Thursday, October 26, 2006

Sleep Walking

Sleep Walking, originally uploaded by ujima.

A bright sunshiny day with gusting winds. Two steps forward,
one step back as I walked uphill to the library. My usual routine
is to go to bed between 3 & 4 a.m. and arise about 11:30 or noon.
On days when there's therapy or another appointment, I'm sure
to make an afternoon one. People know not to telephone
before 12:30 p.m.

But on Thursdays, I have to get up early because Tracy comes
to clean the place. There's the roar of hoovering and
the aromas of cleaning liquids.

I'm grumpy on Thursday mornings until I see my students--so
cheerful, and eager to learn to use the computer at their age.
Today Mani was *thrilled* to receive his first-ever email. And
it contained *pictures* of his grandkids in S.C. Makes getting
up early well worthwhile.

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