Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Another too soon lovely day

Another too soon lovely day, originally uploaded by ujima.

70º and sunny. Too much too soon for me. I WANT WINTER! This
warm stuff just saps my energy just when I was growing stronger
and feelin' good. Walked downhill 8 minutes and uphill 8 more to
dentist's office for cleaning and exam. Everything's OK.

Walked home a different route 25 minutes. Sweating like a sweat
machine. Carrying a bag with beef shephard's pie I bought at the
Farmer's Pride. Zuccini bread too. Yummy for the tummy.

The walls in the loo @ the dental office are covered small original
works by high school kids. Nice touch.

Mom & Sis out to doctor, diner for pancakes and new shoes.
Glad they're getting around together.

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