Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Mug for Mugs

A Mug for Mugs, originally uploaded by ujima.

1883:Black inventor Jan Matzeliger receives a patent for the shoe
lasting machine, which launches a mass production of shoes.

47and sunny so I took a short walk. Had laundry to do and wanted
to help Mom with hers. We send all but the underwear out to
wewashitlaundry which picks up and delivers. Everything comes
back all folded and clean-smelling.

Having some African Kitamu Bold coffee in my Tut mug. Since
I have too many things, I usually buy a mug instead of some other
souvenir of a trip or a meeting. Here are a few: Kucinich for
President, Titanic exhibit, Crossroads Coffeeshop. Tut, Wyeth
exhibit and the Louvre. I saw a PTI mug on ESPN today. As I
watch that program daily, I might buy that one.

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