Saturday, November 18, 2006

Club IDs

Club.ids, originally uploaded by ujima.

Well, to be served at our clubhouse, you have to wear a bracelet
to show you're a member. I refuse to do
this. I have a club ID card and that
should be enough.While I was away
talking to someone, the bartender put
these bracelets on my glass.


Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

lol at bartender. i agree with you though why band as well as card? Seems like wearing belt & braces to me !

Ujima said...

>>Seems like wearing belt & braces to me ! >>
LOL, Lynn.
It's just this guy. The others on other shifts and other days don't mind. He just doesn't like it that I'm the only person who won't wear the bracelet. Muffin!