Sunday, September 10, 2006


IT'S AWN!!, originally uploaded by ujima.

Sis came over @ 9:30 AYEM!! She's in the 3rd day after
chemo and the side effects are beginning, mostly her
bones are achy. I did bacon&eggs, toast&coffee for
everyone. We talked about what she's been told to
expect in the coming days/weeks.

Of course she was wearing her #5 shirt and Super Bowl
hat and I was wearng gear too. Mom has a Westbrook
shirt, but it's so big and she's so small so she just
hold it instead of wearing it.

The game was so exciting! Sis had to adjust many
pillows and many positions to get her niche. We
chanted and sang the fight song after every touchdown.

We were impressed by the anti81. We got our money's
worth: no stall in that guy. Here's looking forward to
a great season!

E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!

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