Saturday, March 10, 2007

President Ujima

President Ujima, originally uploaded by ujima.

We need a new president. I volunteer. Of course I was so tired
today from all the lifting, shifting and to-ing and froo-ing I've been
doing all week that I had to stay on the couch all day; but I could
govern from there. And there'd be people in the White House to
do my errands so I wouldn't get so tired.

So I'm on the couch reading the newspaper and listening to Jobim,
and I read of all the things W is going to do for the poor people in
the Americas where he's visiting. So make ME president and
I'll do those things for the poor people HERE.

62ยบ today. I'll work on Global Warming right away too!


Mildred de Tosta said...

Ujima I think you would make a great president! I'm very much enjoying your most interesting and informative blog. I visited your photos too and I adore your family with Santa Claus pics!

Ujima said...

Thank you *very* much, Mildred. I'll talk to Tony B about making you ambassador to the United States. Then we can hang out.