Thursday, March 08, 2007


G'day!, originally uploaded by ujima.

Yes, today was a good day. The granddaughter of one of my
computer students had to do a report on patriotic songs from
WWII. So we *were* going to start with Google, but Ronnie
started singing, "The House I Live In" and it went uphill from
there. Older people who had come into the library to get a book
were attracted by the singing, came over, joined in and suggested
other songs to add to the list. The computer is wonderful, but
the memory of us oldsters is so beautiful and amazing!

Went to Panera for lunch with Mom & Sis after class. Had to get
some great bread to take home. Went next door to the Wine &
Spirits store. Got the shiraz because I love the bottle! It'll look
so great with flowers in it after the wine is through. G'day!

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