gifts to a charity, and that organization
sends a card to the person/family you designate. That
way, on Christmas Day, we're not burned out and can
spend the day talking, laughing and singing. (During
the year, when you see something a person would like,
you buy it and give it to them.)

On the way home from therapy, I stopped in the
shopping center to pick up Mom's meds. The lot was
*jammed* with people there to shop at Kohl's which had
opened at 5 ayem.
Happy Holidays 8>D


Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

That's a really good idea! Who came up with the idea first - the over 21 thing - and did everyone agree? Thanks for giving my cheltenham link to your friend - look forward to seeing them!

Ujima said...

I thought of it about 15 years ago, Lynn, while we were going through another two-hour gift fest. Everyone said "Yessssss!" It has really made our holidays more meaningful and relaxed.