Monday, August 07, 2006

Thank you for Relay for Life Success

Thank you for Relay for Life Success
Originally uploaded by ujima.

(I spent yesterday and today with my sister, talking, watching our E-A-G-L-E-S.
Her diagnosis *is* cancer. My nephew drove my other sister up from Baltimore today
and we all hung and talked. Mom doesn't know yet about the diagnosis. My oldest
sister died of cancer at age 60.) Sis is going to rural Massachusetts with friends
tomorrow for five days. No TV, no cell reception. They'll play guitars and sing,
tell stories and keep good thoughts.)

Dear Friend,
Thank you for supporting me and my team, Coyle's Café, in the 2006 Relay for
Life of Roxborough/Manayunk. Your contribution helped our team raise $8418.50,
and the event netted over $65,OOO for American Cancer Society research,
education, advocacy and patient services.
Even though it was a hot day and we had some rain, participation was up, and
we surpassed our event goal. (I made it round the track twice!) We honored 69
local cancer survivors in the survivor lap. (I was the longest survivor--25
years.) Hundreds of luminaria were written with special remembrances.
Thank you to the Summit Park Clubhouse for allowing us to host our fundraiser
there and to all the wonderful residents who gave donations.
I hope I can count on you again next year in supporting my and my team's
efforts or joining on the fight against cancer.

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